Holiday Season ( W.M)

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It's not Christmas, but who cares.

The Avengers Compound was decked to the brim Tony spearing no expense wanting to cheer everyone up after the year they had.

Y/N was really excited to spend the first Christmas since being Wed to his wife that he loved but also annoyed sometimes. They hadn't been able to celebrate properly since before they where captured by Hydra making it extra special.

"COOKIE TIME" he shouted to his sleeping wife

" god y/n it's 6 am can't I sleep in please I'm 6 months pregnant " Wanda groaned. " but babe we need to go make cookies pleas" Y/N whined. " fine can you at least help me up" she replied. He grabbed her hand pulling her to sit up.

" Your son better not wake me up this early every morning" she groaned " give him a break hun, now let's go make cookies " He tells her excitedly. " your a child" she tells him " you married me" he smirked.

Wanda walked to the bathroom getting a quick shower. Changing back into Pajamas so she would be more comfortable.

" Took you long enough" her husband complained in a joking way. " Do you have an off switch" she questions " Ah im offended" he exclaimed.
" Come on if you want to make cookies let's go" she told him to which he jumped up and down excitedly.

They walk to the kitchen seeing Nat sitting drinking a coffee. " Hey surprised to see you up this early Wanda, what are you guys doing" she as confused. Wanda had never been much of a morning person especially now.

" My loving Husband decided making cookies at 6 am was more important the my sleep schedule" she says as she grabbed the flower and sugar.

" Y/N you woke your pregnant wife up to make cookies" she questions with a scowl. Due to Wanda being the only other regular girl compound Wanda and Natasha have become close friends. So naturally she not afraid to fight her husband for her.

" Nat it's fine it not like I can do much right now anyway plus I'm on decorating duty" she smiles then smirked at her husband. " That's fair" he says as he got more ingredients ready.

" well you to have fun I'm going to head to the gym and Wands let me know if I need to kick his ass" she reassured leaving the room. Wanda look over at Y/Ns face seeing his scared gases.

" don't worry sweetheart I'm not going to have Nat hurt you" She comforted. A wave of relief washed over his face. "Now get started I can't decorate with no cookies" she spoke.

Wanda was decorating a tray of cookies when she felt arms rap around her waste resting their hands on her bump. Y/N has always been bigger then Wanda due to his frequent exercise and training and her malnourishment as a child even now he still held that due to the height difference.

" What are you doing" she questioned the man. " I'm just admiring my beautiful and sexy wife" was his reply. " mhm are you now" she questions in a seductive tone. He lightly kiss down her neck. " Stop you pervert" she joked shrugging him off.

" When are you going to be done" he wined like a child reattaching him self to me. " your the one that begged me to make cookies with you now your done it's been an hour" she say. " well I'm board now" he replied sarcastically.

" of course you're bored already" Wanda replied " i'm almost done just give me like three minutes to finish things up then we can do whatever you wanna do OK you big baby" " yay I will clean up the stuff really fast" he cheered and ran to clean everything up.

It was Christmas Eve now and they where watching all the classics Home Alone, Christmas Vacation, and all those cheesy Hallmark movies.

" I'm just saying how do you leave your kid at home like you should check to make sure he is there" Wanda explains. " well darling don't talk just yet we might do it yet got 18 years for it to happen" he says

" I'm not leaving my baby here alone especially with Tony here he's gonna try and turn him into a weird freaky science experiment" she defended. " That's very fair" he agreed.

" But don't read to much into the movies there cute and funny" he says then continues " they should make a Christmas movie about us" " whys that" she questions.

" Because we have a crazy but seemingly perfect life" he tells her " oh is that what where calling it now" she questions with a smile. " yes it is now let's go to bed it's getting late" he tells her helping her off the sofa and upstairs to their room.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS" Y/N yells into his wife's face. She jumps of fear immediately punching him in Square in the face. " what the hell Y/N" she screams at him. " ow what it Christmas morning" he exclaimed " and that gives you a right to scream in my face to wake me up. What did you expect to happen?" she questioned him. " I was expecting my wife to not hit me in the face" he argued

" anyway come on let's go let's go let's go we have presents to open" he cheers as he jumps up and down. " OK fine I'm coming but warning you next time you wake me up like that I will get Nat to hurt you got it" she threatened. " yes, ma'am" he stuttered " good glad we have an understanding let's go" she says.

They walk down the stairs into the common room where all the others are already waiting. "Finally look who showed up" Tony snarked. " Y/N why do you have a black eye" Sam questions " my wife punched me" he responded

She gives him a death glare before speaking " and you screamed I'm my face to wake me up" she snapped as she say down on the sofa. " Y/N I will kick your ass if she complains one more time about you waking her up early" Nat threatened again.

The Group of heroes who started opening their presents, when Y/N handed Wanda a small box. " open it" he says. when she saw it, her hand it to cover her mouth. It was a small locket with a Red and blue gem in it.

" the gems represent our power colors in then inside we can put a picture of your choosing of little one" he tells her. Her eyes tear up at the gift, and she begins to say " will you put it on me". " of course love" he responds with a full smile.

" Thank you it was the best Christmas ever" she spoke " I'm glad you enjoyed it sweetheart, but something tells be next year will be better" he says with love in his voice. " Yah" she responded softly and leaned in for a kiss. There was a choir of aws in the background at the sight.

It truly was the best Christmas in a long time.

Enjoy , please leave request I should be able to get to them in the next few days, and comment what you think.

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