Chapter 25

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I woke up to the song 'Often' by The Weekend ringing.

Then I realized it was my phone.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Where the hell are you? I've called you like twenty time's" An angry Brother said.

"I'm uh" At Jayden's, "at Abby's. Why?" I asked.

"That's weird. I just got off the phone with her. Summer, where the hell are you?" He growled.

"I'm at Jayden's" I sighed sitting up and holding the sheet to my body.

"Dad is pissed. We were supposed to have dinner. But two love birds didn't show up" He said as I heard talking in the backround.

"Shit! We're on our way" I said then hung up.

I turned my head to see Jayden laying on his stomach and his head into the pillow with both his arms under it.

"Jay" I said shaking him.

He groaned but didn't move.

"My dad is going to kill us if we don't get over there" I said standing up and grabbing my clothes.

"Why?" He said sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Dinner" I said.

His eyes went wide and he started getting ready.

Thirty minutes later I was dressed into a short white dress that had thin straps. I put on black pumps and redid my make up and hair. Jayden got dressed into a white dress shirt and black dress pants and shoes. He spiked his hair a little and we ran out of the house rushing into mine.

"So sorry" I said as we went ran to the kitchen

There standing at the kitchen island was a pissed of Father and Brother.

"Tell me why you guys are late when you both planed this" my father growled galring at us.

I've never seen him this pissed.

"We uh...I'm sorry?" I squeaked.

"What was so important that had to miss this?" Josh questioned.

I looked at Jayden and he looked at me.

We both looked at them. They looked at us then looked at Jayden and their face had a look of recognition.

"You didn't" My father said shaking his head.

"I'm sorry daddy" I said backing up.

"Josh...Get me my gun" Father said walking towards us.

"Daddy please don't." I pleaded.

"You have 5 seconds before I kill you Jayden" Father growled.

Jayden took no second and took off running

Josh came back with dads gun and Father took it then went running after him.

"Daddy please!" I cried trying to run in heels. I took them off and through them and sprinted after them.

My wrist was grabbed and I was pulled back.

"No no no. Let me go!" I cried as I struggled to get out of Josh's grip.

"Stop struggling sis" He said. "He's not going to kill him" he whispered.

"He has a fucking gun!" I screamed.

"He's just trying to scare him"

With struggles Josh pulled me back to the house. He sat me down and after a few more minutes the door flew open with Jayden struggling to get out of my Dads grip that was gripping the back of his shirt.

Father threw Jayden on the couch next to me and I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back. We pulled back and we looked at my father.

"Summer you are 16 about to be 17 years old. To young to be having sex. You had sex! And you!" He pointed at Jayden. "Had sex with my daughter! What the hell is wrong with you?!" He yelled. "Your 18 years old Jayden! Almost 19! Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you?"

Jayden stood up and went into my fathers face, which he was taken off guard but regained his composer.

"Because I love your daughter. Your daughter loves me. And she will hate you for killing me. I'm also your best Gang leader, boxer, dancer, and racer. But how do you think my gang will feel. Without us you will go down and other gangs will go after you. But that doesn't matter. Only your daughter does. Summer is my life, your life, Josh's life. You will be crushed to know she hates you. I will do anything for her. I won't hurt her. Because I love her. Your daughter is the best thing that happened to me. So with all means kill me." Jayden said with a clenched jaw and his clenched fists.

My Father was silent before he grabbed Jayden's shirt collar.

"Don't think for a second that I won't hesitate to kill you if you ever hurt her. I will blow your brains out if you as so much cause a little tear of sadness to come out of her eyes. Got me?" He question.

"Yes, sir" Jayden said with a harden expression.

"And Jayden don't you ever talk to me like that again, or stand up to me like that cause I won't hesitate to shoot you" My Father growled before shoving Jayden back on the couch than storming off up stairs.

"Jayden" my brother said causing us to look up at him. "Treat her well. And if you hurt her like last time again I will help him" Then walked off up the stairs.

"Your Father scares me" was the first thing Jayden said after a couple of minutes of silence. I burst out laughing and so did he.

I looked at him and cuffed his face with my hands. "You okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine, princess" he said then pecked my mouth.

I smiled at took his hands in mine tugging him up. "Come on. We've had a long day and I'm very tired." I said as we walked up stairs.

"Yes. More sleeping" He said happily.

We walked up to my room and laid down on my bed. We got cuddled up and soon fell asleep, again.

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