Chapter 77

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TW - Mentions of forcible claiming, abuse and blood.

Upon hearing the rustling of feathers, I tilt my head to look behind me and open my eyes; to say I was shocked at what I saw, was an massive understatement.


I had wings.

After a few moments, I took a deep breath; only to smell an odd but strangely familiar scent. I snap my head towards the source and after a few more tentative sniffs of the air, my eyes widened. I stood there frozen when I realised what that scent was.

It was the scent of a Male Alpha Zeta Shifter.

I automatically made myself look small as I backed away whimpering with my head down, my ears lay flat to my skull and my tail tucked between my legs. Barry and Luna saw this and they came up to me in an attempt to reassure me but still, I cowered away in fear. I couldn't pinpoint which male that stood in the room held the scent because Damian Priest, Finn Balor and Dominik Mysterio were now in the room alongside Demi and Sheamus but either way, it wasn't good.

I remember the stories my dad used to tell me before he died about Zeta Wolf Shifters. About how, Alpha Zetas especially an Alpha Zeta Males were the worst kinds; you'd be considered extremely lucky to avoid one in your lifetime. I could almost hear my fathers voice telling me about them.


I used to love sitting on my fathers lap, wrapped in a blanket as he told me the stories of the wolf shifters; of our ancestors. My mother didn't really like it but she never stopped him. He would always speak with such passion and joyous, gleeful eyes when he relayed the stories to me. The only times he didn't was when I got a lot older and the stories became filled with blood and gore. Those stories, were about the Zeta Wolves.

The Zeta Wolves were vicious, ruthless and deadly. Nothing could stop them and no wolf pack would openly welcome them so they often created packs for themselves. If a Zeta or a pack of Zetas caught your scent, there was no escape. Either you fled, hoping you could outrun them; you stayed, excepting your fate or you fought back, in the hopes that you could win. No matter what you chose though, the Zetas always came out on top.

The Zeta Wolves were faster, stronger and had unparalleled scenses. Everything about them was dangerous, even their scent; they smelt like death itself and it could be picked up from several miles away. If a Zeta Wolf wanted something, they took it; not caring of the repercussions because everyone would run, scared for their lives. If a male Zeta wanted a female for example, they would storm a wolf pack camp and take her, killing anyone who got in their way by ripping and shredding other wolves apart; even other Zetas.

The Zeta male would drag her back to where they were camped and force her into submission. He would use her and forcibly claim her, keeping her locked up until he needed her. The males would violently beat their claimed females, barely fed or watered them and kept them weak so they couldn't fight back. The females would eventually die and the process would repeat.

Alpha Zetas were at the top of the wolf shifter food chain. Female Alpha Zetas were more menacing and could mask their scent to appear as an ordinary wolf shifter, they would often seduce other male wolf shifters just for fun or to reproduce; after, she would kill them. Male Alpha Zetas on the other hand, were even more sadistic and cruel. They would attack and sometimes kill other Zetas. They would even slaughter other alphas just because they could; to show the power they posessed.

~~End of Memory/Flashback~~

Demi noticed the way I was behaving and asked Sheamus if he could take the others out of the room to explain; thankfully he agreed and the four men left. She walked over to me and gently ran her hands through my fur, every now and then scratching behind my ear. After a few minutes, I relaxed enough to stop shaking. She sat down next to me and I lay down with my head resting on her lap, "You look beautiful by the way." she says softly; still running a hand through my fur...

" she says softly; still running a hand through my fur

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"Thanks." I say and her hand stops, "Y-you can talk." she exclaims. "Apparently so, yeah." I say with a chuckle, "Cool... So, wanna tell me why you freaked out?" she asked. I sighed and said, "For some reason in this form, my senses are even stronger. It's like Accalia, Kaida and I all fused together but I don't know. Anyways. When I took a deep breath after looking at my wings, I smelt something I wish I never did." I started. She didn't say anything so I continued, "It's like death itself and it only means trouble, that's what my father always said at least. The only problem is, I don't know which one of the guys the scent came from." I finished.

She asked what I meant so I explained and as I finished I said, "The thing is though, I don't think whoever it is knows. None of them reacted the way a male Alpha Zeta would have but I also didn't pick up another wolfs scent." I sighed heavily. "It doesn't make any sense." I huff. We sit and talk for about an hour before I feel the need to shift. I stand up and step away from Demi, focusing on becoming human.

Once human, I felt a little dizzy and stumbled. Demi saw and wrapped her arms around my waist to steady me, "We should get you to bed, you need to rest." she said and started to lead me towards the door. "Tell the guys they can stay if they want, there should be plenty of spare pillows and blankets in the storage closet. And some camping beds I think." I tell her and she nods with a small okay.

She takes me upstairs to our bedroom and helps me change before helping me into bed. I feel her kiss my forehead as I close my eyes and fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.

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