After 5x22 (Part 2)

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Tim awakes with a headache and a sharp pain on his wrists and right side. He blinks a few times but can't make anything out besides that he's in a dark room. According to his state, tied up to a pipe and sitting on the floor.
"Wade?" He groaned, everything hurt.
"You're awake. Thank god, I thought you were dead boy." He heard Wades relieved voice out of the darkness.
"What happened?" Tim asked, still trying to make out why he was in such great pain.
"That's a good question Sergeant." A unfamiliar voice said. Suddenly the lights turned on and Tim squinted by the sudden brightness.
"Who the fuck are you?" He asked, trying to get up, but the pain at his side immediately worsened, he screamed. Tim had to fight the darkness again, he could not afford to faint again. He had to get out of here, he and Wade did. Hell Wade had to get home safe, he had a daughter.
"Don't Tim. Don't move." Wade said, a little bit panicked.
He sat in-front of Tim, also tied to a pipe. They seemed to be in a basement. The room was made of concrete and small with a few piped and a little broken table in the corner. It smelt horrible.
Tim winced and looked down at his side. A sharp metal object was sticking in his damn rips. He let out a little laugh before rolling his head back and leaning against the wall, "well, shit."
"that's pretty accurate, yes." The stranger said, a mask covering his face and dressed in only black.
"You have about four to six hours more to live with that bloodlose of yours. So better calm your nerves and don't make any movement."
"What do you want?" Grey asked, he was worried about his friend.
Had he paid a better attention on what was happening on the street, they may had dodged this damn bullet.
"Ouh nothing from you. You're just a distraction. Safety first you know. I mean we attacked all these officers but that may not be enough. But two sergeants missing and..." he took a picture from Grey and than one from Tim, "hurt? Well the police will follow these rat tails till they find you two and don't bother us."
"You must have some real bad shit going on." Tim said, trying to not throw up from the pain.
"Ouh you don't need to worry Sergeant. By the time we are done? You will be returned with your mother."
Tim was stunned for a second. How did he knew about that?
"Ouh your face is awesome, don't worry we know everything about everyone. Your little girlfriend, that old rookie, even your wife Sergeant Grey."
"Leave them all out of this." Grey hissed, fighting his ties.
"We won't see each other again. Good luck Sergeants." The stranger waved one more time before leaving the room and shutting the door.
Tim leaned back, now that he was awake, he was deadly aware of the pain at his side. His worry about his family did not really help at that point.
"Tim, you need to stay awake. They will find us and you will be okay."
Tim just nodded through gritted teeth. "I'm trying"

Lucy was about to change when Nyla burst into the room, "Lucy, you should come with me. It's Tim."
Lucy dropped everything and followed her friend out of the locker room and to the Sergeants office. She knew that she shouldn't have let him go. They saw each other only an hour ago.
Already there were Nolan, Pines and Officer Jan. They all locked up the moment Lucy entered.
"What is it?" She asked, scared to the bones.
Pines spoke up, "I received pictures about five minutes ago"
Lucy walked around the desk and focused on the screen. There were two pictures, low quality.
On the right one were Sergeant Grey he had a bruised and bloodied face but thankfully looked okay.
The left picture showed Tim and he was anything but okay. On his right side she could see a sharp object. It looked like a car piece. His face was lined with pain and he looked weaker than she had ever seen him.
"No no no" Lucy felt tears streaming down her cheeks.
"We need to find them." She said, looking at the other officers.
"We're on it. Their shop was left abandoned on the streets but the cameras had been shut down so we have no footage." Officer Jan explained.
"Night shift currently is trying to get some informations out of the residence owners" Nolan added.
"The big people are involved. Metro is out on the streets with patrol, looking for their Sergeant." Pines said, a short nod towards Lucy.
Lucy wiped her tears away. "Something is wrong... Every single officer is occupied with either protecting the family members, searching for the Sergeants or in a hospital bed."
"You're right. Something big is coming and we can't fight it if it hits." Nyla said, scanning the pictures one more time.
"Call Metro back. They will be needed at the station." Nyla said towards Pines.
"It does seem off... I will call them back. But you focus on getting the Sergeants back." She said sternly.
"I have nothing else on my damn mind" Lucy said, looking over the pictures with Nyla.

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