Rachels come back

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Lucy and Rachel kept their contact when she moved away. They called each other and messaged, but they never got to meet in those years. Till Rachel decide it was time to come back for a visit. Mostly she wanted to see Lucy again, but a small part of her hoped that Tim was still available. She had missed him and really regretted that they broke up.
Rachel sat down in the restaurant where she would meet Lucy. Lucy had a day off, so it was perfect for a little meet up. She didn't had to wait long for Lucy to arrive.
"Rachel hey" Lucy grinned before hugging her friend tight.
"Lucyyyyy ahhh I missed you." Rachel laughed and hugging back.
They sat down, ordered and talked, talked and talked. Once they finished their brunch, they grabbed a coffee to go and walked in the park.
"You're studying for the detective exam right?" Rachel asked, sipping her coffee.
"Yes. The exam is next week, so I took this week off. Enough time for me to study in peace." Lucy answered, clearly nervous.
"I wish you luck, but I know you're going to rock it."
"Thank you Rachel, I'm actually pretty confident about it." Lucy said, "So how is New York treating you?"
"It's good, a bit lonely though..." Rachel admitted, "sure I've met some people and I have friends and all that but, well I miss you there and- and Tim."
Lucy fidgeted with her cup, "I miss you too. It's really hard sometimes to not enjoy a simple walk and coffee with you." She didn't wanted to sprung the news of her and Tim on Rachel, but she knew she had to tell her. "Uhm Listen Rachel I have to tell you something. I-" she got interrupted by her phone. She pulled it out and looked down, Tim was calling. "I have to take this real quick."
"No problem" Rachel said.
Lucy answered the call, "hey, what's up?"
"I'm so bored. I have a break and nothing to do." Tim answered.
Lucy chuckled, "you call me because you're bored? Why don't you have dinner with your teammates or Angela?"
"Angela is at home, she wanted to see her baby's and my teammates are out on the training course."
"And why aren't you on the training course?"
"I didn't want to. I rather talk to my drop dead gorgeous girlfriend."
"I literally can see that smug smile on your face babe." Lucy grinned to herself.
Tim laughed a bit and responded, "you're right, but everything I said is true."
"Okay listen, I have to go. See you after shift? I'll make dinner."
"You bet. See you tonight baby. Love you." Tim said.
"I love you too, bye." Lucy ended the call and looked at Rachel, who looked stunned.
"You have a boyfriend." Rachel stated.
"Uhm yeah I do..." Lucy played with her coffee cup, "listen Rachel, I'm sorry to let you know this way but Uhm I-I am dating Tim..."
Rachel stopped in her tracks, "Ouh..." she said, looking down.
"I'm really sorry, we didn't know how to tell you. I actually wanted to incite you to dinner tonight." Lucy felt so bad, she snatched her ex away.
"Lucy." Rachel said, looking up, smiling a bit, "look, I can't say that I'm not sad, that would be a lie. I actually hoped to get back together with him, but I know you two. I saw your friendship develop from the beginning. I saw you two constantly tease each other, I saw him texting you on late evenings, I saw you two worrying about each other so I somehow knew that it would happen. And honestly, I don't feel as bad as I thought I would. I will be in love with him for a while I guess but that's okay." Rachel took one of her friends hand and squeezed it, "I see that you are happy. And I know that Tim must be too, so no hard feelings on my end."
Lucy smiled at her, "thank you so much Rachel, it really means a lot to me... so how about dinner at my apartment? Or is it too soon?"
Rachel laughed, "maybe a bit too soon. But what about next week? Before I have to leave again?"
"I would like that." Lucy said, already picturing what meal they could have.

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