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Lucy knew the day would eventually come. The day Tim would meet her parents. But she didn't expected it to go that bad. It all started with a call from her mother.
"Chen." Lucy answered her phone while being on the run with Kojo. Normally Tim would take him on his runs, but he catches the flu, so it was Lucys job as committed dog mommy.
"Is that how you greet your mother?" Came the harsh voice from the speaker.
Lucy stopped in her tracks, shooting Kojo an apologetic look.
"Mom? Why are you calling?" Lucy hadn't heard from her parents for almost a year now.
"Well your Nana let it slip that you had a new boyfriend but she didn't wanted to tell us who. How can you break up with Chris? He was such a nice man and a lawyer."
Of course her parents would blame her for breaking up with Chris. He was the perfect man in their eyes, no matter if Lucy was happy or not.
"It didn't fit and yes I have a new boyfriend." She turned around and started to walk back to the car. Her mood for a run busted.
"Is it something temporary? I'm sure Chris will take you back."
"No mom. It's serious and I'm not going back to Chris."
"Uhu, so what's this new boyfriends name?"
Lucy groaned annoyed. "You don't call or text me for a year and now you want to get to know my boyfriend?"
"Don't be so dramatic. We are busy. You can call yourself lucky that we even call."
Lucy was just getting angrier and angrier by the minute. She loaded Kojo in Tims truck and opened her door.
"You just care about your reputation."
"Now don't be like that Lucy. You know we love you, we just hope that you choose the right one, you're not getting any younger."
Of course this conversation would lead to this. "Mom. I'm still young and I have a hole life in front of me. And I'm not missing out on family."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that it's very serious with my new boyfriend."
"Good. What's his name?" Lucy's mother asked again.
"It's Tim." Lucy answered. Her parents didn't need to know his full name. They would remember it from mentioning.
"And what does he do for a living?"
"Seriously? That's important to you?"
"Well you could introduce him to us properly. We are your parents after all."
"Not gonna happen. Listen I need to go, I have a shift."
"So your still playing police officer."
"I'm not playing anything. Good bye mom." Without waiting for a response Lucy cut the line. She was tired of listening to her mothers crap. Still angry she drove home. Home no longer was an shared apartment with Tamara. Home was Tim. She loved being with him and she felt safer than she ever had. So she and Tamara didn't had to thought about moving in with Tim the moment he asked them both to live at his house. Tamara was happy about her new room with her own little bathroom and Lucy loved to own a garden where she could grow vegetables and plant flowers (which didn't survive, thanks to Kojo)

"Come on boy." Lucy lead Kojo inside before giving him water and some treats.
"Don't overtreat him Luce" Tim said from the couch.
Lucy walked over to her boyfriends frame. "You look like shit." She commented.
Tim was wrapped up in a blanket and pale with a red nose, "well that's romantic." He sneezed.
"Sorry, I'm in a bad mood."
"What happened?" He asked concerned "You were all cheering on me this morning, trying to feed me that witchcraft tea."
"It was Ingwer Tim." Lucy sat down besides him, running her hand up and down his shoulder. "My mom called..."
Tims facial expression turned even more concerned, "why?"
"She found out that I broke up with Chris and that I have a new boyfriend. She tried to talk me into getting back together with Chris."
"Well for starters, that's though of her after one year of zero contact. Secondly that's not going to happen. Sanford isn't the right one. And thirdly, are you okay?"
Lucy thought about it, was she okay? Well not entirely. Sure she had no relationship with her parents to begin with. But them, calling and judging her decisions? It hurt.
"I don't know Tim..."
"I would give you a kiss, but I don't want you to get sick." He said, wrapping his arm around her. "I'm sorry Lucy, your parents don't deserve you at all."
"They want to meet you."
"Let them. I'm good with parents- I mean only if you want to."
"That could go really nasty Tim."
"I can handle it. Look Luce, if you want to show them that your happy, then I'm more than happy to go with you and sit through an uncomfortable dinner."
"Why would I want to show them?" She asked, looking curious.
"Because you did not yet gave up on them. And that's okay and if you want to give them another try, I will sit it through with you."
Lucy gave him a little smile, "you're amazing."
"I love you Luce."
"I love you too."

