Mission Trouble (W.M)

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Wanda's  POV

"Y/N you go left and I'll go right" i say to the man next to me. We where currently getting some Intel from a hydra base and since Y/N and I had the most esperance with hydra they have us paired up together.

I stalk down the hallway checking the rooms I feel a presence behind me I quickly knock them down and pin them to the ground.

" Y/N why are you sneaking up behind me" I question in a hushed tone. " my end was a dead end and I didn't think you'd attack me" he speaks jokingly.

" I was trained by the best spy in the know world and you didn't think I'd pin you if you snuck up behind me" I question. " can you get off me now" he asks with a smirk.

" come on we need to get to the central info room" I say pulling him along. " you know if you wanted to be on top you just had to ask Maximoff" he snarks which makes me role my eyes"

" stop trying to flirt with me or at least wait till where done the mission" I plead as we get to the destination.

All of a sudden something grabs me and pins me down like I had Y/N minutes prior.

I tried to push him off but he was much bigger then me and overpowers me.

I look up to see Y/N in the same position.

" ah what do we have here" a familiar voice beams from in front of us. " if it isn't Wanda Maximoff and Y/N Strucker also know as the traitors" he continues.

" what are you going to do to us Darrick" Y/N snears " ah that's no way to speak to your twin brother now isn't it" Darrick speak into his face.

"You didn't answer his question" I speak with bile in my voice. " ah Wanda darling how are you" he ask lifting my chin with his fingers and squeeze my jaw.

" I haven't seen you since my brother stole you from me and you ran off to join your circus freaks, wile I had to deal with my dad death and taking over without your help like we always planed" he speaks directing the last part at Y/N.

" you where always the favorite that's why he gave you powers and not me but look now he would hate you and I would've been the favorite" he yells Now extremely angry.

" I didn't steal her I was helping her because dad abused her so bad and didn't stop the guards either" Y/N explains mad.

He was right he was the only one to show any kindness to me and help in anyway which is why when Ultron happened he left with me and my brother before he was killed.

Though we joke with each other and pick a lot he is one of the most important people in my life and would always protect me from anything.

" so what are you going to do torcher us, kill us" he questions his brother. "I'm going to make you feel all the pain I felt when you left with my love" he spoke back angrily.

" I'm going to make you watch her slowly die while you aren't able to do anything to save her" Darrick explains his plan.

" If you love her why would you kill her" Y/N questions protectively. "If I can't have her then no one can" he answers. " Have fun things are about to get explosive" he says finally walking out of the room but stoping at the door and shooting my abdomen. I cry out in pain as where both released Y/N coming to my side holding pressure on my wound.

" ahh" I wince as he moves me to sit up straight. " you have to go this place is going to blow any second" I tell him honestly.

" I'm not leaving you we get out together or not at all" he reassures me hugging me gently. He just stares into my eyes giving me a soft smile.

Elizabeth Olsen / Wanda Maximoff one shots Where stories live. Discover now