Chance Meeting (E.O)

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Lizzie POV

I walked into set on my first day I was really nervous this was my first major movie role. Also the cast have worked together for a few years and I'm just some random girl walking in.

I was so lost in thought that I bumped into someone and I fell over landing on the ground. " Oh my god I'm so sorry" I say looking down trying not to make eye contact.

" Hey don't worry I'm the one that knocked you on the floor" he said holding out his hand. I grabbed his hand and he pulled be up with ease.

" Hey Your Elisabeth right" he asked " um yah" I responded surprised he knew who I was. "I saw you in Martha Marcy May Marlene watched all your movie since then" he says like an excited fan girl.

"Oh come with me I'll take you to where the rest of the cast is" he grabbed my arm and started running. " oh ok" I say as he drags me to a set.

" hey guys look who I found" he said motioning to me. " a girl that looks dizzy because you dragged her here" Chris Evans said. " Lizzie" Arron said as he squeezed me tightly. " I missed you to Arron but I can't breath" I say. " sorry he apologized.

" oh it's your fake girlfriend" RDJ teased. " Wait your Y/N" i asked " didn't you introduce yourself to her" Jeramy Renner asked " no he knocked me down and grabbed my hand and dragged me here" i replied. " it's nice to met you and I finally get another girl here" Scarlet said

Maybe this won't be so bad

1 month later

We where filming the kiss scene today or 1 of them at least and I was really nervous. I had formed a small crunch on Y/N. He was just so nice and childish in a good way.

I heard a knock on my trailer door and walked over to answer it. " Hey Liz do you want to walk to set together" he asked with a smile on his face. " yah I'm ready let's go" I say. We walked in an awkward silence to set.

" So you ready for today" he asked " As long as your breath doesn't smell bad and your a good kisser" i joke " I'm a good kisser thank you very much" he said " oh so your not a virgin" I question " no I'm not are you" he reflected back. " no I very much not a virgin" I continue.

" Are you dating anyone" he questions " no, are you" I say " no" he replied. "Well we can be single together I guess" he said raping his arm around me.

Skip to scene

"Alright action" Kevin yells " Hi again darling" y/n says " I'm not your darling" Lizzie said in her Sokovin accent  " aw what a shame your cute" he snickers.

Lizzie pretends to throw magic at Y/N who in turn flys back with wires. He jump up running towards her knocking her feet from under her lading with a thud. She flipped over so she was on top of him.

" god I really want to kiss you right now" he say deciding to take action pulls her face down kissing her. She relaxes as he depends it.

Lizzie POV

"Cut" Kevin yelled " great job you two have awesome chemistry take 10" he continues as we pull away. " that was" I start
" good" he finishes. " yah" I say " do you want to go on a date tonight" he asked " mhm shut up and kiss me again" I respond.

"My god someone separate the horny teenagers" Robert says interrupting us. " dude I finally got a girl and you ruin the moment" he say wile I help him up. " well you kissed my daughter " he says " I'm not your daughter Robert you can't legally adopt adults" I reply " I'm rich and who said it had to be legal" he expanded.

" ok we'll we have to get ready for our next scene, see you later" I grabe Y/Ns hand. " Lizzie we don't have a scene for a few hours" he says confused. " where going to my trailer to make out dummy" I replied " oh that's better" he exclaimed.

2 years later


"Lizzie wake up" I whisperer in her ear " no" she whines putting her head in the pillow " Sweetheart we have to be on set in an hour" i say " I'll be late then" she mumbles.

" come on" I say picking up in my arms. I sit her up and grab some clothes for her. " Stop" she groans " do you want to go to work naked" I question " fine" she huffed grabbing the clothes from my hand walking into the bathroom.

I went downstairs to start a quick breakfast for her. After a few minutes I here her thumb down the stairs. She slumps in her chair laying her head on the table. " here you go babe happy 2 year anniversary" i say giving her the plate and a kiss.

"Love you" she mumbles into the kiss. " Hurry up sleepy head we have to go in ten minutes" i tell her.

We finally arrive on set thankfully on time. Today was really special because being our two year anniversary I was going to propose to Lizzie I had the help of the cast to plan it.

Kevin walked up to us just like we planned " hey guys change of plans we are filming Lizzie your new costume is in your trailer, Y/N come with me".
" see you soon Liz" I say quickly kissing her and following Kevin

"They got everything all set up" he says as I follow him " god why am I so nervous" I ask. " shes not going to say no buddy I see the way you look at her" he reassures. " thanks" I say.

5 minutes later Lizzie walks onto the set not looking up at me. " isn't this dress a little fancy for lounging around the house or am I missing something?" She asked. I sat down on one knee and pulled on the small box. The set around me was decorated with fairy lights and flowers. " Your missing something darling look up" I say.

He eyes look at me instantaneously, her hands go to cover her mouth and her eyes show a shade of shock. she steps closer to me and starts to speak " is this really happening" " yes my love" I start "Elisabeth Chases Olson will you give me the honor of becoming my wife and standing by me for the rest of time". Her eyes fill with tears and she nods I pick her up spinning her around kissing her " yes I'll mary you" she cried as I slipped the ring on her finger.

" yeah" everyone cheers clapping. I pulled her into my side as they all came over. "Now rules you are not allowed to be in a room alone and use protection, if you hurt her I will end you" Robert tells us but the last part directed at me.

" Dad we alredy live together and he has never hurt me" Lizzie tells him laying her head on my shoulder. " yes she called me dad take that Jeramy" he cheers. " whether I'm still Lizzie favorite" Jeramy smirked

" God and they call us teenagers" Liz says. " so are we filming today or not" She asked " actually we decided you guys need a break for a day so Robert it throwing a party for the lovely couple" Kevin said.

" come on my future wife" I tell her with a laugh " ok future hubby" she responded.

1 year later

Lizzie was beautiful I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful site then her walking down the aisle. Now we where having our first dance. " Why are you staring at me like that" she asked " like what" I question spinning her around "with that goofy smile dork" she says " I'm just looking at the most beautiful girl ever seen" I say.

" I love you" i tell her " I know you tell me once every 5 minutes" she giggled. "You deserve to hear it more" I reassured.

" you know that day you ran into be is the 3 best day of my life" I tell her " only 3" she says raising her eyebrow at me. " Third only to today and whenever our kids our born" I say smiling. " Oh then in that case it was one of my favorite days to" she said laying her head on my chest. We just slowly danced and had fun for the rest of the night

Not requested but hope you enjoy.  Comment and share your thoughts please

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