Avengers Antics (W.M)

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Y/N is Tony's son

Wanda and I where currently setting up a prank in the kitchen. We where rigging the microwave to explode glitter.

" Almost done babe" she asks mischievously " yes hand be the glitter" I ask her to which I feel the wait of the bottle in my hand.

I add the glitter and grab Wanda's hand running away from the crime scene. Finding a good place to hid to watch.

Just then Tony comes over and opens it getting covered with glitter. " Yes" I say giving my wife a high five. We aren't able to contain our laughter and he stares over at us.

" Y/N" he says with anger painted on his face and a vein popping out of his forehead. " Yes daddy" I say innocently smiling and bating my eye lashes. " you are so grounded" he say still mad and covered in glitter. " sorry only Wanda can ground me" I say as Wanda leans into me smiling big as well.

" What is going on in here" Nat ask before seeing Tony but she burst out laughing once she sees him. " Good one mini Stark" she says before she starts laughing again.

"Let's go" I whisper yo my wife and grab her hand again retreating to our room.


The team was currently on a mission only Wanda, Vision, and I where here.

" Come on babe let go have some fun" i say dragging her towards the pool. " Why do you have to drag me places" she grumbled.

"Fine I'll carry you" I say scoping her in my arms and running and jumping in the water still holding her.

When we come up she gasps quickly for air not expecting it.
" I hate you" she smears angrily " oh really that's not what you said last night" I teases but she just smacks me lightly as a response.

" Come on let's swim" i say backstroking past her. I see her dive under the water swimming angelical. I then go in after her and we chase each other for a minute before we go up for breath.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her into me. " I caught you" I tell her pulling her into a kiss which because heated very fast.

" Mr. Stark Id advise you to not to partake in any sexual activities in public places" vision says with no warning.

" I would you to take your toaster ass and leave us alone also have some decency and knock before entering a room" I sneer.

" I got this" Wanda tells me red whip leave her hand and visions eyes going red and he swiftly leaves the room.

" your sneaky" I tell her laughing " you love it though" she says in her sweet innocent voice.

" That I do" I respond.


We where currently sitting in a relay boring meeting and I was annoyed and wanted to leave.

I start folding paper plane and I trow one up towards the front. Then another when he's not looking and after a minute I hit the back of his head with it
" Stark why are trowing objects at me" Fury asks irritation clear in his tone.

" Um maybe because you and this meeting are boring and make me want to pull my hair follicles out" i state smirking

" Babe your a child I swar" Wanda tells me looking back from the chair in front of me.

Do you want to get out off her she asks in my head

What kind of question is that of course I do.

" Oh shut we forgot to let the dogs out gota go" I say standing up grabbing Wandas wrist leaving the room to wich we hear a jumble of stamens.

" No wait you can't — " Fury says but we don't here the rest.

" Your rooms not that far from here" Bruce

" You don't have a dog" Nat

" aw you got a puppy" Thor

" why do they get to leave"Tony

We just ignore them and scurry back to our room.


" Good boy sit" I tell our new dog sparky which he complies to. " You actually got a dog" Nat ask from the sofa. " well of course he just looked so sad and I can't say no to those eyes" I say petting him.

Wanda then enters the room and he runs over to her. " hi buddy" she say scoping him up in her arms. He has a look of joy on his face as she lets him and come to sit next to me.

" Y/N why is there 300$ charged to my credit card for the Dog Warhorse" dad ask as he walks in the room.

" why is Wanda holding a dog" he ask irritation clear in his voice " Meet your fur grandchild Sparky" Wanda's says holding him up. When he come closer to use Sparky starts growling at him.

" Why is he growing at me" He asks still inoyed " that's because he doesn't like people coming near his momma unless it's me" I say petting him to calm him down.

A minute later Sparky jumps off Wanda's lap and walks up to dad and pees on his shoe.

" and that's our sign to leave come on Wanda let's go" I say scoping up Sparky and grasping Wanda's hand.

Once we reached the room. Wanda started talking to sparky. " good job sparky" she says scratching his ear.

I just laughed at her statement and pet him to.

Aging not really sure what this is but hope you enjoy. Comment and request have a good Day.

Elizabeth Olsen / Wanda Maximoff one shots Where stories live. Discover now