Chapter 14

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Okay there's a picture of Jayden played as Fransisco Lachowski if that's how you spell his name? and yes I did get that picture off of Tumbler. Enjoy reading!

Chapter 14


Everywhere I looked. Every hall, every window, every wall. Was covered with pictures of me crying.

Remember when Jayden broke up with me and I collapsed on the ground and Josh came to me? Yeah pictures, everywhere, were that one shot, that one moment. I was crying on the ground with Josh holding me in his arms as we were in front of Jayden's car, in front of the whole crowd and now that I look at the picture, people were staring at me.

But right there in the middle of it. There stood the player and the queen bee themselves, smirking. Nicole had her hands on her hips and one foot out and was looking at me smirking. Behind her stood the devil, with his arms crossed over his chest, stood Jayden.

My breathing got more quicker and I was freaking out. How the hell did they get this picture?!

The one thing that cut me out of my thoughts is what Josh said.

"You little bastard" Josh growled.

He started walking towards Jayden when I stepped forward and grabbed his arm.

"Stop...Josh please don't" I quietly pleaded as tears ran down my face.

"What do you mean don't he said he wouldn't hurt you! He promised me and you and the guys. I have every fucking right to hurt him right now" he said as his eyes got darker.

"Yeah come on, Styles. Let's see what your brother can start but can't finish" Jayden spoke smirking and holding his arms up from his sides.

Josh ripped his arm from my grip and was about to hit Jayden when Josh's crew pushed him back. Literally. Pushed.

"Awe come on...Don't take the fun out of this" Jayden said.

"Stop" I said glaring and growling at him.

"What?" He chuckled looking at me.

"You heard me, Smith. You can hurt me, go ahead, throw what you have at me I can take it on. But you will not start fights with my family and friends. So please be my guest and try me" I stepped up to him.

He looked down at me and I looked up at him. Our bodies were close, our breaths were mixed and he was so close.

"Babe" Nicole said putting her hand on his shoulder while smiling like the devil at me.

"By the way Jayden...You guys would make the perfect couple...Schools player is with the schools slut" I said putting as much venom as I could in my words.

Nicole gasped and went to slap me but I grabbed her wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, sweetie" and twisted her wrist. "Bring it on" I said looking Jayden straight in the eyes.

I let go of Nicole's wrist and walked backwards not taking my eyes off of Jayden and Nicole.

"Come on guys" I said to Josh's crew but I felt like they were mine cause I ordered them around and they listened.


"Summer!" I heard a voice of my best friend.


"Hey what's up?" I said.

"I heard what happened this morning. Are you okay?" He asked worried.

"Oh, I'm better then okay" I smiled.

His eyes were fix on something behind me so I turned around.

Right there. Face down in the middle of the whole cafeteria.

Jayden and Nicole were sucking faces.

Don't let it get to you. He's just trying to get to you. I told myself

Yeah well it's working! My subconscious said.

Shut up!

"Summer?" I heard Caleb.

"Caleb, I'm fine with it. Like I said they are the perfect couple. The player and The slut. Plus I thought that's how it was suppose to happen? Also, Nicole can have her happy fucking ending." I said

"You sure you're fine?" He said looking at me suspiciously.

"Caleb...If he wants to play it this way, then so be it. But I'm fine...Wait actually I'm more than fine, I'm perfect" I smiled sweetly at him.

"Okay" he laughed.

We got some lunch and sat down with Abby and the boys and Josh.


"Come on girls!" I yelled."You guys can do this!"

I ran and did a front hand spring then a back hand spring and two girls lifted me up on top of a small pyramid.


They put me down and I gave them all high-fives.

"Good job girls! Go and head to the showers" I said and they all headed to the girls locker room.

"Looked good up there" Cue the eye roll.

"What may I help you with, Smith?" I said turning to him while taking a drink of my water.

Freezing cold water. Ahhh refreshing.

"Lo-" I cut him off  "Jayden I don't need any sorries from you. I guess you're more happy with Nicole and I hope you are. I guess you guys are better off with each other but I have to hit the shower so I'll talk to you later, yeah?" Lie. I don't want to ever talk to him.

"U-uh yeah. Sure" he said and walked off to the boys locker room.

Right when I packed everything and took my shower and was in a neon pink t-shirt and some white jean shorts that were really short. I guess you could call them booty shorts?

"Summer!" What now!

I looked around and then saw one of the football players heading towards me I think his name was Nick.

"Uh hey what's up Nick?" I asked

"Josh...Your brother...Just come quick" He said and pulled me.

"I can't go in there!" I yelled as he pulled me to the men's locker room.

"Your virgin eyes won't get hurt so you're fine" Did he just say virgin?

"Get off of me!" I heard Jayden

When I walked in Josh was beating the crap out of Jayden....He deserves it.

You still like Jayden! Help him out! My subconscious said.

"Josh! Get off of him!" I yelled trying to get him off.

"Leave Summer!" He yelled back.


I'm so going to hate myself  I thought before saying, "I love him" loud enough for him to hear...and honestly it wasn't a lie.

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