Complicated Relations (E.O)

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Mild Abuse/ Mentions of Abuse

I woke up to a stream off sun light hitting my face and an unfamiliar warmth beneath me.
My head was pounding and there was a dull pain between my legs.

" Ugg" I groan pushing my self up from the bed. When I hear a slight mumble groan. This startles me and I look down to see the naked man next to me I don't register his face and I quickly look under the covers that hid my pelvis and saw I was completely nude.

This snaps me out of my hase and I finally see my male companion. " Y/N what the hell" I say loudly which causes him to shot up and role off the bed pulling the sheet with him.

" ow" he complains pulling him self of the floor and back onto the bed. I grab a pillow to cover me. As he finally focus on me. " Lizzie what happened" he ask still clearly not awake.

" It doesn't take a geniuses to figure it out we're naked in your room so" I say kinda irritated at my current situation.

Y/N and I have never really been on the same page and gotten along. Of course we where have to get along so to playing love interest wile filming for Marvel.

" You don't need to be a smart ass about it" he complains glaring me. " Yah what ever where's my clothes so I can leave" I groan. " there over here" he says standing up picking them up. I try to stand up but my legs give out and I fall but somewhat caught myself on the bed.

" You good there" he asks with a grin " Yah I'm just dandy" I reply sarcastically. He sits my clothes on the bed and grabs my arms pulling me sitting me on the bed. " Thank you" I say quietly. " You get dressed and call me when you need help getting down the stairs" he says which surprises to why he's being so kind

" Yah thanks" I mumbled to him as he exits the door. I slowly pull on my undergarments and dress from last night. I try and pull myself up but yet again my legs still numb cause me to fall. Before I hit the ground I feal strong arms.

" I told you to ask me when you need help" he say helping me up and starts carrying me down the stairs. " Why do you care about me anyway" I asks as he sits me on a bar stool.

" because one we're co-stars and two I'm the reason you currently can walk so its my responsibility to help you" he tells me as he starts frying bacon. We stay in a awkward silences until he puts a plate in front of me.

" So you excited to start filming in a couple of months" he asks trying to make small talk to break the awkward silence.

" You didn't need to be nice just because you had sex with me" tell him biting a piece of bacon. "Lizzie that's not what I'm doing I'm trying to be friends with you ok I'm sick of us never getting along" he say resting his hand on my shoulder.

I shrug it off standing up and I'm somewhat able to walk now. So I grab my phone off the counter and walk towards the door. " Thank you for breakfasts" i say softly and  walk out of the house calling a cab to take me home.

When I open the door to my house I see him there. " What do you want Erick" I ask with vile in my voice.

" That's no way to talk to your fiancé now is it" he says grabbing my arm tightly. " Ow stop your hurting me" I say tears falling from my eyes.

" You should have gone home with him last night now you need to be punished" he says causing me to start crying. " we broke up I can do whatever I want" I tell him trying to pull my arm away but he just brings me closer to him and tightens his grip.

"You are and will always be mine" he spits with complete anger.

Two months Later

I just woke up and had to quickly stumble to the bathroom emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

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