Chapter 4

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(Authors Note)

There's a picture of Nicole so you know what she looks like. Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 4

When I woke up the next morning everything came back from last night. I looked over to my side and Jayden wasn't there I was happy but sad. Sad because he wasn't there. Happy because we were together last night. 'Stay away from Jayden he's bad' I remember what Josh said. He's right I have to stay away from him.

'But you like him?" my subconscious said.

'No I don't, He's a player and I've always hated him ever since I moved here.' I thought.

"Keep telling yourself that, Honey"

I got out of bed and went to my bathroom. I took a quick shower brushed my teeth and put on some make up. I didn't bother curling my hair so I just left it down. I went to my closet. I pulled out a black tank top, white shorts, a hoodie and I stole my brothers hat that had a 'M' sign for the energy drink named Monster.

I went down stairs and it was quite when I went to the kitchen and I then found a note.

Dear summer,

Went out to the garage so if you need anything just call me... remember not to go to Jayden's and I'll be back around 11

(P.S stay safe and call if you need me)


Wow okay so I'll be stuck at the house for two hours okay...

I got some cereal and went to the living room and watched some tv.

'I wonder what Jayden's doing?' I thought. Wait no!

Yeah well my mind got the better of me and said fuck this!

I went and I finished eating then ran up the stairs to my balcony. I wonder if Jayden's still asleep? I hopped over to his balcony and opened the door.

Dumbass left the door unlocked.

I walked in and he had his shirt off. I went over to his side and got in his bed, pulling the covers over me. I snuggled up to him and laid my head on his bare chest then wrapped my arm around him, I lightly traced my fingers on his side.

A couple of minutes later he started waking up.

"What the-?" He said in a husky voice. Damn.

"Ahh!" He yelled and I started cracking up. "Summer how did-?" He looked over and saw his balcony doors open. "Clever girl" He mumbled.

"Good morning sleepy head." I said and ruffled his hair. He glared at me but sat up. "Come one lets go do something" I groaned.

He chuckled "Okay okay. Let me go get ready." He said.

He went to his bathroom and I was looking around when I saw his phone on his side table.

I took his phone and took like I think 47 selfies before he came back out.

"Hey!" He said trying to grab his phone but I held it behind my back. I smirked and looked at him he was holding his boxers and basketball shorts in his hand and he had a towel wrapped dangerously low on his hips showing a v-line and his six pack was on full display.

"No" I said.

He smirked then came up to me and he was towering over me and our chest were touching but I was still confident.

"What was that?" he said in a suductive voice.

"I said, no" I smirked.

We were staring at each other when he looked down at my lips. He started leaning down and then 'BAM' he was kissing me and I dropped his phone on the ground and I quickly responded. I had sparks coming from my stomach and his lips felt so right to be on mine. Our lips moved in sync and I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms went around my waist and he deepened the kiss.

'Don't moan' I thought to myself.

"You're a damn good kisser" he said pulling away and resting his forehead on mine.

I pouted "Way to ruin the moment" I said

"Welcome" He said and my mouth opened."Now let me get finished getting ready" He said pulling away, when he pulled away, his warmth went away too.

I ran to his bed and flopped down on it and my hoodie went up and I pulled it down before he could of noticed.

He finished getting ready and he looked so hot. He had on some dark jeans, some white Jordan's, a white t-shirt, his leather jacket on, and his hair was messy but hot.

"Okay, come on, let's go" I said.

He chuckled as I grabbed his hand and walked down his stairs.

"Good morn- who's this?" I'm guessing his mom said.

"Mom, this is Summer and she lives next door. Before you get the wrong idea, she came into my room this morning and scared the shit out of me" he said glaring at me. I giggled.

"Well, hello Summer" she said sticking out her hand for me to shake.

"Good morning, Mrs.Smith." I said shaking her hand.

"Oh please call me Carrie" she said smiling and I smiled back. "Would you guys like to eat some breakfast? I just got done making pancakes." she said smiling at us as she whipped off her hands.

I looked up at Jayden. "Um, yeah sure, mom" he said.

"Pancakes!!!" I heard a voice and in cane a running little girl from the stairs.

"That's my little sister, Lizzy" Jayden whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spin.

"Okay" I said.

We walked in and Lizzy stopped to looked at me.

"Who's that?" She said.

"Lizzy, this is Summer... Summer this is Lizzy" he said picking her up and he brought her up to me.

"She's pretty" She said and I blushed.

"She's not pretty" Jayden paused and I looked at him shocked. "She's beautiful" He said. I blushed a lot more. Probably looking like a tomato.

"Breakfast is ready!!" Carrie said.

We went to sit when Lizzy came up to me.

"Can I sit on your lap?" She said in a sweet voice.

"Yes you sure can" I smiled at her. I picked her up and sat her down on my lap.

I looked over at Jayden and saw him smiling at me.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing" he said chuckled while shaking his head.

I just shook my head and started to eat when I felt a hand on my knee, I ignored it but then it started to go up and my eyes widen. I put my hand on Jayden's and stopped it. I looked over at him and he smirked. I pulled my hand back and started eating.


"Are you coming back, Summer?" Lizzy asked.

"Um sure... I'll be here when ever you need me." I smiled and bent down on my knees so I was eye level with her.

"Yay!" She said suddenly hugging me. I hesitated but hugged her back.

"Come on sis, we gotta go" Jayden said impatient.

"Okay" she pouted.

We said our goodbyes then we went to Jayden's car. He opened my door and I thanked him. He got into his side and we pulled out of the drive way and we went down the road.

•Edited- 10/17/16•
*Second Edit- 01/29/18*

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