Tim's breakdown

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Tim watched him crash into a car, he heard people scream and calling out for help. Tim quickly bolted back towards the door. He knew Mad dog was dead, but somehow his mind wouldn't accept it.
He run down the staircase and out of the hospital. Some people gathered around the dead man on the car.
"Matteo!" He so much as cried out and pushed through the people. "Matteo!" He stopped in his tracks. Tim looked right into the eyes of his dead friend. He couldn't safe him anymore.

"Tim. Tim!"
Tim looked up from the ground where he sat. Sergeant Grey was standing infront of him, holding a hand out.
Tim took it and let his Sergeant pull him onto his feet. "What happened?"
"I- I don't know, he just jumped... he jumped."
"Where you with him?"
Tim nodded. Not able to look Grey into the eyes.
"Tim, you need to tell me exactly what happened. Everything."
Tim nodded, the sound of the people trying to figure everythingout and the bright lights made him feel nauseous. "I- I know, I just I-" he noticed his breething getting harder and gripped Greys arm. "I-" he draw in a shallow breath, slowly panicking.
"Wow wow Tim, calm down son calm down."
"Can't." The grip on Greys hand slipped and Tim saw black spots creep into his vision.
"Don't faint on me now son." Grey grabbed his arms and pulled them over his head, trying to relieve his breathing. "Slowly in and out Tim, you got this."
Tim's breath slowly came back to normal. Grey let his hands go by his side again.
"You good?"
Tim slowly nodded before turning around and throwing up. Grey gently placed a hand on his back, "it's okay."
Whilst soothing his back Grey texted Angela an S.O.S meet at the hospital.
Tim wiped up his mouth with the back of his hand and sat back down.
"I'm sorry...I- I can't." He whispered, holding on to his shacking hands.
"Don't worry, I'll get you home and wrap it up here. You can give your statement once you're better."
Tim just nodded, his head was spinning and he was still nauseous.
Grey sighed and crouched down infront of him, "can I help you with anything?"
Tim swallowed down the lumb that was forming in his throat, "Ko-Kojo he's in my car." Tim pulled out the keys from his trouser pockets and gave it to Grey. "A-and maybe an uber."
"I got you a drive. Stay here I'll get your dog."
Tim nodded and watched Grey dissapear into the parking lot. A few minutes later he returned with Kojo who was pulling on his leash, trying to get to Tim.
Kojo leaped for his owner, showering him with kisses. Tim pulled the dog into his chest, cuddling him. Kojo immediately calmed down.
"Angela should be here any minute to drive you home Tim."
Tim nodded, clinging to Kojo.
"Maybe- maybe she should drive you to your sisters?" Grey suggested. He had never seen his Sergeant so small and broken, clinging to a dog like it was his lifeline.
"No no, she's not home but thanks. I-I'm good."
"I don't think so Tim. Listen, I don't want you to be alone, so either you're going home with Angela or she takes you to my place and you and the boy crash the couch."
Tim nodded, "okay..."
Just then Angela pulled up and got out of the car. "What happened?!", she looked at Tim, "Tim are you okay? What's wrong?"
Grey turned to her and explained everything. Angela sat down next to Tim and pulled him into a hug. "You're crashing at my place. Or I come back to your house, Wes can look after the kids."
Tim just nodded against her shoulder.
"Come on, you need to sleep."
Tim lifted his head and fisted the leash in his hand, he accepted the help of his friends and got into the car, securing Kojo at the backseat.
Angela spend a moment to talk with Gey before taking her seat behind the steering wheel and driving off.
"So your place or mine?"
"I uhm I forgot my medication at home, I need it."
"Medication?" She asked, "are you sick?"
"Well depends on how you see it. I Uhm I'm in therapy and I got some pills."
"You're in what now? At doctor Londons?"
That's when it snapped into place, Dr. London knew Mad dog and the encounter was to weird to not fully aknowledge it. She was the one that could knew all of mad dogs secrets.
"I uhm I need to talk to you and Grey about something. But I don't think I can handle it tonight..."
Angela looked at him, clearly surprised. She never saw him admit that he neeeded time.
"Okay, yeah. Get some rest and we talk tomorrow...I'm really sorry about your friend."
"Thanks Ange..."
"Grey said you saw everything?"
Tim just nodded, "he uhm he told me that he needed to talk and he well he didn't talk much."
"It's really good that you see someone Tim, I'm proud of you."
Tim nodded again, fidgeting with his hands. "Listen you should drive me to the house and go back home I won't be good company."
"I'm not here to have fun with you tonight, I'm here to help you."
"Angela I-" he groaned, fighting the tears that were about to break.
"Timothy, talk to me please, you can tell me everything." She drove into Tim's driveway and set the car into park.
"I uhm it get's nasty Angela. I wake up almost every damn hour with nightmares and all that shit."
"Well Nightmares don't scare me off. Now come on, I'm tired."

Tim had settled down in his bed, petting Kojo on his lap.
"Do you need a water to your meds?" Angela asked, placing a glass down on his nightstand.
"Thanks, you sure Wes is okay with you sleeping here?"
"He's fine, and to be honest, I'll enjoy waking up without two kids crashing into me." Angela settled down on the other bed side. She pet Kojos head and smiled at the canine.
Tim swallowed his pills and set the glass back down.
"You wanna talk about something?" She asked him, putting her hair in a messy bun.
"No, I just want to sleep."
She noticed Tim beginning to shake.
"Wow Tim", she placed his hand on his shoulder, "what's happening?"
"It's a sideeffect Ang, I'm always cold." Tim layed back down, pulling the covers up.
"So that's why Kojo is allowed in bed."
"Yeah kinda..."
Angela sympathetically smiled at him and dimmed the light, before also laying back down.
"Did uhm, did someone tell Luce?" He asked into the darkness.
"No, I don't think so. Allthough she will know soon enough."
Tim nodded to himself, his silent tears streaming down his face.
Angela did not hesitate to grab his hand and give it a sioent squezze.
"It's okay Tim... It's gonna be okay."
Tim squezzed her hand back and drifted into an uneasy sleep.

Next one will be the drunk Aaron situation ;)

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