After 5x22 (Part 1)

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Genny was pacing a whole into Mildwishire floor, waiting for her brother or someone else to explain why she had to drag her boys out of the house in the middle of the night. She was not the only one. There were many people in civil waiting for answers.
"Oh thank god, someone I know. Hello Genny." Mrs. Lopez said, hugging the younger woman.
"Hi Mrs. Lopez. Good to see you again, do you know what's going on?"
"No clue dear. I talked to Patrice, she has no answers as well."
Before Genny could say something, Sergeant Grey and other officers walked up and demanded attention.
"Listen people. There has been multiple accidents with our officers. Two of us got attacked on the streets, now they're in the hospital, one fighting for his god damn life. Then another officer got attacked at his own home, so we need to secure everyone that means something to our officers. This information needs to stay in this station and we need you to cooperate with us to keep you all safe. Soon you can talk to your family members and they will explain to your further. In the next few hours we will depart you to a safe place. If you have any–"
He got interrupted by his radio coming to life. Genny could hear Lucys voice. "Adam 100 we got a crowd coming towards us. Multiple armed suspects. We need help right now."
"To the shops!" Grey called to his officers. "I'm not seeing another of my officers in a hospital bed!" The officers immediately moved, letting the civilians stand by.
Grey looked at the scared people in his station, "I have to go. You're safe here. Don't go out, don't call any other people. We will be back. Smitty! Give them anything they need." With that he was out of the room.

"That was our Lucy Patrick. I told you she was going to get killed in this job." A woman almost screamed. Genny suspected it was Lucy's mom. The husband looked as unpleasant as his wife.
"Don't worry mam, she's out with Bradford. They know how to have each others back." Smitty said in a surprising calming way.
Genny came to life. "My brothers is out there? I thought he is with metro?"
"Mom does that mean that uncle Tim and aunt Lucy are in danger?" Tyler asked.
"He called into patrol today so Chen had a partner since we are shorthanded. But don't worry, they will be fine." Smitty tried it again.
Genny nodded and paid attention towards her sons. She had to distract herself from the concern washing over her and the critical look the Chens gave her. She knew that this wasn't Tim's first rodeo, but he told her there was a reason he's not out with Lucy anymore. He would cross a line to keep her safe.
The minutes turned into an hour and another. Some people were already transported into busses and brought to a safe place. After another hour there were only Genny and her boys, the Chens, Mrs. Lopez and Luna Grey. Smitty had brought them coffee, tea and some apple juice for the boys. Genny watched officers hurry through the station. She even saw some guys with metro uniform walking by. But no Tim or Lucy.
Till they walked in, with Grey and Nolan. Tim had a black eye and he walked with a wince all over his face. He was hurt. But so was Lucy, she had a cut on her cheek and a bruised neck.
"Tim!" Genny called out and almost sprinted towards her brother. He looked a bit surprised but recovered quickly before wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight. "Hey Gen." He said, soothing her back.
"Don't hey Gen me you jerk! I thought something happened to you."
"I'm sorry"
"Uncle Tim!" The boys came running over and wrapping their arms around his torso and legs.
Tim chuckled softly, "easy there champs" he released Genny and ruffled the boys hair.
"Are you okay?" He asked towards Genny. She nodded.
"We're good. A little scared and in need of an explanation but good."
Tim nodded, looking behind her towards Lucy and her parents. Whom seemed to be in a heated conversation.
"I will come by tomorrow yeah? I have to pick up Kojo and bring them to you, after that you get your explanation."
"Okay. Do you know where we're staying?"
He nodded, "yes, I–"
"Bradford!" He got interrupted by Mr. Chen and walking up.
Tim turned towards the angry voice. Lucy on her fathers heels.
"I knew you were useless the moment I laid my eyes on you. You couldn't protect my daughter! You're no good for her!"
"Dad! Stop that. You're making a scene and giving Tim fault where he's not to blame." Lucy said, just as angry as her father.
"Mr. Chen I'm–" Tim tried it, but there was no sense in arguing.
Genny looked at him and knew where his mind was. He did blame himself for that.
She was about to say something when Lucy appeared at his side, wrapping her fingers around his arm.
"He's not to blame. Do you get me? You should thank him that your only child still lives. I would probably be dead if we hadn't been together."
Genny loved Lucy for standing up for herself and for Tim, in a moment he clearly couldn't do it himself.
Genny looked up at her brother and saw the vulnerability in his face. His eyes were on Lucy, big and scared for life. That was the moment Genny knew her brother would be a wreck if something would have happened to Lucy. It was beautiful and scary at the same time. She knew he was in a bad place after Isobel left him. But the way he looked at Lucy...
This was different. That woman could shatter his world if something happens to her.
"Listen to yourself Lucy! This job and this relationship is no good for you. You're risking your life and this man you trust so much can't even provide for your safety!" Her mother was fuming with anger.
Lucy tighten her grip on Tims arm, which seemed to pull him out of his thoughts.
"If you don't stop this theatre right now, I'm going to have you put into custody for insulting a police officer. And you will spend this night in a cell, I promise it's not as comfortable as a hotel room." He said, standing taller.
"That's manly of you. Threatening us with jell, just because you can't handle the truth." Vanessa Chen said.
"It's not about me. It's about your daughter. Who had a really hard day and she does not need to stand here and listen to you insulting her ability to protect herself and do her job."
Genny tried to hide her smile, but she was to proud not to.
After another hard glare from Sergeant Grey, the Chens quit their tantrum and with a last look towards Lucy, they walked towards the bus.
"Are you okay Lucy?" Genny asked her, concerned. Lucy looked like she was ready to burst into tears.
Lucy nodded, "Yeah, thanks"
Genny smiled at her, trying to comfort her. Tyler walked over and squeezed Lucys hand whilst James grinned up at her.
"I'm glad you two are okay. I love the gossip my daughter shares with me about you two."
"Hello Emilia, I'm glad you're okay." Tim smiled a bit, holding on to Lucys hand and hugging the woman quick. "We need to talk about your daughters big mouth though."
"Anytime. I miss you over for burrito night son."
"I will be there after all of this" Tim promised. Mrs. Lopez nodded satisfied.
She looked over at Lucy, "You're so pretty dear, I would have introduced to my sons If you were available."
Lucy actually laughed a bit, "thanks Mrs. Lopez. But I might have to pass."
Mrs Lopez laughed a bit and waved a last time before she walked towards the bus, taking James and Tyler with her, because they had to tell her about the new manga they're reading.
Genny watched her boys with a smile, she was happy that they lived in a save family. They had all their friends and their mom, their uncle and his friends and now even an aunt they adored.
A quit sob made her look back at her brother and Lucy.
Lucy held a hand to her mouth, trying to not make a sound. Tim instantly wrapped his arms around her and gently pressed her head to his chest.
Genny locked eyes with Luna Grey and they nodded. It was time to give the couple some privacy. She kissed her husband goodbye and accompanied Genny towards the bus.
Genny looked over her shoulder one last time. Nolan and Grey made sure that they seemed busy, whilst Tim held Lucy, gently but firm.
They almost lost each other. Genny couldn't imagine how scared they must have been.

