Runaways (E.O)

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Lizzie POV

" Y/N harder please" I moan loudly to which he complies trusting up into me after a few more moments we both finish at the same point collapsing on the bed next to each other.

" That was so good" I moan quietly kissing him. " I wish we didn't have to hide" I say laying my head on his exposed chest.
" Darling it's for the better plus where leaving soon anyway" he says calmly rubbing my back. My eyes meet the packed suite cases for us to runaway in a few days with.

" I have to get back to work are you going to come down then later to swim" he questions as he gets dressed. " Yah I'll be down then but I have a surprise first. " uh what is it" he cheers excitingly " Close your eyes dork" I joke and when he complys I grab the small stick from the drawer. I gently lay it in his hand.

" Ok open" I tell him " Really" he ask a few tears building in his eyes. I nod shyly " Ya it's true" I reply he gently lays his hand on my stomach.

" This is the best thing ever" he says and captures my lips in against him. " I love you" he says after breaking the kiss resting his forehead on mine.


I'm sneaking down the stairs with her suitcases and money. I quickly write out a note and disable the alarm and sneak out to the Y/N's car. " Baby I missed you" he says hugging me.

" I missed you to" I say wrapping my arm around him. "Let's go before we get caught" he tells me helping me into the car. " I'm not made of glass babe" I exclaim slightly annoyed. " No your much more precious" he tells me kindly pecking my lips again.


Y/N and Lizzie are in there backyard with their twin daughters and 8 year old son. " Daddy daddy come on" Emily our oldest twin daughter says trying to pull him over to the swing set. " I'm being summoned" he says kissing me and rubbing my baby bump.

" Have fun" I tell him as he follows the pre-teen to the swing. " Mommy can I have a cookie" Max ask me pulling on my dress lightly. " Buddy your gonna ruin your lunch but you can after ok" i explain turning back to the grill and turn the hot dogs. " Yay thank you mommy can I help" he asks smiling. " Do you want to set the table" i ask " Yes" he cheers running off to grab the plates and silverware.

Just then Y/N comes over to me and wraps his arms around my stomach. " I was released from daddy duty" he tells me quietly. " Muh that's only for a few more weeks until this one comes" I tell him resting my hand on his.

" Is the food almost done" he ask me and kisses my neck. " Yes there almost done, now stop trying to subdue me that's how this one and those three happened" she says motioning to the 3 kid playing in the yard.

" Your so cute" he says kissing my head. " go finish setting the table your son got distracted" I tell him pecking his lips. " Ok boss" he tells me and walks away.

A few minutes later and the foods done. " Kids lunch" i yell to them laying the hot dogs on the table. " I want to sit next to mom and the baby " Bella yells " No I will" Em yells back. " Girls no fighting you can both sit next to me" i tell them as the quickly hop into there chairs eagerly waiting for me.

" Can the baby be a brother mom" Max ask me giving me begging look. " Buddy I don't get to choose but we'll be happy with either " I tell them as I scoop some Mac and cheese onto their plates.

" Aw" he pouts crossing his arms. " How about a Hot Dog" I ask him handing it over already containing ketchup and mustard. " yay" he cheers again.

A little later the kids are swimming in the pool and Y/N and I are standing watching then from the edge. " There so cute" I say resting my head on his shoulder. " There beautiful just like there mom" he says giving me a sweet smile. " Y/N my stomach is the size of a watermelon" I complain " Babe your carrying another one of our little babys so your not fat you amazing.

" Yay because for some reason your kid is going all daemon on me right now" I tell him feelings the hard kick to my stomach.

I lean into kiss him and slip my tung into his mouth. There is a slight coffee flavor along with the chocolatey creamer. I moan at the taste and keep inhaling in the taste. It's been 8 months since I had coffee so I'll take anything I can get.

" babe are you tasting the coffee of my mouth" he questions raising his eye brow. " Hey you put a baby in me and that means no coffee so deal with it" i scold him

" and I would do it again" he defends proudly " No you are not allowed to touch me for 2 years after this one comes out I need a break dork" I scold crossing my arms. " your no fair " he wines" worse then the children do for ice cream.

"Daddy mommy come play" Maxs say coming up to grab our wrist and take us to the net. " oh you are so going down" I tell him.

After a wile of playing volleyball the kids start to get tiered so we take them up to their rooms to get ready for bed. After an hour they are all asleep. " I'm so tired" I say as I collapse on the bed.

" Aw your so adorable" he coos over me " God I hate you sometimes" I tell him hitting him. " Hum well your the one that ran away with me" he husk in my ear. " and I do it again" I tell him watching him.

After a wile we go to bed exhausted from the day.

Requested by Superflash2255

Hope you enjoyed it, I'm going to try and focus on my story but will still update this with request. Have a good day and night.

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