Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

For the rest of the time we just snuggled and kissed once in a while and we talked about what we planned to do when school was out.

It was still bugging me when he said he was graduating. I mean are we still going to date and only see each other over the holidays and weekends? I mean that's not enough for me. What if we break up and he finds a different girl?!

Oh god what if he finds another girl?

No stop thinking that! My subconscious said to me.

But it's true!

Its was 7:36pm and we were in the middle of watching Paranormal activity and to say I was scared out of my mind was crazy. I jumped every time and Jayden would laugh and snuggle me closer to him.

"Oh god!" I screamed and hid my head in Jayden's chest.

Jayden laughed and I looked at him and glared at the side of his head. He turned his head to look at me and he was smirking.

"You shouldn't glare. It doesn't fit you" He said which cause me to glare at him more.

He smiled and kissed me. It took me a little but I finally responded to him. I wrapped my left arm around him and my right hand was resting on his chest. Jayden's right arm was wrapped around my waist pulling me to him more-if that was even possible- into him and his left arm was proping him up. Jayden moved so he was hovering over me and his arms were holding him up and my arms were wrapped round his neck. Jayden went to move but we were inturrpted by a voice.

"Summer Lynn!"

I jumped and Jayden rolled off my bed ending up on the floor. I looked at my door and saw my dad standing there with an angry facial expression.

"Hey daddy" I saved waving at him awkwardly.

"Jayden leave." He said looking at Jayden who was standing there awkwardly.

"Yes sir" He said. He went to my balcony door and opened it then closed it as he left.

"Really dad?" I said huffing.

"Where was that going to lead?" He said crossing his arms.

"No where dad. Jayden wouldn't push me, he knows I'm not ready and he's one of your top gang leaders, shouldn't you trust him?" I replied getting off my bed to turn off the movie.

"Not with my daughter. Summer, where was that going to go if I hadn't of walked in here?" He said.

I flushed at what it might have gone to but it never gets that far.

"Dad, no where. You need to trust Jayden and I. He won't push me and I trust him when it comes to...that" I can't even say the word.

"I want to have him over for dinner tomorrow. He might be my top gang leader but I don't know him that well. He can come back over just leave this door cracked a little." He said finally walking out the door and closing it but leaving a crack.

I rolled my eyes and got up from my bed again and started walking to my door. I opened my door and Jayden was already there.

"Were you listening?" I said as he walked in.

"No. Those doors are sound proof" he said leaning on my bed post.

"Wanna finish watching the movie?" I said pointing to the TV and Xbox with my thumb.

"I don't care" he shrugged not even moving from the spot he was in.

"Are you okay?" I asked walking to him then stopped when I was in front of him.

"Does your father...He wants to meet me?" He said finally looked at me.

"I thought you said you weren't listening?" I said.

"Well I wasn't but I cracked the door open and I heard your dad say that" He replied.

"Yeah he wants to actually meet you. I mean you already know him I don't see the point" I shrugged.

"Sum, I don't know him, know him. I know him by the buisness. Meeting your dad is like...a big deal" he said.

"Then meet him. I can make dinner tonight. And we can get this over with. But warning Josh is just half of my father" I said walking to the door.

Jayden clasped my hand in his and turned me around," How about not tonight. I mean your dad did walk in and that wasn't really a good impression" he said.

"Okay, yeah your right." I replied laughing.

"Wanna....finish what we started" he smirked.

"The movie or the make out?" I said crossing my amrs.

"I was thinking the make out but the movie is fine. Plus, don't want your dad walking by now do we?" He said pulling me to my bed.

I laughed and layed down on my bed as he put the movie in.

"So are you gonna do anything for the talent show since you do sing well" I said when he laid back down.

"Yes, actually I am" He said, setting his hand on my waist and pulling me closer.

"And what do you think your doing, Mr. Bad boy?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I just want a kiss from my hot girlfriend" he said starting to kiss my jaw then sarted to roam my jaw and  neck to find my sweet spot.

When he found it I bit my lip too suppress a moan coming from my mouth. He trailed down and once in a while no doubt leaving hickeys. He moved me so I was laying on my back and he was semi-hovering over me. He started kissing back up to me and finally his lips were on mine. Our lips moved in sync and I couldn't help but to run my fingers through his hair.

I pulled back before it could get more heated.

"Aren't you the one who said you didn't want my dad to walk by?" I said putting my finger to his chest.

He just looked down at me and frowned. I laughed and pushed him and he landed on his back with a grunt.

"Snuggles!" I said snuggling up to him.

"Just snuggles?" He asked.

"Yup" I replied popping the 'p'

He laughed and wrapped his arm around me and we got in a comfortable position.

Before I knew it we were both fast asleep.

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