A little party never killed nobody (part 2)

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"You really have him wrapped around your finger." Angela pointed out to Lucy.
Lucy just laughed, "Maybe."
"Definitely." Luna winked at her, "he's like your shadow."
"You should see Matthew. He's totally Tim's shadow, it's hella cute."
"Ouh Jackson was the same with Wesley. Now he wont listen to us anymore." Angela complained, taking a long sip from her drink.
"We need to stop the mother talk, we're free this weekend." Nyla leaned back and closed her eyes.
"Here you go baby." Tim gave her a plate with some more fruits as we requested. "Food should be ready soon."
"Thanks babe." Lucy gladly accepted the plate and shared with the others whilst Tim moved back to the grill.
After Grey called out for dinner, the girls got dressed again whilst Wesley and Nolan set up the table. Tim was just about to turn over the grilled vegetables when his phone started ringing.
He answered it without looking at the contact.
"Daddy" Theodore sobbed.
Tim immediately went into dad mood. "Theo? What's wrong buddy?"
"I– I miss you and mommy...and and and Matty wont stop bothering Finny and they're loud."
"Ouh buddy we miss you too. Where is your nana?"
"She's giving Fei a bath, Fei brought in a stunk, she thought it was a raccoon." Theo still sobbed.
Tim exhaled real quick, he walked through the house looking for Lucy.
"Okay hey buddy, it's fine. Do you have your bag near you?"
"Okay in the front pocket is the recording we made for you. Remember? I packed it in just in case."
"I didn't wanted to take it with me." Theo sobbed, but recording to the sound he pulled out his recording and his headphones.
"I know buddy, but don't feel bad okay? It's okay to need a break sometimes."
"Thanks daddy..."
"Put in the headphones and try to relax. Could you pass the phone to the twins?"
Tim walked upstairs and found Lucy talking to Luna. He watched her laugh without any worry and decided that he could handle this alone,let her have some fun, since she's with the kids the most time. He turned around.
"Hey buddy, we miss you too yeah? If you need to talk just tell Nana to call us yeah?" Theo made a noise in agreement and went looking for his brothers.
"They're here Daddy. Finny! Take the phone!"
Tim waited a few seconds,until he heard his other two sons on the phone. "Hey dad! Leave it Matt!"
"Boys! Stop the screaming. You two know better than that.you're not supposed to fight whilst being guests, actually you two should not fight at all."
"Matt started it, he stole the damn remote."
"No you did!"
Tim sighed, "Boys. Two weeks at the training ground every second day. Now turn off the TV and read something or go play."
"What? Two weeks? That's sooo long."
"That you got on yourself. Now please let Theo be, behave and help your Nana. Did you already eat?"
"Well than you should help her prepare dinner. Give Theo some time and than you can ask him about some grilled cheese, that eight years old makes better one than your mom... don't tell her that though."
"Ugh, fine. See you." He hung up. Tim stared at the phone in his hand, "that little–"
"Such cute kids huh?" Angela grinned at him, giving him a drink.
"They have their moments." He thanked her for the drink and sat down next to her.
"You look old." She stated, running a hand through his greying hair.
He smirked, "well you're not getting younger yourself."
Angela just laughed and looked outside for her husband, "we haven't done this in so long."
"It's hard with kids and all."
"It is...listen I know we have a vacation and all but I have a case that I wanted to talk to you about. It's urgent and personal, for both of us."
Tim scrunched his nose, "tell me"
"You remember that double homicide from our last month as rookies?"
Tim nodded.
"Well, we both caught him and he knew our names right?"
Tim nodded again, having a feeling where this goes to.
"He's about to get out. Apparently they found prove that he wasn't the murderer."
"That's bullshit, he definitely was...when does he get out?"
"I don't know they'll calling me. I'm working on getting him back behind bars before he sets a foot outside, but I wanted to warn you in case I'm not fast enough."
"Thanks Ang..."
Angela nodded and got up, "Let's eat."

They had a nice dinner with their friends and Lucy drank cocktail after cocktail, just like Tim with his beers. Though he kept it low, in case the kids called again.
"Oh my god, remember that time Nolan got stuck in the fence." Lucy wheezed. They were retelling some old story's and had the time of their lives.
"Or the time Tim had you walk besides the car." Nolan joined in.
Tim grinned, "good old days."
Lucy shoved him laughing, "You wouldn't let me walk besides the car."
"Not again at least" he laughed back. Lucy attempted to shove him again but Tim simply wrapped his arms around her and kissed her crown.
"Nooo not at all."
They resumed their festivities and got some snacks out. At one point of the evening Angela excused herself because of a phone call.
She returned with blank panic on her face. "We have to go. Now."
"What, why?" Aaron asked.
Angela looked at Tim, "he's out. He just got out of prison."
Tim's eyes widened and he got up, "Call cabs, we can't drive with how much we drank."
"What's happening?" Lucy asked, getting up as well.
Tim run his hand through his hair. "Grant is out of prison. He's about to get the revenge he promised us to give."
"What do you mean?" Wesley asked.
Angela put her phone back into her pocket. "In our rookie year Tim and I we stopped a series killer together with our TO's. Whilst we arrested him he promised us revenge and every damn year he promised us revenge."
Tim breathed out a breath he didn't knew he was holding, "he's in LA."

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