Chapter 76

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For the past few days, my phone has been blowing up with texts, emails and phone calls from either Adam, Paul or Stephanie. I know why they keep trying to get hold of me and I still refuse to participate. I will not take away the oppotunity to become SmackDown Womens Champion from anyone. I was currently Friday evening and I was spending some time with Trya, who had asked me for help with her homework before she went to bed. I happily accepted but after what seemed like the 100th time today, I excused myself from the kitchen to answer the phone; briefly checking the Caller ID.

Phone Call

(S is Stephanie McMahon and P is Payton.)

P: "What." I spat as I answer.
S: "No need for the hostility Payton."
P: "Oh really. So you're not calling about setting up a championship match then."
S: "Uhm... Well..."
P: "Exactly. My answer is still no so stop asking me."
S: "Look, I know your reasons for not wanting this but Payton, you'll have to start doing matches again eventually so why not now."
P: "Because Steph, we both know that if I did and I won that no-one will ever be able to dethrone me. I would love nothing more than to get back in the ring, god knows the fans do but I don't want to risk you or the creative team changing the match into a championship match."

I don't give her a chance to reply and I hang up the phone.

End of Call

I took a few deep breathes to calm my inner wolf before I returned to the kitchen and sat down to finish helping Tyra with her homework. When it was done, she packed it all up and went to bed. I could feel what I assumed was Accalia clawing to be released, Barry and Luna could sense it too but Demi was out with The Judgement Day boys and wouldn't be back for a few hours. I couldn't call Athena because she was out with a couple of the WWE hair and makeup girls I introduced her too and I didn't know what Sheamus was up so I didn't want to disturb him.

A wave of pain spread throughout my body that caused my knees to buckle, I had to lean on the counter top for stability. I stumbled all the way to the garage and by the time I got there, Tyra was fast asleep; I could hear her steady, even breathes. With the garage door closed, I dropped my phone on the couch but before I could make it to the centre of the room, another wave of pain hit me; making me fall to my knees.

My phone started to ring but I couldn't move to answer it. Next thing I know, my phone was gently pushed towards me and I could just make out the Caller ID as Sheamus through my blurred vision. I look up slightly to see Barry sat infront of me as I reach out to answer the call and when I do, I put it on speaker. "S-Ste... Now is not r-really a g-good time." I stutter out, "Why? What's going on?" he asks but when I open my mouth to respond, all that comes out is a whimper. "Toni, are you okay?" I hear him ask but again, all I can do was whimper.

All of a sudden, a third wave of pain washes over me; making me yelp. I hear Sheamus calling my name over the phone a few times before the line goes dead. I crawl away from my phone as much as I can until I can't move anymore. I curl up into a tight ball on the floor, trying to keep whatever was trying to break free at bay.

I don't know how long I was curled up on the floor. It was getting a little hard to breathe if I was being honest. I've never felt this much pain before and I could feel Accalia and Kaida spirit within me. They were calm so I had no idea what was happening to me. Unexpectedly, both Sheamus and Demi burst into the room. I tried my hardest to move or even speak but still, I couldn't. They rushed over to me and dropped to their knees, "Payton... Toni... Babygirl, talk to me." I faintly hear, I can tell both of them are trying but any responses I make are animalistic in nature; everything sounds like I'm under water.

A forth wave of pain suddenly shocks through me, I clamp my eyes shut and bite my lip in an attempt to contain a scream as I writhe around on the floor. "B-back... Up... R-right... N-now..." I manage to grunt out through gritted teeth once the pain had somewhat subsided. I still had no idea as to what was happening but there was one thing I knew for certain, and that was that I didn't want anyone getting hurt. They both did as I asked, even the dogs did. I still had my eyes squeezed closed but I started to be able to see perfectly, like when I manipulate water. I started feeling hot, like I was on fire. I felt small vines creeping up my arms. I felt small sparks of electricity rolling over me, like when I create lightning bolts in my hands. My hair started to blow about, like it does sometimes when I create little tornados. I could sense the shadows begin to congrate around me, like my body was being wrapped in darkness.

I don't remember much after that. Other than hearing a few muffled voices, a blinding light that seemed to be omitting from my body and a soothing warmth that enveloped me. After a few moments the voices, light and warmth disappeared. The pain was gone and my senses were back to normal. I slowly stood from the concrete floor and stretched. Even without looking, I could tell I was in some kind of canine form. What I didn't expect was the rustling of feathers as I shook my whole body because that, most definitely, caught me off-guard.

A/N - The events in the second half of this chapter with commence in the next chapter. I don't know when that will be; whether that be later today or at a slightly later date. I just haven't really had to the mental motivation to write the past few days and have had to basically force myself to do so. My mental health has been kinda shitty and is kinda kicking my ass lately but I hope eveyone is liking this story so far, even with all the twists and turns. I really do appreciate it every read and every vote so thank you to everyone who does :)

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