A little party never killed nobody (part 3)

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Lucy, Tim, Angela and Wesley shared a cab. They hurried with the packing and ordered two cabs for everyone. Aaron, Celina, Bailey and Luna stayed back to drive the cars down to LA in the morning. Lucy held Tim's hand in hers, she caressed the back of his hand with her thumb.
"Why does this man hate you two so much?"
"Well he killed two woman before we caught him and he had another woman in the basement. We caught him just because of luck. He was about to jump the fence but Tim tackled him before he could reach it. He screamed at us that he would find us and kill everyone that meant something to us."
"And why is he out of prison?" Wesley asked, just as nervous as the others.
"His lawyer. He went over the case again and means that we made a mistake because we weren't in our minds at the time of the arrest."
"What do you mean?" Lucy asked.
"It was shortly after someone killed Angela's TO and well let's say my mind was with Isabel and some UC operation. It was hard to get him behind bars."
Lucy sighed, "and you really think that he's out for revenge?"
Tim and Angela nodded, "definitely. That's why we need to get the kids and take the to the station."
Lucy nodded again, her worry growing.
They almost reached LA when Tims phone went off again. He immediately grabbed it and saw that it was Nana.
"Nana?" He answered his phone, turning on the speaker.
"Daddy..." Fei whispered, sounding scared. "There is a man in the house."
Tim's heart stood still for a moment. Lucy pressed her hand against her mouth to stop a scream from coming out.
"Honey, where is your Nana and your siblings?" Tim tried to stay calm. Angela threatened the cab driver with prison if he wouldn't speed up. Wesley called 911.
"Matt is with me, we're going to get the others and hide, like you and mommy taught us."
"Sweetly please be careful and get to safety. Where is Nana?"
"She's with the man. The man is screaming at her daddy."
Tim squeezed Lucys hand. "Okay we're staying on the phone, go to your brothers."
The only thing you heard in the cab was the sounds coming from the phone in Tim's hand.
Fei and Matthew hurried to get to their siblings.
"We're with them."
"Honey, I showed you the hidden room one day, right? The one where Nana kept her sweets. Go in there and lock the door."
"Yes mommy."
"Good, we love you. Everything is going to be fine."
They heard Fei ushering her brothers along the floor and to the hidden room. They also heard Grant scream at Nana be quiet. The next thing they heard were the squeaky stairs, which meant Grant was on his way to get the kids.
Tim couldn't hold in a painful sob, he looked at Lucy who's cheeks were straining with tears. The fear consumed them. Tim wasn't religious, but at that moment he prayed for anyone to keep their kids safe.
The next thing they heard was a scream, Theos scream.
Lucy started to sob uncontrollably, she started to scream his name, all their names.
"Shut up! You. Give me that phone! Or I kill your brother. And you boy, place that bat on the floor before you hurt yourself."
It seemed like Fei objected and gave the phone to Grant, "look at that. Bradford? How you doing?"
"Listen you piece of shit if you do them any harm, I will kill you. Slowly." Tim pressed out through gritted teeth.
"Your kids are alone huh? They're pretty, all so young and gosh they have that fire in their eyes" Grant laughed, "guess you could safe that girl back in the days but not your own kids. How does that feel?"
"Leave them alone. The police is on their way, you have no chance of getting out."
"If that's the case than I should hurry cleaning up here, I have to pay the Lopez kids a visit as well. A shame that you can't even say good bye."
Angela was about to say something but Grant hung up.
Not two minutes later the cab came to an halt. They arrived at the same time as the police, but Tim and Lucy didn't wast any second. They jumped out of the car and rubbed for the front door.
"Tim! Lucy!" Angela tried to call them back, already knowing that won't work.

Tim got through the door first, gun held high. "Grant!" He barked, "I'm here, show yourself."
Lucy was right behind him scanning the room. She saw Nana passed out on the couch, blood on her head, he must have knocked her out. She moved to her Nana and felt a pulse. "She's alive" she whispered. Tim let out a relieved breath and resumed clearing the house.
"He went upstairs first, Lucy on his tracks. They were half up the stairs, when he heard other officers walking in as well.
"Grant!" He called out again.
He cleared the  bathroom, then the guest room and finally he got to Nanas room, with the hidden door in it. Lucy brushed away her tears and covered him from behind. Tim pushed open the door.
There they were. Theodore and Finnegan kneed before a limb body, Matthew. Tim stopped thinking, he rushed forward and kneed besides them. He didn't realized that Grant was behind the door, he shut the door and turned the look before Lucy could enter, in his grip he held Fei.
He knew Lucy wouldn't shoot with the kids in the room, but she slammed herself against the door, trying to break the lock. She realized that wouldn't work, they bought Nana a super safety look and door for emergencies. This was meant to be a safe place.
Tim turned around after finding a pulse on Matthew.
"Let her go. Now."
"Drop the gun." Grant held his own gun against Fei's head. Tim looked at his daughter, she was trying not to cry. Just like the other two.
Tim gulped and sat down his gun. "Release them. Please. You can do whatever you want to me, but please let my babies go."
"Isn't that cute huh? The fierce protector." Grant laughed, satisfied.
"You need to let them go. I promise you a way out of here if you let them go."
"That's where you're wrong. There is no way out. Your boy," Grant nodded towards Matthew, "he knew that, tried to get me with the bat. And this one" he secured his hold on Fei, laughing. "She bites and kicks."
"Let her go!" Screamed Theo at him, his face red out of anger.
Grant made a huge mistake turning the gun at Theo. Fei locked eyes with Tim and with a nod from her father, bite the man that was holding her. Grant screamed and Tim used his lack of attention to attack him.
Grant loosened his grip on Fei and the girl slipped out and brought herself to safety. Tim wrestled Grant to the floor, not before a shot rang and than another. He held Grant on the floor. Enough time for Fei to unlock the door and let Lucy and the others in. Lucy ran to her kids, looking each one up and down. Tim rolled off Grant and leaned against the wall, emotionally and physically exhausted. Their colleagues took Grant into custody. And Lucy, after making sure the kids are okay and Matthew is taken care of, looked over at her husband.
Tim slightly smiled at her and the kids, a bloodstained hand holding his waist.
Lucy let out another sob before rushing to his side. "No no no" she pressed down on his wounds.
Tim grunted and leaned his head against the wall, it hurt like hell. He was so exhausted.
"They're safe Luce."
Lucy nodded, "they are, they're fine." She looked around, noticing that Angela gave the scared kids into Greys custody and Nyla hurried medics into the bathroom to save Tim.
"I love them so much Luce...they're my everything." Tim coughed, closing his eyes.
"I know. They know. Stay with me babe, please stay awake."
Tim nodded, he opened his eyes on more time, "I love you, boot" he closed his eyes again, a crooked smile on his face.

One more chapter ;)

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