Wounded in the line of duty

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"Bradford" Lucy answered her phone while balancing Theo on her hip and preparing coffee in the station breakroom.
"Good day King hospital, Los Angeles." Lucy stopped in her tracks. A call from the hospital was never good. "Is that officer Lucy Chen Bradford?"
"Y-yes. What can I do for you?"
"I'm sorry to inform you that your husband, sergeant Tim Bradford currently is in surgery."
Lucy closed her eyes for a second, hoping for the best, "w-what happened? Is it bad?"
"The file says he was wounded on an operation. A shot to the shoulder, nothing to bad, but he will stay at home for a few weeks."
Lucy released a breath, she didn't know she was holding. "Thank you. I'm on my way."
Lucy hang up the phone and looked down at her son. "Your father is in so much trouble little champ." She gave Theo a kiss to the head, before dialing Tamara's number, telling her what happened and checking in on Fei. After making sure Fei's taken care of she made her way to the bull pen.
"Nyla. Could you take care of Theo for a few hours?" Lucy begged, walking towards Nyla and Angela's desk. "Tim got hurt, he's in the hospital."
"What? What happened? Is he okay?" Angela immediately forgot her work, standing besides Lucy.
"Doctor said he's going to be fine. He's in surgery right now. Can you come with me please?"
Angela nodded, "no question."
Nyla took Theo from her, "just give me a call later. I Promise he's in good hands."
"I know. His milk is in the fridge, every three hours. He's a hungry little guy."
"Got it, I'm telling Grey you're taking a personal day. Go give your husband a kick in the ass."
"That's the plan." Lucy said her goodbyes to Theo, giving him a few more kisses for good measure.

"The shoulder? Ouh man that's gonna bug him for a while." Angela tried to joke.
Lucy agreed. Tim was gonna be mad. A shoulder wound meant, more training with the gun, no holding Theo with his bad shoulder, or wrestling with Fei and Kojo and definitely not as much naked time as usual.
"That's what he get for being shot."
Angela parked the car in front of the hospital. "Is he already out of surgery?"
"I don't know." Lucy got out of the car. "But I know that you will be making fun of him being on drugs. Please keep it cool."
Angela chuckled, "got it. First you can make sure that he's okay. Than I'll be making fun of him."
„Thanks. And thanks for going with me. I would get crazy without you."
„Nothing to thank for. He's my best man after all, I'm just as concerned as you Lucy."

"Hey, I'm looking for my husband. Sergeant Tim Bradford." Lucy said to the nurse at the information.
"Ahh yeah, second floor, room 127. He just woke up a few minutes ago. The operation had no complications at all, so he should be good."
"Thank you" Lucy smiled, before turning to Angela, who lead the way.
"Why did non of his coworkers told you?"
"I don't know. But he better gives me a good explanation, if he does not want to sleep on the couch."
Lucy and Angela knocked on the door, before stepping in. Tim was laying in his hospital bed, barely keeping his eyes open. Still, the moment he saw Lucy he winced.
"Don't be mad baby." His voice hoarse from sleep.
"Don't baby me. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Lucy asked, coming to his side. She couldn't be that's nary at him, seeing him hurt.
Tim nodded, "you have some water?"
Angela grabbed a bottle of water from her purse, giving it Lucy. "Well done sergeant, getting shot. Great."
"Make her stop baby." Tim begged, before taking a sip from the bottle Lucy was holding out.
Angela laughed, "Ouh man I love the you on drugs."
"I hate you." Tim responded tiredly.
"Let me just take a picture, than I'm out of here. I need a Snack, now that I know that you are okay."
Before Tim could say something, Angela squeezed him and herself into a selfie. "Looking good. Alright, I leave you two alone. Love you Timothy."

Lucy waited till Angela closed the door before speaking up. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Tim turned his head at her direction. "I knew you had Theo for your break, I didn't wanted to worry you." Lucy sighed, taking his hand in hers. Tim resumed speaking with closed eyes. "I know how hard it was for you to start working again and leaving him with Tamara or Genny."
Lucy chuckled a bit, "in my mind I'm hitting you right now."
Tim smiled a big grin. "I'm sorry Luce."
"I know" Lucy said, running her fingers through his short hair. "it's okay. I'm just glad that you're not dead."
"Me too." He said, still having his eyes closed. "How long am I out?"
"A few weeks babe, but don't worry you won't get bored."
"I know. The kids and Kojo will make sure of it."
"Definitely. And of course our friends will tease you endlessly."
"Angela is evil. Why is she my bestie again?"
Lucy grinned, "bestie huh? These pain killers really do something to you."
"They better. It still hurts though."
"Ouh babe" Lucy kissed his cheek, "try to sleep, you need to rest."
"Can you stay? Please?"
"Of course I will."
"Good...you know that I love you like sooo much. "
„I know, I love you too."
Tim turned his head again, trying to sleep again. Lucy sat down on the chair next to the bed, watching over him. Suddenly he sat up, wincing because of the pain.
"Wow, what's happening?" Lucy asked, laying her hand on his shoulder, "you need rest Tim."
"The kids. When you are here, who looks after Fei and Theo?"
Lucy laughed, of course his mind wandered to the kids. "relax Tim, they're fine. Nyla watches over Theo and Fei is still with Tamara"
"Ouh, that's good."
Lucy helped him back into the pillows. "Now sleep babe."
Tim nodded, closing his eyes again. Lucy sat at his bed, making sure that he's okay and has everything he needed. Her heart swelled watching him sleep. He was shot and still his first thought was concern towards her and the kids. She knew that the next few weeks are going to be hard for Tim. He loved his work, and not being able to do it for a while, it will bother him. At least the kids will keep him on his toes. And she will make sure that his time at home was worth it.

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