Miracle pt 2 (E.O)

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Elisabeth POV

I'm now 15 weeks pregnant we where getting ready to go to one of RDJ party's for the cast. We where planning to tell them about the baby. I had a light Shaw on my shoulder to hide my bump until we told everyone

"come on babe you so slow" Y/n wined from the door. " we I'm getting ready trying to find one shirt that fits me because you got me pregnant and haven't taken me shopping to get close that will fit" I say back.

" I'm ready now anyway let's go" i walk up to him kissing his lips he try's to deep in it but I pull away " your such a horn dog and I'm the pregnant one we need to go we don't have time for sex right now"I scold him. He just pouts as I walk down the stairs to the car he opened the door for me helping me in the car.

We walk to the door and knock waiting for someone to answer. Mackie opens the door. " oh grate the old Maired couples here" he growns " dude your ten years older then us and we 26 not really that old last time I checked" I say " ok fine" he responds as he hugs me then Y/N.

" Lizzie bear" Robert says as he hugs me a little tightly "I kinda need air Robert" I say " oh yah sorry" he said " You treating my daughter right buddy" he asked my husband as he pulls me into his side. " yes I've not done anything wrong since 4 hours ago when you asked me" he replied.

"Your daughter she's my daughter" I hear Jeramy say from behind. "No I claimed her first" Robert says " we she's basically my daughter in the movie so she's my daughter in real life" Jeramy replied back. " are you to arguing about who Lizzie favor is agin it's obvious me" Hemsworth says coming over hugging me.

" I can settle this" my husband says " I'm here favorite because she married me". " boys boys stop arguing I'll tell you who my favorite is, it's Rose" I say as I see the little girl come running to me " Auntie Lizzie"she as she jumped into my arms. " mommy told me to save you" she said " well I'm saved so let go see what the ladies are up to to much testosterone in here if you ask me" I say " see you in a bit babe" I say and kiss him goodbye.

I walk into the kitchen seeing all the wives and scarlet there. " ah Lizzie I see Rose did her job well" scar said " yah I swear those men give me a head ache" I say " Men are so need I swear if it weren't for us lady's they would all be dead by now." Elsa ( Chris H wife) said. I grab a soda from the fridge and sit at the bar with the rest of them. " The kids to its a miracle they made it to adults" Susan said.

" Lizzie when are you and Y/N going to have kids" Elsa asked. " oh I don't know we aren't or I don't really know" I say trying to keep a straight face. " oh my god your pregnant aren't you" scarlet asked. " shhh don't scream it we where going to tell everyone tonight" i say " oh my god oh my god why didn't you tell me how far along are you what's the gender is it twins" she asked in rapid succession. " scarlet let her talk for crying out loud you going to fluster her" Susan said. " we where waiting to reach a certain week, I'm 15 weeks , we don't know the gender, and no it's not twins" i say. " it's about time that boy knocked you up" she says " Scar we've been trying for 5 years that's why we kept it to our selves" i say " oh my good I'm sorry" she said " it's fine you didn't know" I say " so what else is new your husbands don't talk much about you guys" I asked


The boys and I sat in the living room now all with bears joined by the Toms and the Paul's and Chris E. " so anyone have anything news" Robert ask " everything good with the wives or imaginary girlfriends in Hollands case" " hey" Tom said " buddy it doesn't get better they tease me and I was married before I met them" I say and take a sip of my beverage.

" no we make fun off you for being a push over and a baby " Jeramy sneered. " I'm not a push over or a baby" I defined " you literally whine if Lizzie isn't near you for to long" Chris E adds " it's true I've seen it" Paul R says. " shush it tic tack" i reply " I feel for Liz when when you two have kids she already got your big baby ass to deal with" Chris H says

" hey I'm taking pretty good care of her now when she 4 months pregnant thank you very much" I say but quickly relies what I said. " wait she pregnant" Jeramy says " why did my daughter not tell me of my grandchild" Robert says. " shit I was not supposed to say that" I mumbled. " see a big baby" Paul says I just flip him off. " you guys make fun of me for spoiling things" Tom says. " I am so sleeping on the couch tonight" I mumbled

" yes she's pregnant and no we don't know the gender and no it's not twins" i say " congrats man" mackie says. " that explánese why she's not doing stunts" Paul b says " you owe me 50 pal" Seb said to Chris. " you put bets on my wife being pregnant" i asked " ahhh no" Seb said squinting talking a 50 from him.

" hey boys mind if we join" scarlet says " no come on laddie" Mackie said. " aw Anthony hate to break it to you us ladies are all married and in very committed relationship" Liz says siting next to me laying her head on my shoulder" so what you boy's talking about" scar asked.

" nothing" Tom said averting eye contact " hey Lizzie how you feeling" Jeramy asked. She looks at me " you told them didn't you" she asked " no I didn't YES I did" i say looking down " i heat it when you use you psychic Wanda magic on me" I grumble. " don't worry scar figured it out right away" she tells me.

" How is my grandchild doing Robert ask well they are very good and 15 weeks alone" she says resting her hand on her stomach. He gasp very loudly " I can't believe you hid it so long" he said " we just wanted to make sure everything was ok and nothing would happen that's all" I say.

" let's play a game shall we how about charades" I say

Probably 3 more parts depending on what I write

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