Is this the end (p2)

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Bomb squad arrived only five minutes later. They got everything set up and waited for the bomb to be turned off. With them were Sergeant Grey and Harper.
"Lucy, are you good?" Harper asked when bomb squad told Lucy it was safe to step back.
"Not really. There was a bomb delivered to Tims house. Imagine it would have gone off with him and Kojo inside?!" Lucy relaxed when she realized that the bomb was no longer a threat to any of them.
"Officers, everything is fine but the bomb was a fake one, lucky for you. Anyway there never were any danger of this thing."
"Why would they place a fake bomb in an sergeants mailbox?" Lucy asked them all. She needed some answers, for her own sake.
"Probably because they wanted to scare you... and because of the pictures that were sent with the bomb." The officer gave Lucy the envelope. One look from the man and she knew they were personal pictures.
Lucy picked up some gloves before reaching into the envelope and pulling out a bunch of pictures.
"What the–" the others gathered around her, looking at them. There were some of Tim jogging with Kojo.
Some of him and Lucy carrying in some groceries or making out.
Some of Genny and Tamara coming by.
But the scariest of all, were the picture of her and Tim peacefully sleeping in his bed. The angle came right from the window by Tims bedroom, perfect few on the bed.
The last picture of the staple was of her dropping by in the night and Tim opening her the door, a big smile on his face.
"This was last week, and this one with Genny. It was almost a month ago." She said, looking around.
"So you two have a stalker. We should check your mailbox next." Nyla suggested, making a call to bomb squad where to head next.
"We have a stalker, that is– wow that gives me the shivers." She gave the pictures to Grey, whom put them into a zip log.            
"We need to check these on fingerprints and you need to get back to the hospital before Angela and Wesley are getting picked up. No one can be alone. What did you even do here? I thought you stayed with Tim."
Lucy nodded, "Yeah I was. I will go back obviously. We went here because of a thought that Tim, Angela and I shared."
Before Nyla could ask her question, sergeant Grey spoke up.
"I give you a ride, Nyla call if anything new comes out and Nolan you go with her."
"Don't forget to check the recordings." Lucy reminded.
"What recordings?" Nyla asked.
"We figured out that they must have known where we all live to attack Grey and Tim, so we came here to review the footage and we found a man that has a bit of a suspicious behavior. I talked to him the other day, he said that he lost his keys on his walk and I helped him search. Suddenly he seemed to have found them. We send the footage to the precinct and now we wanted to review the footage from the station as well."
"It's a good idea, Nyla Nolan get to it. And tell officer Jan to help you out."
The officers nodded and walked to a shop, whilst Grey and Lucy walked to another one. They got in and drove off.

"You can't let that go near you right now, Chen."
"I know sir. It's just a bit creepy to see these pictures of us. I mean... I Never felt like being watched. Tim didn't mention something either."
"I understand, and you will be safe again. I'm sure they will find some prints on the pictures, envelope or even the mailbox."
"Hope so." Lucy muttered, her thoughts running around all the things that could have happened, if the bomb were real.
Not to speak of what else the stalker must have seen of their shared life.
"Oh my god."
"What?" Grey asked her, giving her a curt look.
"Last week I had a shower whilst Tim went to the grocery store. Kojo barked like he was stunk by a bee. And I- I run out in a towel but saw nothing. I-"
"Lucy. Stop it. I can't imagine how you fell, but you can't let your thoughts take over. Just try to focus on something else and we will deal with it. I promise."
Lucy nodded and fell silent for the short drive.
"Are you good to go back alone? It was your rule that no one goes anywhere on their own." Lucy said, whilst Grey set the car into park.
"I will go with you. Luna is safe and you are outnumbered with Tim bound to a bed. Also maybe we can come up with more details of the abduction when we talk about it, together."
"Could work out, lets stick with that and not the outnumbered part. That will drive him mad."
"Agreed" Grey said chuckling, before following Lucy through the parking lot and into the hospital.
They walked to Tims room, Angela, Anna and Wesley still present.
"For the hundredth time Ang, I'm not telling you about my sex life. Especially not with Wesley and your baby in the room."
"Or with your girlfriend in present." Lucy chuckled coming into the room, followed by Grey, "Or me."
"I would still like to talk about it." Angela shrugged whilst Tim rolled his eyes.
"How did it go?" He asked instead, ignoring Angelas pouting. Lucy sat down on his bed and gave him a guilty look. "Don't freak out."
"What happened?" He asked, alert on the second.
"There was a fake bomb placed inside your mailbox and– well seems like someone stalked us over the past month at least. There were pictures of us, Genny, Tamara..."
"What?! You can't be seriously sitting here, baby you need to get out and catch that fuck–"
"Bradford." Grey scolded.
"I'm just saying." Tim laid back down, rubbing his forehead.
"I'm staying with you Tim. The others got it under control." Lucy took his hand and gave him a look that quiet his next protest.
"Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with you." He squeezed her hand.
"Ouh I know." She smirked at him and he smiled back.
"Oh gag, could you stop being cute all the time?" Angela asked, taking her baby girl from Wesley. "We need to get going, the officers should be here any minute."
"You let me now when you arrive. And tell Luna that I'll call her tonight please." Grey asked of them.
Angela nodded, "Of course. No problem. You three just stay safe, okay?"
"Promise." Lucy answered, she hugged them both goodbye and watched Angela hug Tim as best as she could. "Glad that I can still be your best woman."
Tim chuckled at that, "keep those two babies safe for me yeah?"
They talked for a few more minutes, before saying their final goodbyes.
As soon as they were out of the room Grey sat down in Wesleys chair. Clearly exhausting from all the stress in the past days.
"When was your last good night sleep?" Tim asked him, shifting in bed to make space for Lucy by his side.
"The day before our little adventure. It's been a lot of work and all that."
"You should rest a bit sir." Lucy suggested, taking the space Tim made for her. She knew he wouldn't take it back if she asked him.
"You two are good with me closing my eyes for a few minutes?"
"Sure Wade, we have an eye on you."
"Funny Bradford, really funny." Grey smirked a bit, closing his eyes. On the beat he fell asleep.
Lucy laid her head on Tims shoulder, "How are you doing?"
"I'm good with you by my side."
Lucy laughed a bit, "Jerk."
Tim caressed her shoulder and kissed her head, "I love you."
Lucy smiled big time, remembering the words she whispered to his sleeping figure over and over again.
she looked up at him and kissed his cheek, "I love you more."
Tim grinned at her, "Wanna compete over that?"
"Ouh shush, you know that this competition will never get to an end."
"I sure hope so baby." He kissed her head again, "Still I love you more."

Next up, the twins.

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