After all this Time (W.M)

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Wanda's POV

I just stayed wrapped in my sheets staring at the wall trying to hold back my tears. It was our anniversary today and all I could think about was him. He was my best friend and soul mate my only reason for living.

But he was taken from me to soon and I miss him so much.

" Wanda" Steve said from behind the closed door. I stay silent not wanting human interaction right now. " We have a briefing on the mission the outhers just got back from and they requesting you to be there" he say. Really I have to go to a meeting for a mission I wasn't even on.

" I tryed to get them to excuse you but Fury is persisten, I know how hard today is on you but would you mind coming along anyway" he says in a calming comforting tone.

I pull myself up quickly dry my tears and walk out the door meeting Steve not caring I'm still in Pajamas.

" Hey I'm really sorry about this" he say warmly embracing me in a hug. He was Y/Ns older brother and so he was my brother in-law.

He walked with me to the meeting room and I tried to not look like I've been crying but it's so hard not to.

" Mrs. Rodgers it's nice to see you" Fury says. " What do you want" i ask an annoyed tone. " You could have cleaned up better" he say eyeing my ataire.

" Just stop What do you want tell me now before I walk out of the door" I reply " Well we found something on the mission more like someone" he says.

" What are you saying who did you  find" I ask " your husband Mrs Rodgers" he say as my jaw drops " Where is he tell me now" I demand standing up lifting him with my powers.

" He's in the med bay" he chokes fear in his voice. I drop him and run as fast as possible to the med bay.

" Y/N" I say seeing him laying in a hospital bed. " Hi darling" he says seeing me " your alive i thought — I thought you where dead" I stutter.

" I here baby I promise he says kissing me.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and start crying and burry myself in his chest.

"I'll never leave you again darling" he says softly kissing my head

Sorry it's short but wanted to get something out.

Elizabeth Olsen / Wanda Maximoff one shots Where stories live. Discover now