Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Well today was the day.


After school Abby came over and got started right away. She curled my hair in big bouncy curls. She did my make up with a white shimmery smoky eye and put mascara on and black eyeliner on my water line, she put pink lip gloss on me and then put big hooped earrings in my ears. I got up and went to the bathroom to change into my dress. When I got out I put on my white glittering pumps.

After I was done I got started on Abby. I curled her hair and put a small bump on the top of her head. I decided to go natural on her since she doesn't like a lot of make up sometimes. I put a thin layer of eyeliner on her top lid then used a pencil eyeliner to put on her water lime. I put a thin layer of mascara and then finished off the look with a clear lip gloss that tasted and smelt like cupcakes. She went into the bathroom and changed into her dress then put on her black pumps. We both finished our looks by putting dangled bracelts on and a necklace with a heart on them.

By the time we were done my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone.

"Hey Lynn. I can't pick you up, I've lost track of time with homework and then I had to head to the cleaners to get my suit and my car broke down on the way and I just got my car running again and I won't have time to pick you up. I'm so sorry" Caleb rushed.

"Okay that's fine. Do you just want to meet by the front door?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. I'll see ya soon, Lynn" Caleb said before hanging up.

"I guess I'm riding with you guys" I told Abby.

"Why?" She responded.

"Caleb lost track of time with homework and went to go get his suit but on the way to get his suit his car broke down and he just got it fixed, so he can't pick me up" I said sitting on my bed.

"Well, at least you're gonna be with us" Was her response before a knock came at the door.

"Come in!" I shouted.

The boys walked in with their suits on and their hair all done. To say they looked good was an understatement. They looked like princes, without the crown and they were all bad boys.

"You guys look amazing and beautiful" Cameron said.

"I thought the only words for a girl in your vocabulary was 'hot' and 'smoking' nice to know you have more words" Abby smirked.

"Funny" He replied glaring at her.

"You guys ready to go?" My brother asked.

"Yup" Abby and I said in sync.

We all went down stairs and after dad got pictures of me and my brother we all filed into the car, or should I say limo. When we got into the limo the limo was filled with laughter and jokes as we made our way to prom.
When we got there and we all got out of the limo I saw Caleb waiting by the front door to our school. Everyone walked in accept for me, I went to Caleb.

"You look amazing" he said.

"Thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" I replied.

"Here," he said getting out a corsage.

"Thanks" I said as he wrapped it around my wrist.

His phone made a beep and he checked it. He smiled at whatever it was and he looked at me.

"Ready to go in?" He asked

"Ready as I'll ever be" Was my reply before we started heading into he building.

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