Nylas wedding

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Luna loved good Parties. She loved weddings even more, and those two combined. She was not to stop.
She dragged her husband on the dance floor and threatened him to hide his glasses if he wouldn't dance with her. Like the good trained husband Wade was, he danced with her. They danced and talked for a while. They watched the other couples on the dance floor and Luna was so focused on the bride and the groom that Wade had to pinch her twice to get her attention.
"Do that again and you're a dead men."
"Sorry honey. But you want to see this." He nodded towards Bradford and Chen. Dancing. Together.
Luna loved their gossip. She loved it when Wade came home and had to tell her something about Chen and Bradford.
"Oh my god, they're so cute." She whispered. Wade chuckled and kept watching, just like his wife.
Tim said something to Lucy, whatever it was, it made her speechless for a second. She then smiled brightly at him and said something in return. Tim smiled even wider and swirled her around. They both laughed and he did it again before dragging Lucy back against his chest.
Luna smiled big time. She knew she watched two people that soon would start a relationship stronger than most.
"I can't believe they didn't did PDA already." Wade said, low voice.
"You know them. They're strictly about protocol."
"They're not as clean as you may think." He chuckled as he watched Lucy and Tim dance wildly, not caring that they used half of the dance floor. The other couples didn't seem to mind either. Wade caught Angelas big grin over the couple. He smiled back at her. Angela just did a silent scream and not so subtly pointed towards the dancing couple. Luna laughed.
"To be honest, I always thought that Tim and Angela would end up together."
Wade laughed, "No chance. They would rip each others head off. No matter how much they love each other, and believe me they do. But that would have never worked out."
"Probably." Luna said.
They both were torn off their conversation by a loud rough laugh.
They turned their heads and couldn't believe their eyes. Tim was leaning on Lucy, laughing like no one ever had seen it. Lucy didn't seemed to mind. She just laughed with him and added to her joke.
They both seemed to calm down after a minute. But the moment they looked at each other, it started all over again. This time though, Lucy took his arm and dragged him to the bar to get a drink.
"They will so end up together. Soon."
"They will. I already have the paperwork ready to be filled."
Before Luna could say something else, Angela walked to them, dragging Wesley with her.
"Did you see that?"
"Of course we did." Luna said, just as excited.
"That is so good. Here baby hold my drink and my shoes." She shoved her glass and her shoes at Wesley.
"What? Why? What are you doing?" He asked, hurried to take it all off her arms.
"I need to tell the bartender to keep the drinks coming. Maybe they both drink enough to go home with each other and finally knot the string. Tim needs a good fuck."
"Ouh my gosh Angela– Angela!" Wesley hurried after her and Luna laughed at them. Wade chuckled and persuaded dancing with his wife.
"I guess the next few weeks will be interesting."
"You need to tell me everything."

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