Miracle - 4 (E.O)

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"Hey can we come in" We hear a voice ask I look up to see my mom standing at the door. " Yah come here" I say as Lizzie lets me pick up the small baby in her arms.

" Mom met your granddaughter
Jennifer Isla L/N" I tell her " You named her after me" she asked excepting the small child. " Of course we named her after the strongest person we know" I explain.

" Aw thank you, she looks just like Lizzie lucky she didn't get your looks Y/N/N" she tells. Lizzie laughs at that "Hey" I say with a fake hurt look. She just smiles at me I can't get mad at her because she sacrificed so much for me especially since she had me at 16.

After a little our parents left giving Liz some time to rest before our friends come.

After a hour there was a knock on the door. " Come in" I say. " Lizzie bear" Robert says as he walks in holding a stuffed dolphin. " Where's my granddaughter" he asks walking over to the bed.

" Hi Robert" Lizzie tells as she hands him Jennifer. "Aw she so cute I'm gonna steal you" he tell the baby in his arms to wich she just giggles. "where's Susan" I asked noticing the lack of his wife. "She's didn't want to crowd you two but she's excited to met this little one, what's her name" he questions.

"Jennifer Isla Olson"Lizzie reply's "Who's all coming" he questions

" Scar, little Tom, both Chris, and Jeramy" i says as we here another knock and scarlet come in. "Come on Robert you sneak I wanted to hold her first" she complains.  Robert passes her over to Scarlet who gladly takes her.

"Hey Scar we where wondering if you two would want to be her godmother" I question the newest member in the room. "Yes" she answers . " Lizzie she's beautiful lucky she didn't get her dads genes" Scarlet teased. " Why dose everyone keep saying that" I complain.

" aw baby don't worry when we have a boy I want him to have your genes" my wife reassures me.

About 20 minutes later Jennifer is now back in Lizzie arms and the rest rest of our friends arrive. "We come baring presents" Chris H say as he hands me a bag. I swapped Lizzie for the baby and handed her the box to open.

"Thanks man" I say as they cue over the little girl. " My God she's so cut" Tom says wiggling her feet. " Evans we're wondering if you would like to be godfather" i asked he just shows a look of shock on his face " Really yah of course" he answers with a slight stutter.

"What about me" Jeramy ask with offense " You and Robert are the Godgranddads" Lizzie tells them " aw can i hold her now" he asked I nod handing her to him. "Aw im going to spoil you so much" He tells her.

I turn my attention over to Lizzie who shows me a tiny Scarlet Witch onesie. " God it so small and cute" she say In a cute voice" Thank you Hemsworth " she says " Oh no problem we got to look out for your spawn" he jokes and we both give him a glare.

"Don't call my Goddaughter a spawn Hemsworth" Chris E defends "So Lizzie how are you feeling" Evans asked. She just lets out a small laugh and say " Like I just pushed out a football" I just laugh at her response only to revive a death glare.

" You know you caused it to happen" she say pointing her finger at me keeping the intimidating glare." shh there's children in the room" I say covering Toms ears who is now holding Jen. "Dude I'm 20" he defended "exsacly a child" I say " Tom don't worrie well still adopt you" Lizzie tells him laughing " Thanks mom" he says in a happy, joking tone.

After awhile they all leave leaving us alone again. " I love you two" I tell them kissing their heads. " I love you more" she responds. " Not possible" i tell her softly.

Last part is complete hope you enjoy comment and leave request <3.

Also probably wouldn't get a chapter out tomorrow got to clean the house. Ugg anyway have a good Day and Night.

Elizabeth Olsen / Wanda Maximoff one shots Where stories live. Discover now