Chapter 17

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So there's a picture of Summer and Abby and their dress for prom...Hope you like this chapter.
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Chapter 17

I went home and in the drive way I saw a white BMW in the drive way.

I parked my car in the drive way and went to the door and it was unlocked. That's weird?

"Hello?" I yelled through the house.

"Sissy!" I heard...Little ones voice?

I was right, my sister came running to me.

I dropped my bag and I picked her up and spun her around in the air and she giggled.

"How are you and how did you get here?" I said hugging her and she hugged me back.

"Summer?" I heard a deep voice.

"Daddy!" I said.

I put little one down and I ran to my dad. I found my dad and tackled him in a hug and he grunted.

"Hey darling, calm down" he laughed.

"I missed you so much" I cried.

I'm a daddy's girl so when my dad goes away and then comes back after like a week or something and I see him, I cry. I'm that much of a daddy's girl.

"I missed you too princess" He said

That name.

I brushed it off and backed out of the hug.

My dad saw my tears and brushed them off with the pads of his thumbs and gave me half smile.

"It's okay Summer. I'm here." He said and I smiled.

"Ah!" I heard a yell and a thump. "Summer! Move your fucking bag!" Josh yelled.

"Language son!" Dad yelled.

"Dad?" Josh said.

"In the living room" dad responded.

Josh walked in with a scowl on his face and he was holding my bag and I laughed.

"Sorry" I said taking it.

"When did you get back?" Josh asked

"Like an hour ago." He said.

"I'm gonna go up stairs and go do homework. Oh daddy, can I have some money for prom?" I asked.

"Yeah here. Use money wisely I know how you are with clothes" He laughed

He gave me his credit card and I quickly went up to my room and jumped on my bed got out my laptop and homework and started.

That was until I heard a knock on my balcony doors.

"Ugh" I groaned.

I walked to the doors and when I opened them, I froze.

"Jayden?" I breathed.

"Hey love" he said walking passed me into my room and checking it out. "Never actually saw your room or never got to actually see it" He said finally looking at me. "Nice room"

He's been in my room plenty of times.

"Um thanks?" I said closing the balcony doors. "So whatcha doing here?" I said sitting down on my bed.

"Just came here to see you" he said sitting next to me on my bed. To close for my liking.

I got my laptop and was about to go on tumblr when Jayden took it.

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