Chapter 10

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Okay there's the picture of Jayden doing push-ups over summer and then kissing her and don't ask I'm weird lol. Enjoy the chapter!!

Chapter 10

Being trap with 12 boys would be heaven, right? Wrong! It's a hell house. After two hours of them getting know each other, they like, became friends. Like instantly.

"No, stop guys! Ah!" I yelled.

"You can't run forever!" Zach said running after me.

After beating the boys in a couple of challenges they decided to get up and chase me around the house, even Josh and Jayden.

"Ah!" I yelled. Jayden popped out of now where!

"Gotcha" he whispered in my ear from behind. Followed by tingles that went down my spine.

"This isn't fair guys! I beat you guys in games, so what?! Face it, you lost to a girl!" I said struggling to get out of Jayden's hold which was no use, he was too strong.

I got thrown on the coach and my arms and legs were pinned down by Kevin, Keaton, Damon, and Cameron. Next thing I know, I'm being tickled by Xander, Brandon, Zach, Shawn, Jacob, and Aaron. While I was being tickled to death, Josh and Jayden smirked and did high fives, like they won a battle.

"P-Please...S-Stop!" I said. I was laughing so hard that I started crying.

"Okay boys that's enough" Jayden said but Josh's boys didn't listen because Jayden isn't their boss.

"Boys enough" Josh said "Okay, new rule, whatever Jayden says my gang follows and whatever I say your gang follows" Josh added.

"Sounds fair enough" Jayden agreed.

They let go and I whipped my tears that had fallen. I'm so pissed at all of them right now. I pushed past Josh and Jayden and started walking up stairs.

"I'll go talk to her" I heard Jayden say.

I walked into my room and slammed my door. Just for dramatic affect. I walked to my bed and flopped down on it, laying on my side, my back facing the door.

Seconds later I heard the door open and close.

"What do you want?" I said harshly.

"Babe, why are you so mad?" Jayden said as he walked to the side of my bed.

"You guys know I hate being tickled" I said.

"Baby, we were just joking around" He said, I felt the bed dip then I felt a strong arm wrap around my waist. I turned around to face him and I snuggled up to him. "Summer?" He said nervousness in his voice.

"Yeah?" I said looking up.

I looked up and saw his eyes. The eyes I fell for. My eyes locked with his and we were just staring at each other.

"I-I um...Summer, I love you" he said.

What?! Omg, he loves me.

"I love you too, Jayden" I smiled.

He unwrapped his arm from my waist and lifted my chin up. He leaned down and kissed me and I responded. His kiss was slow, passionate, and a little eager.

We heard a soft knock causing us to pull away from each other, we started laughing. We got up, walked to the door and I opened it and Cameron was standing there.

"Movies on. You coming down?" He said.

"Nah, I think we'll pass" I said.

"Okay, no nasty stuff" he said.

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