Hostage (E.O)

462 14 3

Tw - Mild Violence/ Death

Lizzie POV

I was currently finishing up on the set of Multiverse of Madnesses and was talking to my Husband/ Head of security
" god I'm tired" I say and lean onto his shoulder as we walk to my trailer.

" You work hard babe you should go home and get some sleep. I'll be back a little later " he tells me and helps me up my  trailer steps.

After getting changed I go to head to my car. " by honey" he says kissing my head. I walk towards the parking lot when Benedict C walks up to me.

" Hey Liz how are you" he ask as we continuing to walk to our destination. " I'm tired and want to sleep god Sam worked us hard" I complain. " Where's
Y/N" he questions quietly.

" he has to finish something up here first and wanted me to sleep so he told me to go" I answer.

I got a weird feeling that someone was following me but before I can react I felt a rag go over my mouth and everything went black.


I finally finished my work and headed to the parking lot to call an Uber since Lizzie took the car. When I reach the parking lot I see the car still there. " Lizzie sweetie where you" I call out. I did get an answer.

I also saw Benedict's car was still here when I looked around more and saw her pocketbook on the ground.

" I knew I shouldn't have let her go alone" I say out loud though I knew no one was there. I Grab her stuff quickly and run to the security room to check the cameras. That's when my fears where conform she was kidnapped. I could have done something if I had just left with her or had her sleep in the trailer.

A few minutes later I get a message from a unknown number. It was a video of Lizzie she was tied up and gaged still unconscious from whatever she was drugged with. Benedict was also with her in the same state.

There was a message
              SHES MINE NOW

Don't worry Lizzie I'm coming for you.

Lizzie POV

I had a pounding headache and my body felt numb. I felt tight pressure on my wrist and ankles. " Lizzie oh my god are you ok" Ben asks me but I have a gag in my mouth so I can't speak.

Everything is dark and hard to see I'm only able to see my
co-star next to me but he is less restrained then me.

" She's up boss" we hear a man say from the door. " Hi sweetheart how are you" a bigger man walks in and kneels in front of me. He grabs me by my head bringing it up so my eyes met his.

He pulls the gag out of my mouth and try's to kiss me. I managed to pull my knee up to hit him where it hurts.

"Fuck stupid bitch" he says and smacks me across my face. I pull my legs to my chest. " Aw sweetheart I'm sorry" the man said trying to touch my face again but I pull away hiding my face in my legs.

" Leave her alone she married moron, who are you anyway" Benedict ask annoyed. " of course you don't know who I am I'm the one she is supposed to be married to" he spits.

" Your supposed to me mine but you only ever saw Y/N not his nobody assistant" he continues getting more mad by the second.

" Wait Richard" I say now recognizing the man. " Aw Elizabeth sweetheart you remember me" he says forcefully kissing me and I'm not able to get away this time.

He try's to put his tung into my mouth and when I refuse to he squeezed my breast hard which causes me to cry out and he slips into my mouth.

" Get off  her asshole" Ben says trying to kick him off. He has become like a big brother to me since we started filming and he also hated it when guys hit on me or force them selfs on me.

Elizabeth Olsen / Wanda Maximoff one shots Where stories live. Discover now