After 5x22 (part 3)

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"Okay. It looks like a basement."
"It definitely is a basement Nolan. And wherever they are it has to be somewhere where nobody hears them. Download the city plans and look for an abandoned building or buildings with panic rooms or else."
"I will call you back, Uhm listen. I think Genny and Luna should know what's going on. They will be mad if we keep them in the dark."
"I'll call them..."
"Thanks. See you" Nolan hung up the phone and began to work on the city plans.
"Hey. Do you need help with that?" Smitty asked, looking down at the plans. "I know this city like the back of my hand."
"Yes please. I could use all the help."
"Sure, maybe you want to go to the interrogation room? They just brought in a witness."
"Oh my god, finally." Nolan was up in a second.

"Lucy, the cameras are swept clean. It's like they cleaned up the whole damn city." Nyla said, looking a bit distressed.
"God damnit, we have to find something. They've been gone for two hours now and we have no single clue about their whereabouts."
"We should go knock down doors." Jan added, "but we need to hurry"
"Take Nightshift with you." Nyla said, eyes on Lucy watching the city.
Jan went off and started to work.
"Nyla, I'm really starting to lose it." Lucy said, fidgeting with her hands.
"Don't, you have to stay focused. I know how it looks, I'm worried too but-"
Lucys phone went off, she hurried to answer it. "John?"
"Lucy we've got something."

"Genny hey, how are you holding up?" Angela asked Tims little sister over the phone.
"Not that good. And I'm guessing that it won't get any better." Genny said, in a very Bradford way.
"Can you do me the favor and get Luna with you?"
"Sure, she's playing cards with your mom and Patrice. Give me a second."
Angela waited, watching her husband hold their baby girl.
"Okay I'm back. Luna is with me."
"Hey Angela, how's the baby?" Luna asked.
"She's good...uhm listen I have to tell you something and you won't be happy."
"Ouh no, please don't." Luna said, concern creeping in her voice.
"About two hours ago Tim and Wade went missing. They- they got abducted."
Angela heard a sniff on the other end. "We don't have much time to find them...Tim is hurt. Really bad...I'm sorry Genny"
Genny tried to hold back her tears, "how bad is it?"
"He has a few more hours to live, he's losing blood. But we're on it and we won't let him down without a fight."
"Is Wade fine?" Luna asked,
"He seems okay" Angela said.
"Please keep us updated."

"Tim?" Wade asked into the room. He waited a few seconds, but no answer came.
"Tim! Wake up!" The older man began to Panik, he couldn't reach for his friend, he could do nothing but shout.
A quiet noise interrupted him, "I'm up" Tim said.
Sergeant Gray was relieved, "I again thought you were dead."
"I'll be honest...I can't anymore." Tim said, looking up at his friend. "I-I'm sorry..."
"Do not give up."
"I'm so cold Wade...and tired"
"Talk to me, come on." Wade tried, keeping not only Tims motivation up but his own as well.
"I broke my promise to Lucy" Tim said, it was the only reasonable thought at the moment.
""What promise?"
"That I would be back." Tim chocked out.
"You're going to be fine." Wade could see tears in Tim's eyes. He felt so sorry for his friend, not only for this injury but also that he could only think of his girlfriend might being mad at him.
"I need to go home, I don't want to break my promise to her."
"Than you have to stay awake."
Tim nodded. Wade could see him fight back sleep as best as he could.
"I'm so cold, why is it so damn cold in here?"
"Your bloodlose is the reason why you're so cold" he could see Tim shake from coldness.
"Sound reasonable...can I rest for a few minutes?"
"I'm afraid not. I see how tired you are, you would fall asleep and not wake up again."
Tim sighed and tried not to shed any tears, "well at least the pain isn't as bad anymore."
"What are you doing next week?"
"I probably be in a hospital" came Tim's quiet voice, almost a whisper.
"Yeah...and when you come out?" Wade asked. He waited a few heartbeats but Tim didn't answer, "Tim? No no no, don't sleep! Tim!"

"Based on the possible locations Smitty found, and the description on the van we got from the witness we pulled some life cameras up. The van is parked near two of these possible locations. The first is an old factory with a huge basement and the second is a building with a bunker. I send you the addresses."
"Thank you John, thank you so much." Lucy said, beaming with hope.
"It's not much Lucy, but it's something." John responded.
"I know...I call you later." Lucy hang up the phone and hurried back to Nyla.
"We've got two locations to check out."
Nyla nodded, "good." She then proceeded to split the remaining officers into two and Lucy gave them the addresses. Nyla didn't feel comfortable enough to let Lucy go all by herself, so she and Nyla were in team old factory. They took medics with each team, knowing that Tim hasn't much time left.
They hurried the other officers to go on, Lucy grew nervous by the seconds.
They breached the factory, till they ended up in the basement.
"Open every damn door, we have to find them." Nyla demanded, she moved with Lucy.
They opened door after door, breached room after room.
"Nyla. There is another staircase." Lucy said, pointing towards the still closed door.
"Let's go"
They opened the door and used the staircase to get to another unit of the factory.
"Do you hear that?" Nyla asked in a whisper. And yeah Lucy did hear it.there were shoutings. It was muffled but it sounded like help.
Lucy tried to stay focused and to move after the book, but it was hard not to run towards her boyfriend.
They got to a room where they could hear the shouts clear, Nyla yanked open the closed door and Lucy went in. Losing all y of her training the moment she laid eyes on Tim.
He slumped there in the corner, looking dead.
"Tim!" Lucy rushed over and kneeled down besides him. She vaguely hears Nyla call in and ordering the two medics to come in.
"Tim!" Lucy tried again, taking his face into her hands and letting her thumb brush over his cheek, "come on babe, wake up" she tried to not shake him awake, it wouldn't help the wound that was about to kill him.
Nyla and Wade moved over, uncuffing his hands and helping Lucy to lay him down.
"Tim, you have to wake up. You're not dead yet. You have a future waiting to be lived." Nyla said, hoping that the medics find them as soon as possible. Wade seemed to read her mind, he got up and went out of the room, shouting for them.
Lucy focused on Tim, she kissed him softly, kissed every inch of his face that weren't hurt. She run her fingers through his hair and whispered sweet promises.
"L-Luce..." Tim breathed out, not able to open his eyes.
Lucy cried out, "you're awake, stay awake. Please." 
The medics moved in and Nyla grabbed Lucy to get her out of the way.

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