Vanessa Chen

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Lucy didn't thought often about her parents. But when she did, it hurt. Her parents choose not to have any contact with her after she married Tim. They were ashamed of her daughter being a police officer and marrying one. Lucy accepted it.
She had contact with her aunt Amy and her Nana, and she was sure that those two told her parents about everything that was going on in her life, especially about her children.
Never the less, it hurt when she met her parents again. It was on a shopping spree, Tim and Lucy decided to take the kids 'back to school' shopping.
They bought some clothes and school supplies and of course they wanted to end the day with some ice cream from the mall.
"Okay kids, choose wisely." Tim announced, bouncing with Leighton on his shoulders. The little one year old, was very active and liked to bite her fathers ears or yank his hair.
Tim hissed after one of her attacks, "I swear, I'm bald by the end of the year." He told Lucy, who laughed and paid their kids ice cream.
They settle down in a waiting area and ate their ice cream. Lucy caught glimpse of a beautiful summer dress and shoved her ice cone into Tims hand. "I'll be back in a minute."
With that she went into the store and tried on the dress. It was a bit short and it showed her curves just in the right way. She grinned to herself, knowing that Tim would like it.
She examined herself in one of the mirrors in front of the changing rooms.
"Lucy?" Someone asked, she knew all too well who. Lucy turned around and was face to face with her mother.
Lucy could feel her mothers eyes roaming her body in the dress, she huffed, "I see it's true. You must have really gotten a bunch of kids huh?"
"Excuse me?" Lucy asked, stunned that that was the first thing out of her mothers mouth.
"Well you gained weight. Anyway, are you still mad at us?" Vanessa Chen, looked at her daughter like she was some stranger.
Lucy was stunned silent for a second, before speaking up. "If I am mad at you? God mother I don't even want to talk to you."
"You can be such a drama queen Lucy. Seriously is this how you act at home with your husband? Are you even still married or did he left you? I mean I could see it from a mile that he just played with your feelings."
"Mom. That's enough. Yes I am still married, and I'm happy."
"Nonsense that's–" she got interrupted from Tim walking into the store, the kids on his heels. The moment he saw Lucy in the dress, he groaned and looked her up and down.
"Wow Mommy, you look like a Disney princess!" Theo grinned, chocolate covering his cheeks.
"Why thank you honey." She said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Baby. You're buying this. You look gorgeous, please wear it to date night." Tim practically gaped at her, not minding Fei yanking his arm for some attention. Lucy immediately forgot her mother and smiled at her husband, "sure can do."
He grinned at her, before recognizing Vanessa Chen. Tim looked at Lucy, silently asking if everything is fine.
"Bradford. I see, you're still around." Vanessa said, watching the five kids.
"Nowhere else I rather be." He responded shortly. "Boys, please stop the running, we'll get kicked out again."
Finnegan and Matthew just laughed but obliged. "Who are you?" Fei asked Vanessa.
Vanessa Chen looked at Lucy, utter disbelief on her face. "You didn't told your kids about their grandparents?"
"We told them the truth. That you and dad didn't want to have anything to do with us."
"Ouh please Lucy, cut the drama." Vanessa looked at the kids, "I'm your grandma."
Matthew and Finnegan shared a look, but Theo was the first to speak. "Nope. We already have a grandma, so thank you but no."
"Exactly. Grandma Luna is the best. She gives us candy, and she lets me watch this TV series with the vampires."
"See!" Lucy looked at Tim, happy grinning, "I didn't show them vampire cop. Luna did."
Tim rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna talk to her. This show is nothing for kids and so unrealistic."
"Well if you don't want me to watch a cop tv show, take me to a real crime scene." Fei demanded, crossing her arms.
"Some day little boot." Tim patted her head, hissing as Leighton bit in his ear.
"You're encouraging your kids to take the same career as you do? That's pathetic."
"Mom. What are you still doing here?" Lucy asked, taking Leighton from Tim to give him a break.
"Clearly we don't want to talk to you, so I suggest you leave."
"Now come on. Don't be like this Lucy."
"Ouh but I am. I don't want you near me or my family, especially the kids." Lucy said sternly. Theo took her hand and Squeezed it.
"You can't be serious." Vanessa flipped her hair back, "This nonsense, he's talking it into you right? That husband of yours."
"He doesn't need to talk anything into me. You ignored your invitation to our wedding, which was by the way Tims idea. You ignored any other messages from me or calls. And you didn't care about your grandchildren. So no mom. It's not nonsense, it's common sense."
"And if you exuse us, I think we have enough of this." Tim said, he looked at Lucy, once again tracing her body with his eyes. "And you, you need to buy this, like yesterday."
Lucy chuckled, "let me get dressed again, than we can go home."
"Deal." Tim gathered the kids and told them to grab a bag each, he took Leighton from Lucy and started bouncing again, to not make her mad.
"You can wait in the front." Lucy suggested and Tim nodded, walking off with the kids. Lucy looked at her mother, "goodbye mom." She turned around and went back into the changing room. After all these years Lucy finally realized that she did the right thing by cutting her mother off now. It was the best for the children, and her.

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