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Lucy and Tim decided that their kids needed some exercise. So they took them to the park. Tim pushed Theodores stroller with Matthew on his shoulders. Lucy held Fei's hand whilst she watched out for their biggest troublemakers, Finnegan and Kojo.   
"Kojo! Stop tackling your brother!" Tim tried to hide his laugh. Their dog was so excited to run little Finnegan over. Finny didn't bother, he laughed it away and kept running with Kojo.
"how about we go to the playground and get some ice cream?" Lucy asked the kids.
A chorus of "Yes!" Irrupted.
"It's settled" Tim said, changing the direction.
The family enjoined their time together very much. Lucy and Tim always tried to be there enough for their kids. With both of them working crazy hours and Tim being called into work in the middle of the night, it's not that easy. But they make it work.
Tim settled himself on a bench, Theo on his lap. He watched his children play and busied himself with keeping Theo in a good mood.
"I'm going to get the Ice cream" Lucy said, kissing his cheek before walking towards the ice truck.

"No, the case is not closed, I'm working on it." The man in front her said.
Lucy stiffened, she recognized that voice. It was Chris.
She begged heaven and earth for him to not turn around. She really wasn't in the mood for an encountering with her ex.
But, as usual the luck wasn't on her side. Chris ended his phone call and took his order before turning around and immediately recognizing Lucy.
"Lucy? Wow, I haven't seen you in ages." He said, smiling a bit. "You look good"
"Hey Chris. Thanks" she said shortly, hoping he would get the hidden message."
"How have you been? I've heard rumors that you're married?"
"Uhm yeah I am. Excuse me" she said before placing her big ice cream order.
"wow, feeding the whole station?" Chris asked bemused.
"Nope just some hungry kids." Lucy answered whilst paying.
"Kids?" He asked curios. He definitely didn't get the message to leave her alone.
Lucy nodded, "Yeah. My kids."
"Y–You're a mom?" He asked, completely forgetting the ice cone in his hand.
"I am. To four wonderful children." She said, taking the box of ice cream.
'Ouh wow, do you–" Chris thankfully got interrupted by Fei appearing besides Lucy.
"Mommy. Daddy refuses to play with me. He says 'later I have to watch Theo' which is crap. He can watch himself." Little Fei crossed her arms.
"Felicity, no such words as crap. That's for the first, secondly, Theo is four and shy. Please be patient, your dad can play with you as soon as I'm back."
Fei grumbled, "Fine." She said and stomped back to the playground.
"Sorry. She can pout like her father." Lucy said
"So you have a good life than? Family and all?" Chris asked.
"Yes. I love my husband and my kids, and of course the furry baby."
"You took Kojo from Tim?" Chris asked surprised. He knew that Lucy would always refer to Kojo with 'furry baby'.
"Uhm no. He's our dog. Uhm, Tim and I are married."
"You what?!" Chris almost shouted, which earned them some stares from by passers.
"I married Tim." Lucy said again.
"You–" suddenly chris started laughing, "Of course. The playbook. You cheated on me with him didn't you?"
"What? No, I never cheated on you. Sure their were the kisses from our UC operation. But I told you about them. And it was for work."
"Don't play dumb Lucy. You can stop hiding these things now. It has been years."
"I'm not hiding anything Chris– you know what? It doesn't matter, I have to go." Lucy turned around and walked back towards her family.
She did not turn around but smiled at Tim, who looked at her with worry written all over his face.
"Was that Chris?" He asked.
"Yeah... definitely didn't want to see him here." She said, "Kids! The Ice cream is here." She called the other three over.
"Are you okay?" Tim asked her.
"I'm fine babe...for now. Can we talk at home?" She asked him, taking the place next to him.
"Of course" he said, taking her hand and kissing her softly.
"Gross. We're eating" Finnegan said, digging into the Ice cream.
"Ey boots, leave me my mint ice cream" Tim demanded, which made Lucy laugh.
"Ouh please babe, no one eats mint but you."
"Our kids love Smurf ice cream. I think their taste buds aren't really good enough to judge mine."
"Mine are. And mint is horrible." Lucy said, siding with the kids.
"Duh dad" Matthew said, shoveling his vanilla ice cream into his mouth.

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