"You changed again." Lucy stated, sitting at the kitchen-island and waiting for him.
"I just don't feel it. I mean you look gorgeous, but this suit makes me look cheesy."
Lucy laughed, "you look great Tim. I mean, come on you're handsome."
"I know, but not 'meet the parents' handsome."
"I thought you said that you were good with parents."
"Yeah with parents, not with preparing to meet them. I'm getting all nervous and I tend to overthink."
Lucy smiled at him lovingly, "I like this side of you. Getting all nervous over a dinner." Lucy took his hand, "suits you"
"You like nervous man?" Tim smirked.
"You know what I mean, idiot."
Tim laughed while undoing his shirt buttons.
"As much as I like the view, we need to go babe."
"One second. This shirt doesn't fit my eyes." With that Tim went back to his bedroom. Lucy sighed, it's gonna be a long evening.

Lucy made sure that Tim and she sat in the booth, she needed to be as close to Tim as possible.
"They're late." Tim stated, squeezing her thigh.
"I know. That's their play. They arrive late to state a point babe."
Tim nodded, "To show that they're not really interested or that they're the boss?"
"Both, I think" Lucy admitted. She wasn't sure how her parents would react to Tim. She sure as hell hoped that they wouldn't go that hard on him.
"Ouh I forgot to tell you." Lucy said, grabbing his arm, "Tamara asked if we're free tomorrow morning for a hike with her and Kojo."
"Absolutely. When was our last hike?"
"It was before you turned all sick and gross."
Tim looked at her with played shook, "You told me that I didn't looked that bad."
Lucy laughed, "I'm sorry."
"You're a lying liar who lies." Tim said, chuckling himself.
"I make it up to you." She said, giving him a quick kiss. "How about tonight?"
Tim grinned, "sounds good boot."
Lucy smiled, taking a sip from her wine, as she catches her parents walking in. "Here they come."
Tim looked up as well. Lucy's parents, walked straight at them, getting slower with every step they took.
They reached their table, but didn't bother to sit down.
"Lucy. Please tell me this is a bad joke." Her father said through gritted teeth.
"What are you talking about?" Lucy asked confused, glad about Tims hand resting on her thigh once again.
"You know what your father means. He's your boss." Her mother said, looking Tim up and down.
"Sorry Misses Chen but actually I'm-" Lucys mother cut him off mid sentence. "We're talking to our daughter."
"Mom. You can not talk to Tim like that."
"Oh I can. How did he seduce you huh? Did he promise you a promotion?"
"What?! Mom he did not seduce me or promised me anything."
"What's your badge number Officer?" Her father asked, "This so called relationship should be reported."
That definitely was enough for Lucy. Tim saw that she was about to explode, so he did the next logical thing to do. Protect Lucy.
He stood up and glanced at her parents. "3483." He left the booth and held up his hand for Lucy. She gladly took his hand, taking her place at his side.
"It's not officer but Sergeant Tim Bradford. You can report us as much as you want, but our relationship is already in the open. And for the record I'm not her boss, but I am so in love with your daughter and I can't watch you two beating on everything she does. I have never met a person like Lucy. She is kind, smart, funny and a total badass. She's one of the best police officers I know and sure as hell will have a great career." Tim glanced at Lucy, not quiet finished yet. "I know that she can fight her own wars, but she was there for me when no one else was and I will always be ready to protect her, even from her own parents if I have to."
Lucy squeezed his hand, she couldn't take her eyes off him. She was grateful for him, Lucy would have gotten all furious.
"I hope you have a nice evening, I feel like ice cream" Tim questionable looked down at Lucy.
Lucy had to smile, "Ice cream sounds perfect."
Tim kissed her forehead before walking away, her hand still in his. Lucy followed him, not looking back at her parents.

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