Chapter 6

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(Authors Note)

The video is Jayden and his gang dancing. Just pretend it isn't Chris brown (winks) Hope you enjoy this chapter it was a lot of writing.

Chapter 6

We opened the studio doors and I saw five other guys.

"Hey... what's up, my man?" A guy said giving Jayden a hug and a shake thing guys do.

"What's up man" Jayden said. "Oh guys I want you guys to meet Summer Style's. Summer this is Kevin, Aarron, Keaton, and Shawn and Jacob." Jayden said.

I couldn't move... Keaton was here... Yes Keaton, my ex.

"Hey summer" they all said in sync.

"Hey guys" I said shyly.

"So we finally get to meet the one and only Summer" Kevin said slinging an arm over me.

"What does that mean?" I said.

"He talks ab- Ow what the hell man?" He said rubbing his arm.

"Don't put your arm over her" Jayden growled and pulled me over to him. I just laughed.

'Possessive much' I thought

"Fine sheesh" Kevin said.

I looked over at Keaton and he winked at me. "shit" I said out loud.

Uh, oh.

"What?" Jayden said.

"Oh um forgot I have to be home by 8" I said."And can we um talk?" I said not meeting his eyes.

"Yeah sure" He said.

We walked out to the hall.

"What's up?" He said taking my hands in his and leaning against the hallway wall.

"Keaton..." I trailed off.

"What about him?" Jayden said.

"He...I used to date him until he cheated on me with...Nicole" I said and I felt him tense up.

"He what?" He said anger flashed in his eyes.

"Yeah..." I said, he dropped my hands and went into the room "No, stop, Jayden!"

It was to late he punched Keaton in the mouth and Keaton was on the floor. Jayden went to hit him again but Kevin, Aaron, and Shawn and Jacob pushed him back.

"You hurt her!" Jayden yelled.

"What the fuck!" Keaton said and got up to hit him but I got in front of him.

"Stop...Keaton, please." I pleaded.

His eyes went soft.

"Summer you know I never meant to hurt you" he said taking my hand in his.

"Don't touch her!" Jayden said getting off the wall but was pushed back again.

"Keaton...You had sex with Nicole...When we were dating.... I was going to give myself to you" I whispered the last part.

Yeah, if you didn't know, I'm still a virgin.

"Summer, I'm so sorry she's the one who did it. S-she drugged me" He stuttered.

"She what?!" I said.

"She drugged me and forced me, I didn't mean to and when I woke up and you were in the door with Nicole by me I figured out what happened. I told you, it was a mistake." He said."Please summer... I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt you" he said.

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