Chapter 13

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There's a picture of Summer crying but pretend that's not a random girl (WINKS) okay enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 13

I sat in bed just sitting there crying and crying.

Till I heard something on my balcony.

I looked at my balcony doors from my bed and just sat there. Me being stupid, got up from my bed and hesitantly opened my balcony doors but then came face to face with Cameron.

"Cameron?! What are you doing here it's like 1 o'clock in the morning" I whisper/yelled.

"I know that. But we all won the race and gave the money to Jayden" Once he said his name I wanted to cry all over again but I was so not going to cry in front of Cameron.

"Did he get all the money he needs?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, more actually, he got his 5k" He rolled his eyes. "Need a hug?"

"Yeah" I whimpered.

I hugged him and sniffled while his right hand moved up and down my back and then he soothed my hair down with his left.

"I won't let anyone hurt you ever again" He said.

"You should go before my brother comes and freaks out...Plus we have school tomorrow" I sighed.

"Yeah...I love you in a brotherly way, even though I hit on you" he smirked.

"Shut up and leave" I laughed. "and I love you too"

He kissed my forehead then hopped off my balcony which I don't see how he didn't get hurt cause my balcony is on the second floor.

I looked up at Jayden balcony and saw his light on. I wanted to go there so bad and just jump in his arms and him tell me it was a mistake and that he didn't want to let me go and then he would kiss me and I would take him back.

But I couldn't.

I went back to my room and shut the balcony doors. I crawled back into bed and just eventually cried myself to sleep.


"Sis wake up, before you miss school...You have 20 more minutes" Josh said shaking me.

"Ugh fine" I mumbled.

He left my room and I got up and went to my bathroom and my eyes were blood shot red so I put eye drops in and it cleared up my eyes. I went to my closet and pulled out a white tank top and then I put my black leather jacket on then I got on some ripped jeans .

I went to the bathroom and put eyeliner and mascara on and quickly put loose curls in my hair. I put on a fake smile cause I might be broken but I can't be for the school.

I walked down stairs and grabbed my car keys.

"Let's go" I said.

"Aight...Hey, you okay?" Josh asked.

"I'm perfect" I smiled my best big smile.

"Okay..." He said not believing me.

I got into my car but before I left I saw Jayden's car already gone. I got into my car and we drove to school. When we pulled into the parking lot everyone looked at me.

When I got out of my car people were snickering and laughing and others were giving me a sad look.

"What's going on?" Josh said in my ear.

"I have no clue" I said.

When we were about to open the door Josh's crew went in the way.

"I don't think you wanna go in there" Cameron said panicked.

"Why not?" Josh said.

"Uhhh...Cause it's a good day. Don't you think?" He said worried.

"Open the damn door" I demanded.

"But yo-" I cut him off "Open up. Now" I said glaring at all of them.

They looked at Josh.

"Come on boys. Open the doors" he said.

They all looked at each other and opened the doors.

Oh my god. No!

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