Chapter 23

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This is the rated R chapter. I only rated it rated R because of the song and some parts of this chapter are intense and heated so I have warned you. if you wanna go a head and read it that's fine with me but just warning you a head of time.


The next day was Sunday and my dad decided to have dinner with Jayden Monday because he had to work all day with a couple of gangs.

I'm so not going to get used to that.

So the rest of Sunday Jayden and I just pigged out. We watched movie's and once in a while we would take turns to see who got up to get more snacks and when it turned 5 o'clock yesterday we finally ran out of snacks and junk food so we had to go the store to buy more for us and the house.

Later on, we fell asleep.

It was now Monday morning, meaning I had school

My alarm went off and I turned it off before snuggling back into my bed. My back was against something warm but I was way to tired to move.

"I could get used to this" a husky voice said.

Wait, is that Jayden?

"Jayden" I mumbled.

"Yes, baby?" He answered.

My eyes snapped open and I sat up and looked at him.

Yes. He was there. Without a shirt. He turned his body so he was facing me. His left arm was under the pillow and his right arm was dropped lazily over his stomach.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked.

"Well, I was to lazy to get up last night and you were kinda sleeping on me so I couldn't get up and wake you up. So I took off my shirt and fell back to sleep" he explained.

"Did my dad see you?" I asked.

Oh god! What if my dad did. I'm going to die. I'm going to die and never see the world. Good bye, Jayden. Good-

Jayden saw my concerned face and shook his head.

"No Summer, your dad didn't see me" he said, "now come on we have to get ready for school" he said getting up.

I groaned and got up. I walked to my closet and looked through it and got my black high-waisted shorts with a white v-neck shirt, and some white converse.

I walked out and saw Jayden already dressed in black jeans and a black v-neck, and some black combat boots, and to top it all off his black leather jacket.

"Oh great. Bad boys back again" I joked.

"Wanna see 'bad boy'?" He smirked and took a dangerous step towards me.

"N-no" I stuttered.

"Misbehave and you will" He said in a low voice.

I quickly walked to my bathroom and curled my hair in tight curls then flipped my hair a couple of times to get it messy. I put my hair in a ponytail and let a couple of strays hang out. I did my make up in a natural look with mascara and I used a pencil eye-liner on my water line and then brushed my teeth and added my lip-gloss on that tasted like cupcakes.

I walked out but stopped when I saw Jayden blocking my way out by leaning on the door.

"Ummm....move, please?" I said more like a question.

"Can I get a kiss?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

What the hell happened to Jayden last night?

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