Chapter 3

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(Authors Note)

The picture is a picture of Summers 2015 mustang. The video was just for fun cause it got stuck in my head and I wanted to listen to it as I wrote this chapter. Okay enjoy!

Chapter 3

I was still kinda shooken up from what Jayden did I mean he just like kissed me then left.

Who does that?

Jayden. That's who.

I parked my car and looked over at Jayden's. He was outside working on a 1999 Chevlle SS. He had his shirt off and damn he had a package. I got out of the car and shut my door and when I closed it I looked over at Jayden and he looked at me and smirked, winked, and went back to working on the car.

When I walked in I saw my brother. "Hey where's Dad and little one?" I said.

"Oh he didn't tell you? Dad got another promotion and basically they left, they moved and dad took sis with him... So it's just you and I living here." He said.

"Oh, um okay" I said a little confused. I mean he didn't even tell me he was leaving.

"Hey I need to tell you something." He said hesitating. I nodded for him to go on. "I have a gang" he said and my eyes widen. "I'm having a race tonight and I want you to come." he said.

"When were you going to tell me this?!" I raised my voice.

"Look..." He took a deep breath then started talking. "I have a gang but I'm not the only one in the area that has a gang. Jayden has one too but my gang is the one who taught his gang. Not only do I have a gang. I do like street dancing? and also I drag race." He said.

"So what I'm getting here is that you both have gangs and do all the other stuff?" I said raising a brow.

"Yup" he said. "And I want you to stay away from him... Jayden is bad and I don't want you around him" He said.

"Ha! no problem there" I said.

"Good... so you wanna see your brother win tonight?" He said.

"Yeah... sure" I said smiling.

"It starts at 7" he said and I nodded for my response.

I got a snack and headed up stairs. I looked out my window and Jayden was still working on his car. I can't believe they both do this and my brother kept it from me. I looked away and went to go take a shower.

I got out of the shower finally feeling clean. I walked up to my mirror and put my hand on my neck, I could still feel his lips there. I sighed and walked out with the towel wrapped around my body and when I walked out to my room I saw Jayden laying on my bed with his eyes closed, just enjoying himself.

"Ah!" I yelled. I ran and closed the door. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I whispered shouted. He just started cracking up laughing.

"Sis! Is everything okay in there?!" Josh yelled coming up the stairs. He can not come in here.

"Yeah! Just stepped on something" I said. I heard a muffled 'okay' and heard him jog back down stairs.

"Leave!" I ordered pointing to the balcony.

"Awe... you don't want me to stay?" he said controlling his laughter but started walking towards me like he did after school.

"Leave. Now... before I call my brother to beat your ass" I said trying to sound threatening.

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