"Luce. You stay here and rest okay? I go get Kojo." Tim said a few minutes later, after he made sure Lucy was okay.
"what? No, you can't go alone" she grabbed his hand, afraid of letting him go.
"He wont be alone. I'm going with him." Grey speaker up, nodding towards Tim.
"My old friends house is on your way and I want him to see something about this all."
Tim nodded, "okay." He looked back down at Lucy. "I will be back soon baby"
Lucy hesitated, she was afraid to lose Tim. They had some intensive hours passed them.
"okay, please be careful and hurry."
"I promise" he said, stroking her cheek with his knuckles.
Lucy glanced at the other officers in the station before deciding that she didn't give a fuck. She raised to her tip toes and firmly pressed her lips against Tims.
Tim didn't hesitate to wrap his arm around her back and retuning the kiss.
Lucy ended the kiss with a small smile, "Go get our boy"
Tim nodded, still smiling he retrieved his arm and followed Grey to the shop.

"You're in love" Grey stated after they drove the first ten minutes in silence.
"I am" Tim admitted, there was no point in denying his feelings for Lucy.
"I'm glad we had the talk" Grey said, on which Tim chuckled. Grey joined in.
"I'm serious. It's good to see you and Chen so happy."
" you think it's to soon to ask her and Tamara to move in with me?"
'Not at all, if it feels right it probably is."
"I'm sorry. I mean definitely"
"Sure you do.." Tim said, squirming in his seat.
"Back to business. What do you think about all of this?" Grey asked him.
"It feels like it's just beginning. The attacks make no sense at all."
"They don't, no." Grey thought. He noticed a big van behind them, coming damn near their tail.
"Tim. The car behind us is–"
"Wade!" Tim interrupted, but it was to late. A car rammed them from the side. The last thing Tim saw,  was the shattering of the glass and the bright lights from the other car.

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