The big news (part 2)

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Tamara couldn't stay put any longer. She came up to them, wrapping her hands around both. "You two get a babysitting discount." She laughed.
Tim laughed, "What are you doing here kiddo?"
Tamara pointed towards the camera, "making sure, you never forget this moment. And of course collecting evidence that Tim Bradford cried."
"You're a tease, do you know that?" Tim grumbled, wrapping one of his arms around Tamara as well. Tamara smiled into his shoulder. Lucy shed a tear once again, "Look what you do to me. That's the fifth time today" she cried.
Tim kissed her head and brushed her tears away, "That's beautiful- not that you need to cry, but the reason why and- you get what I mean."

The three of them parted after a few minutes and decided that it was time to go home.
"Wait, there clearly is something waiting for us at home, right?" Tim asked, one hand at the steering wheel.
"I guess you have to see for yourself." Lucy smirked. Tim turned around to the backseats where the kids sat. "You're staying at a friends tonight kiddo?"
"HA! You wish."
"Tim!" Lucy laughed, "Stop it and get us home."
That's exactly what Tim did. He drove extra carefully, knowing he had two kids and a pregnant woman in the truck with him. They chatted about baby stuff the whole drive long.
"You know, at least the middle name has to be Tamara" Tamara said, looking at the couple.
"What if it is a boy?" Lucy asked her, smirking through the mirror.
"get creative. I'm sure Tamara can be made into a boys name as well. It's a beautiful name."
"Sure is kiddo, also really annoying." Tim teased.
"Don't make me hurt you Sergeant Zaddy"
"You two girls spend way too much time together, this phrase copying is scary." While Lucy and Tamara shared a knowing look, Tim drove into his garage.
"Okay baby, we really need to teach Nolan how to hide a car the right way. Leaving it in front of the house? Bad boot."
"Have you seen him park? I'm surprised none of our bushes had to be sacrificed."
The four made their way into the house, where their friends already set up the buffet. Angela was the first to notice them.
"Welcome home, Sergeant Daddy and Officer Mommy!" She laughed, already throwing her arms around Tim. Tim hugged her back, whispering into her ear, "You're so lucky that this surprise was worth to talk to Smitty."
Angela laughed "Congratulations"
Lucy found herself in a big hug with Genny, Tims little sister. "You're so incredible, do you know that?" Lucy responded with a laugh, "Please don't, I'm crying easily today."
"Well I'm apologising now then. Kojo! Come out boy" Genny called, on which Tim and Lucys nephew came down the stairs, followed by Kojo in a blue sweater, with the print 'big brother'. Lucy immediately teared up while scratching Kojos head.
Tim looked at his sister, "You put my poor dog in a sweater?"
"Shut it Timothy." Genny replied before pulling her brother in a hug. Tim gave her a peek on the cheek.
After everyone got to say their Gratulations, Tamra let out a whistle to gain the focus of everyone,
"So to celebrate this properly, I think we should see the video" she grinned at Tim who gave her the death stare. Nolan put a hand to his shoulder, "you cried, right?"
"Of course not boot." Tim barked, but there was no bite behind it, he just couldn't hide his little smile. Nolan laughed and gave him the 'yeah sure' look.
"Settle down people, you don't want to miss this" Tamara looked at James who was standing at the video recorder, "Can you zoom in when he starts crying?"
"Kiddo, I'm so gonna make you do the dishes for the next 20 years." Tim warned her.
"Worth it."
To Tamaras luck, Lucy distracted Tim with a hand on his back, he turned his head to her, smiling. He gave her a quick kiss before watching the video for the first time himself. Nyla laughed at the confusion on Tims face, "How can you be a Sergeant but this clueless?"
Sergeant Grey watched the video with a good laugh and a smile on his face, he knew the story of Lucy and Tim would somehow end up just like it did. Day one and he regretted pairing those two up. Not because of the police work, Tim and Lucy where one of his best pairings on that point, but for the paperwork that would follow.
Nolan much rather focused on Lucy. He once had feelings for her and they parted in good ways, he wanted her to be happy. Seeing her one arm around her former TO, the other one scratching Kojos head, he knew she was happy.
Jenny loved to see her brother smile, he sacrificed a lot for the people he loved and she was honoured to be one of Tims loved ones. Jenny probably was the happiest to see the happiness Tim and Lucy shared, after all she had seen her brother suffer too many times.
Angela kissed her son on the head, hoping that Tim and Lucy get a daughter so she can play match maker with the little Bradford and her own son. She could tease Tim in so many ways, it would be incredible.
The short video ended with Tim hugging both, Lucy and Tamara. Nola started clapping first, soon everyone joined in and Tim faced Lucy.
"I love you Luce." he smiled, placing his hand on her back.
"I love you too." Lucy said, caressing his cheek.
Tim bend down and kissed her.

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