The big news (part 1)

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"Guys I need to tell you something." Lucy emerged the woman changing room, throwing her bag on the floor. "Well mainly I need you to distract Tim for me." She hurried back and closed the door.
"Ouh that must be something big. Do you guys have a bet going on again?" Celina asked.
"Whatever it is, I will never ever distract Bradford with shots again. My back really isn't made to carry a man to his own front door" Nyla cleared, on which Angela laughed,
"I remember that, he was so wasted."
"No, no alcohol. I need him sober for that. I have a surprise for him." Lucy grinned, "And I want it to be special."
"He hates surprises, I'm happy to help." Angela said.
"Yeah I'm in too, what is the surprise?" Celina asked while slipping into her boots.
Before Lucy could answer, Nyla interrupted her. "Do not tell us if it has to do with sexy time"
Lucy laughed and reached for her bag, she took out a picture. "Well I think you want to know that." She turned around the picture to show it to her friends, blooming of happiness.
"OH MY GOOD" Celina almost screamed.
"I'm gonna cry" Angela leaned closer, grinning at the ultrasound picture Lucy showed them.
"You're getting a mini Bradford" Nyla smiled, "That's amazing"
"I'm so happy. We talked about kids on date one and now it's happening." Lucy smiled, blinking away tears, "Damn those pregnancy hormones are real"
"Tim always wanted to be a dad" Angela smiled at the thought of her best man finally becoming a parent, "he will be thrilled."
"That's why I want the announcement to be special for him. He deserves it."
"What's the plan and how can we help?" Celina pipped in.
"okay I am telling him at this really cute food truck we had our second first date. Which is the place where I mentioned our grand kids the first time. I'm on my way to Grey to bring him the news and to secretly take a day off to prepare the surprise with Tamara. So Angela I need you to distract him on his workday, he needs to think that I'm on patrol. Nyla can you get that kid from James to be at the truck at 7 p.m.? I want the moment on video."
"You really want the kid? James said he's good but critical."
"Tamara can handle it." Lucy responded
"And you Celina and Nyla I need you to tell our friends. There will be a small come together at our house."
All three woman nodded.
"Should be easy." Angela said.
"Good" Lucy grabbed her bag, "Thank you so much."
"Congratulations Lucy, you both deserve it." Angela said, on which Nyla and Celina nodded in agreement.

Lucy knocked on her sergeants door.
"Come in." Grey answered.
Lucy quickly made her way into the office, she couldn't wait to get out of the station fast enough.
"Hi" she greeted, not able to bite back the big smile that appeared on her face.
Grey noticed and leaned back in his chair, "Okay so, good news or really bad ones?" He asked.
"Good ones, but I need today off and nobody can know about it, especially not Tim."
"Well that actually sounds like really bad news." Grey interlaced his hands, "So what is it officer Bradford?"
Lucy smiled even more brighter after being called a Bradford. She was proud to be Tims wife.
"Uhm I'm pregnant. And I want to surprise Tim tonight, but I need preparations. Ouh and there will be a come together at our house, you're and Luna are invited of course."
Sergeant Grey first was too stunned to speak, after he took a few seconds to recover he stood up and walked around the desk. "Those are not only good news, those are amazing news. Congratulations Lucy." He smiled at her, Lucy again felt tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, I might need to get that checked out"
Grey laughed, "Don't worry. Luna was the same."
"Thank you, I'm really excited and I can't wait to tell Tim."
"Take your day off. And call if you need any help."
"I will, thank you sir."
"No problem at all" Grey smiled.
Tim walked into the station, eyes down on a file.
"Tim!" Tim looked up and found himself face to face with his best friend.
"No need to scream at my face, when you stand this close to me." He rolled his eyes and tried to walk around Angela, but the detective was quicker and grabbed his arm.
"I need your help. I need you to spy on Wesley. I just know that he is hiding something from me."
"Yeah no, I'm not spying on your husband. Do it yourself, you're the detective." He shrugged her off "Call me if you need to burst a door open or something like that."
"Funny. Come oooon Timothy, pleeeeaaase" Angela begged
"Absolutely not. Now, have you seen my wife? She's not texting back."
"She's out on patrol, with Aaron." Just in time Aaron walked in behind Tim. Angela reacted within seconds, taking Tims hand and dragging him out of sight.
"Angela I have to work, so do you!"
"I know, but you wont help me with Wesley so you need to help me with Smitty. He's particular annoying today and he got some questions."
"Gosh no, not Smitty, Angela no no no" Angela dragged him into the breakroom, where Smitty already claimed his place on the couch.
"Hey Smitty, I found someone who is willing to answer your questions. Take your time. Tim has all day." Angela patted Tims shoulder before quickly getting out of the room.
Tim looked after her, stunned about what just happened. Smitty wasted no time, "That's absolutely sweet Sergeant, thank you."
"I guess so Smitty. Okay let's get this over with."
"So what is your opinion on Aliens?"
Tim didn't know what to answer, but he was sure about one thing, Angela Lopez would pay for that.

