Is this the end? (P1)

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Tim winced when he sat up in the hospital bed. Lucy immediately scolded him with a side eye. "You need to rest. You almost died."
"It's not over Luce. We can't take breaks, everyone is in danger." Tim held onto his torso, steadying his breath.
"I know babe, but you can't do much." Lucy held out her hand for him to hold. Tim took it and squeezed it.
"Where is Grey? We can give a description on the guy that kidnapped us."
"He already did. Night Shift is on everything that he was able to tell us."
Tim blinked, "Night shift? How long was I out?"
"A day. Almost two." Lucy said, caressing his head.
"Fuck" Tim mumbled before leaning back into his cushions. "Are there any news?"
"No...but hey Angela wants to show you her baby girl."
Tim couldn't resist a smile, "Where is she?"
"I can text her if you feel alright."
"I– yes I absolutely do." Lucy smiled at him and texted Angela.

A few minutes later, Angela burst into the room, Wesley on her heels. "You're so damn lucky you didn't die Timothy!" She declared the baby in her hands.
"Ouh I am, you couldn't name a girl after me." He slightly grinned, "Now show me that sweet girl."
Angela bend down a bit to show her girl to Tim.
Tim smiled at the girl and raised his hand to her cheek. "She's super sweet Ang, you did a good job."
"I know, do you want to hold her?"
Tim gave Lucy a side look before sighing, "If you support me, I'm still a bit weak."
Lucy made a thankful gesture, "Thank god, finally you admit it. You're so  stubborn like seriously I had to help him drink and still he was like 'I'm strong enough to get up and catch the killer'"
"You're not doing any of that" Wesley said, taking a seat.
"I know man, thank you for the reminder." Tim rolled his eyes, "I'm just saying that we need to do something about it."
"I agree, you need to get better." Angela placed the baby into Tims arms, whilst Lucy held onto her head and back.
Tim smiled down at the baby, "What's her name again?"
"We settled on Anna." Wesley said.
"hello little Anna, I'm your uncle Tim. So if you're parents wont get you some toy or ice cream, I will. Ask your brother."
"You bribe my son with Ice cream? Wait till you two have kids. They will be spoiled rotten." Angela threatened with a smile on the lips.
"Can't wait." Lucy grinned, playing with Annas hand.
"Well you have to baby. We're not planning kids with some lunatics on the run that want to kill us." Tim said, looking up at Angela. "You need to get to the safe place. You should be there with Jackson."
"I know. We are actually being transferred this evening." Angela said. Wesley nodded along, "It will be fine."
Tim scrunched up his nose, looking at Lucy than at the other two, "How did he know where Grey and I headed to?"
"I– I don't know." Lucy admitted.
"Who was there when you two decided to go?" Wesley asked.
"Well Me, Grey, Lucy and Nolan. But anyone could have had heard it, we were in the middle of the station."
"they also could have just followed you." Angela said.
"I don't think so. They had to plan it, had to choose the exact location to capture you. If they heard you talk about it, they had approximately five minutes to plan. Enough time to seek out the right place at the right time."
"That's right. So they must have known where I life." Tim said, "Lucy. You should go through the camera on my front yard, maybe it recorded someone with suspicious behavior. And check the video from the precinct maybe someone is seen listening in."
"I tell some officer, I'm not leaving you alone."
"you want some officer to see us getting it on at the front yard?"
"Animals." Angela grinned.
"Okay fine I'll do it. But Angela stays with you."
"Deal, please take Nolan or Nyla with you." Lucy nodded and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't play superhero."
Tim nodded along and watched after her. he got distracted from Angela punching his arm.
"Ouch?!" He said, looking at her shocked.
"You two are talking about kids? When did that happen?" She looked at her husband, "Can you believe them?"
Wesley just shrugged.
"Lucy started it. On our second date she talked about gradkids." He said, grinning like an idiot. Angela got tears stuck in her eyes, "You found your big love." She sniffed.
Tim looked at Wesley, seeking for help.
"Pregnancy hormones last a bit longer." He explained taking his daughter from Tims arms.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like a truck run over me, but I will be fine." Tim replied honestly.
"You better."

"What do you mean look away? The whole point of this is to watch the videos." Nolan said, confused.
Lucy sighed, "yeah but you need to look away for a few minutes."
"But why?" He asked again, opening a bottle of Tims beers.
"Because you don't want to see me and my boyfriend making out at the front door. He gets really handsy."
"Ouh." Nolan said, turning around his back to Lucy.
Lucy watched the video but didn't found any suspicious people. "You can look again, but I have a feeling that it's useless."
"Well, we don't give up just yet." Nolan watched the rest of the following weeks on doubled speed, only slowing down when someone walks by.
"Wait. Stop it."
Nolan did what Lucy said.
"Look, that man. I saw him last week, he lost his keys and I helped him search for it. The weird thing was that he suddenly found it in his pockets. At that time I didn't minded it much but now? Seeing him on a different day right in front of the house? Maybe it's a hit."
"Let's send it to some technic freaks, maybe they can identify him." Nolan said already downloading the video.
"Good, Tim also suggested to watch the videos from the precinct. Maybe we see someone listening in on us talking."
"Could be... you know what I think?"
Lucy nodded at him, shutting down the computer.
"We had no incident for two days, maybe they already got what they wanted."
"Possible, but it must be something big and bad, so we should have been informed by now, don't you think?"
"Maybe..." Nolan set down his empty bottle, "okay let's go."
Lucy nodded and got up, "Did you call in for overtime?"
"No no, I'm finishing this with you and than I'm back with Bailey. We need some good night rest for once."
"You're right... I didn't sleep good for almost a week now."
"How's Tim doing?"
"He's awake, but still weak and injured." They walked out of the house and Lucy locked the door behind them.
"He will get better than, he's not giving up that easily."
Lucy laughed, opening the mailbox, "No he's no– NOLAN!"
Nolan stopped in his tracks and came back at her side.
"Call in. We need bomb squad."
Nolan looked over Lucys shoulder and saw the blinking package between other mails.
"Don't move Lucy." Nolan hurried to call in bomb squad.
"Don't tell Tim." Lucy whispered, breathing through her nose, not daring to make any movement.

I hope you like the first chapter.
Btw the picture I included is my imagination of Fei. I will do the other kids as well.

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