Chapter 2

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(Authors Note)

Hey guys so that picture is a picture of yeah, I hope you enjoy this chapter ((: okay bye guys.


Chapter 2

I woke the next day to my alarm and curled my hair with loose curls. I put on black skinny jeans, a dark blue tank top, a leather jacket with sleeves that went to my elbows, and I put my black converse on. I grabbed my back pack and went down stairs.

"Good morning, daddy" I said as I kissed him on the cheek.

"Good morning... Oh, your brother and I picked up your car so here are your keys." he said and handed me my keys.

"Yes! Thank you!" I said and then I heard Josh coming down.

"You ready to drive your car again?" he said.

"Yes I am." I said smiling.

"Well, come on then"/he said.

I went outside and right when I walked out Jayden was getting on his bike. He looked at me and smirked then winked and drove off.

"What was that about?" Josh said.

"Huh? Oh, I don't know." I said shrugging.

"Okay" he said.

I walked to my car and got in. "Mmm, I love you baby. I'm so sorry" I said to my car.

What? Don't judge.

I started my car and backed out of the drive.

When I pulled up to the school to find a parking spot, people started staring at my car. "Heh heh.. ya that's right, stare at the star." I said. I shut off the engine and walked out and my brother came up to my side.

"You happy?" He said.

"Hell yeah" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"See ya later." he said and walked off.

"Nice car" I heard a familiar voice.

"Thanks" I said.

Jayden walked up to me and looked at me and smiled like a real smile. No smirk or smug look, it was a real one. "You look hot today by the way." He said and I blushed.

"Thanks... you don't look half bad." I said.

He wore his leather jacket like he did everyday, wore some dark jeans, some black vans, and a white t-shirt.

"Jayden!" We stopped and I heard heels. Of course. The slut has arrived. I gagged inside my head.

"Hey Nicole." he said irritated.

"I'm gonna go... I can't stand her." I said rolling my eyes.

"I'll meet you at your locker?" He questioned grabbing my wrist.

"Yeah" I smiled.

I few moments later I saw Jayden walking towards me. I looked at him and notice he had a bruise on his jaw and a black eye.

"How was the fight?" I frowned once he arrived at my locker.

"Haha, it was fine" He chuckled and leaned up against the lockers.

"You have a black eye, Jayden." I said frowning again and putting my hand on his cheek.

"Hey, princess. I won and I'm fine." He said taking my hand off his cheek.

"Okay" I said then the bell rung for first hour.

"Come on" He said. He wrapped his arm on my shoulders.

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