Step-Daughter (W.M)

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Wandas POV

My new husband Y/N and I where just getting back from our honeymoon we meet during our time as avengers but now we where put in reserve for big emergency only or things that can't be complete with out us.

I had met his daughter before as his girlfriend and she never really liked me no matter what I did. I don't thinks she likes me because I'm another girl and now she has to share her dad or something like that. She is 13 and he was 16 when she was born so they where close.

" Lacey were home" he yells to his her and I was nervous because I was now her step mom. " Dad" she yells and runs up to hug him. I just stand behind them not wanting to introduce.

He noticed my look and motioning to join them. Before I can she moves away before I can hug her to. " Can I go to over to Sally's tonight for a sleepover" she asks him.

" sure sweet pea Wanda and I will be here all night if you need anything" he tells her and motions me to follow him to get our bags from the car.

"Why dose she hate me" I ask him as we get up t on our room.
" she doesn't hate you she's just not used to have another person here but she'll warm up to you" he tells me moving hair out of my face and kissing me.

It gets a little heated and he rolls on-top of me. He pulls at the fabric of my shirt pulling it off me. He softly kneads my covered breast wile kissing my neck.

" Seriously you just got back and your already fucking again" I hear Lacey groans from the doorway. He swiftly pulls the blanket to cover me then turns to face her. " We had the door shut Lacey and you can knock" he said kinda jokingly.

" Go get ready to go to Sally's" he tells her as she walks away. " We really going to need a lock on that door" he tells me helping me pull my shirt on.

I just nod shyly and finish unpacking my things.

" I'll go make dinner" I say as I walk down our steps " You should make Pepricash " he yells down to me.

I walk into the kitchen and see Lacey there. " Hi Lacey are you" I say kindly as I grab some things start cooking. " You listen here I don't care my dad married you I don't like you and never will" she says pushing me into the wall.

I start getting the rest of the stuff and start, ignoring her comment . After about an hour I finish up and Y/N calls Lacey down to eat. " oh what you cook dad" she ask practically running down the steps.

"Wanda cooked Pepricash" he says as we set the table. " oh" she says a frown falling on her face. " I'm gonna eat at Sally's instead I'll just go now it's only a few houses up anyway" she explains walking out of the house.

I let out a small sigh and twirl my spoon in my dish. " Wands don't worry about it she just needs to adjust like I said" he reassures grabbing my hand and squaring it lightly.

6 Months Later

" Dad I need you to do my hair" Lacey says coming down the stairs in a crop top and shorts.
" sorry sweetie I have to go to a meeting" he says gathering his things " I can do your hair" I say standing up from my seat.
" actually I'll just have Sally's mom do it I'll go over now" she says walking out the door. " I don't need help from you bitch" she says under her breath so
Y/N can't here

I just sink back down onto the couch and run my hands down my face.

Y/N comes over comforts pulling me into his chest. " I just want her to like me" I say mumbling into his chest. "
"Wanda I know your trying I'll talk to her ok" he says kissing my head " now go get some rest since you haven't been feeling well lately".

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