The one where everyone finds out

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After the arrest of a big drug dealer in the city, Nolan decided to invite all of his friends to his house. A little come together. Well he didn't knew that so many would follow his invitation. Besides himself and Bailey, there were Angela and Nyla with their husbands and of course Lucy, Aaron, Celina and Tim had to be a part of the party. Shockingly, even Sergeant Grey and his wife Luna joined them.
It was already getting late, but the little group didn't care, they had fun. Eating Pizza, drinking beer and cocktails, enjoining each others company. Some times their job just  consumed the most of their happiness, so it was good to remember a live outside of the job and that not everything was bad. Right now, they enjoined a game of simple uno. On which Tim, Lucy, Aaron and Bailey participated. The others happily chatted over their kids or some show.
„Uno!" Tim yelled, definitely a bit tipsy. Angela shoot him an amused look, before turning her attention back to Nyla.
„Ouh man, I hate this game." Aaron muttered, sipping on his drink and taking a card.
„I like it." Bailey commented, placing her card over Tims, „Uno"
Lucy sharpened her look, she had to place the next card right. She glanced over at Tim who gave her a smug grin.
„Wipe that look off your face Bradford." She said, before laying her card down.
Tims grin widened, and Lucy knew exactly what was about to come. Tim placed his last card, and raised his hands. „Uno Uno!"
Bailey laughed, accepting her defeat. Aaron was relieved that the game was over.
„Not so fast, I know that you cheated!" Lucy accused Tim, standing up. „You always cheat on Uno."
„Am not" he grinned, sipping at his beer.
„You're a lying liar who lies." she stated,  crossing her arms in front of her.
Tim stood up himself and walked over to where Lucy was standing. „you're a bad loser Chen."
Lucy laughed, „you're a fake winner."
„Am not."  he said, stepping closer.
„Your are."
By now they had the attention of everyone in the room. Angela grinned at Nyla, waggling her eyebrows.
Grey was giving his wife a ˋLook what I have to deal with' look, whilst Nolan was utterly confused about how those two could fight over a childish game.
„Just accept your defeat Chen." Tim emptied his bottle and placed it on the table, „I mean, you're way to obvious with your cards, I can practically see what you have on  your hand."
"That's not true. You hide the bad carts I your trouser pockets."
"That's ridiculous."
"It's not." Lucy said, she didn't even hesitated when she looped her fingers around his belt and dragged him against her. She reached into his pockets, searching for the cards. There were none.
Tim grinned down at her, "I'm just a good player."
"Maybe when you're drunk, but definitely not sober." Lucy declared, looking up at him.
Tim laughed, "well now that may be true, baby."
Celina's eyes widened, she looked over at her friends, seeing smug faces, confused ones, happy ones. Mostly just everyone wanted to know how this would go on. No one dared to speak, afraid to burst their bubble.
Tim looped his arm around Lucys waist, holding her in place. "Or maybe I'm just the best Boyfriend in the whole world and I'm always letting you win on purpose."
Lucy laughed, placing her arms around his torso, "yeah sure."
Tim smiled down at her,  before running his other hand through her hair and bending down for a kiss. Which one Lucy happily returned.
"AHHHHHH" Angela just couldn't hold it together anymore. Her best friend was in a relationship.
Tim and Lucy realised that they weren't alone, they hurried to get away from each other.
"Definitely too late for that guys." Grey commented.
"You Timothy are full of shit!" Angela pointed out. "Mister Noooo I'm her superior, and she's with Chris and I'm with Ashley. You lied right to my face."
Tim rolled his eyes, "stop it, you're being dramatic." At least they didn't had to hide anymore. So the only logical thing for Tim to do was returning right to where he belonged. At Lucy's side.
"That was so not planned" she said, turning bright red and quickly hiding her face in Tims shoulder.
"That's so cute." Celina said, reaching for her phone. "Let me take a picture."
"Make that picture and you can turn in your gun and badge, boot." Tim said, all Sergeant.
Before he could react, Luna made a photo. "Adorable. Wade look." She proudly showed her husband the photo.
"Send it to the group chat please." Bailey chimed in. Luna nodded.
"So how long has this been going on?" James asked.
"A few weeks." Lucy said, still snuggled into Tims side.
"Why did you try to hide?" Wesley asked, "you basically live in a police station with detectives."
"Thank you baby, good question" Angela raised her drink towards her husband. "Why Timothy did you think it would be a good idea to hide it from us?"
Tim protectively laid his arm around Lucys shoulder, "well I guess we just wanted to enjoy this new thing for a little while, in peace I mean. I know you would have gave me crap and our whole working situation would change and everyone would look at us differently."
"I'm happy for you Tim. You deserve it." Angela smiled at him, before looking at Lucy. "You too Luce, but hurt him and I will cut your hair off." She added.
"I promise I won't." Lucy said, smiling back at Angela.
"So this is serious?" Nolan asked,shocked to find out about this in his living room.
Tim looked down at Lucy, the same time she looked up at him.
"Absolutely" Lucy said,
"Damn right serious" Tim agreed.
Nyla laughed, "congratulations", after that Tim and Lucy had to go through a lot of hugging and congratulations. And Tim through one or two slaps from Angela.
"Is the questioning done for now?" Lucy asked, not sure if she wanted to stay in the middle of attention.
"I think it is" Grey answered.
"Good." Tim said, looking down at Lucy, "well at least I don't have to lie to get you out of here and home to bed." He shrugged.
Lucy tried not to smile.

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