Tim spotted Lucy at the changing rooms, leaning against a wall, waiting for him.
"Luce" he called her over, desperate to be with his wife after this particularly exhausting day. Lucy smiled at him and made her way over to him.
"Hey babe" Lucy pulled him into a hug, "Sorry for responding so late on your texts, we had so much to do today."
"It's fine" he answered, hugging her a bit tighter, "are you okay?"
Lucy nodded against his shoulder, "Everything is good, but I'm starving."
Tim chuckled and pulled away, not to far, so that he could still have an arm around his wife's waist. "How about Take out"?
"Can I choose?" Lucy asked.
Tim laughed and led the way to his truck, "Sure. But please no sushi, we had sushi yesterday."
"I know a place" Lucy extended her hand, demanding the car keys.
"Ouh you want to drive? My truck?"
"Don't be a baby about it, it's not the first time."
Tim gave her a sceptical look over, "Are you plodding something baby?"
He played not fair, he knew that Lucy folded at his petname for her. "No- no of course not. I just want to surprise my husband with a meal."
"Uhu" Tim gave her one last look before dropping the keys into her hand and opening the drivers door for her. Lucy grinned at him and gave him a peek on the cheek before climbing into his truck. Tim closed the door and walked around to take his place at the passenger side.
"You know, Angela acted suspiciously weird today, you sure nothing is going on?"
"I'm sure Tim, relax. We're just going to eat something and than we go home where Tamara chooses a movie for tonight."
"Sounds perfect." Tim decided that there would be no use in picking at his wife. Lucy would come clean sooner or later if something would be going on.

"We know this place" Tim had to smile, remembering the second first date he shared with Lucy.
"I wanted to come here again"
"Missing the 'our grandkids' talk?" He smiled at her, holding their intervened hands up and press a kiss to her knuckles.
"maybe" She smiled back at him and leaned forward to kiss him quick before unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out of the car. Tim followed her lead and took her hand into his again, walking towards the food truck.
"You go sit down, I order" he said and made his way to the line. Lucy sat down at one of the table, looking around for Tamara and their camera man. She spotted them at another table, disguised. Tamara gave her a thumb up, grinning. Lucy grinned back before paying her attention back on Tim.
Tim ordered the food and waited, hands in his jeans pockets.
"here you go man" the vendor handed him a package.
"Uhm I didn't order that." Tim said puzzled. The vendor winked at him, "Just open it, I promise it's good."
Tim gave a glance towards Lucy, before carefully opening the lit.
Inside the box he found baby boots, just like the once Lucy liked to prank him with, and a Rams baby jumper with the name "Bradford Nr. 1" on the back, Tim lifted the jumper out of the box. His brain didn't catch up to the news till he spotted the ultrasound picture hidden underneath the jumper.
"Oh my god" he looked up at Lucy, "You're serious?" He almost shouted.
Lucy just nodded, the biggest grin on her face.
Tim could feel his eyes burning, he will be a father. He pressed the jumper against his chest, before walking towards his wife.
"You're pregnant..." his voice cracked, Lucy couldn't hold back the tears anymore, seeing her man this struck by his emotions was enough for her to know that it is going to be a great journey for their little family.
Tim quickly set the box aside, still clutching the jumper he pulled Lucy into a hug.
He kissed her on the head, shaking like crazy. He's finally going to be a father to a little one. To a little version of Lucy and him.
"Thank you so much, Luce" he said between rapid breathes.
Lucy looked up at him, bringing a hand to his cheek to wipe away a tear. "Well I would say we worked both on that."
Tim laughed and leaned his forehead against hers. "I'm thrilled. We- we need to renovate and we need to go shopping. Tamara sure as hell will be glad to help us, and we need to-"
Lucy quickly cut him off with a kiss, "don't break that handsome head of yours. We will handle it like pros." He grinned up at him.
Tim leaned down and kissed her. The hand with the jumper holding her against him, he lifted her up. Lucy laughed and kissed him once more.
"We will be parents.." he still couldn't believe how lucky he got with how his life turned out.

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