Some Mistakes have Beautiful Outcomes (E.O)

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Lizzie POV

I've been noticing that Eli my daughter has been kinda disten and jumpy lately. I know it's probably just normal teen stuff but my motherly instinct just won't rest.

"Hey Eli how are you" i ask walking into the teens room sitting on her bed. She was under her covers laying with her eyes open." I'm fine" she mumbles.

"No your not sweetheart you know whatever is wrong I can help" I say brushing her messy hair out of her face " Mom just leave me alone" she snaps.

" ok just know if you can come to me for help" I say standing up walking to my room. " Lizzie what's wrong" Y/n asks wrapping his hands around my round stomach.

" Elie is shutting me out" I tell him as he helps me sit down.
" Well she's a teenager darling but your get this one for a few years next" he tells me resting his hand on my bump.

I just lean onto his shoulder laying my head on him. " hi baby" he says talking to my stomach. " Your Mommy and I are very excited to meet you and your big sister is to" .

" I'm tired" I say as my eyes grow heavy. "then rest darling ok everything will be ok" he quickly speaks to me as I lay my head on the pillow and fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to an empty bed. An a sweet aroma fills the air from the kitchen so I slowly pull myself up and to the source of the smell.

I saw Y/n cooking breakfast. " hey love" he says

" Pancakes and bacon" I say standing next to him leaning into his side. " I know your craving it so I decided to make it for you" he says kissing my head. 

El walks down the stairs wrap in a blanket and slide into her chair and lays her head on the table. " Rough nights" i asks siting next to her and she just nods laying her head on my chest.

" do you want to watch movies today" i ask and she just nods. After we finish eating we head to the couch to watch the movies. Y/N leaves to go run some errands .

A few hours later Y/N comes back in and goes upstairs to put the items away. He comes back down the stairs angry " Eli why is this in your trash can" y/n say holding a pregnancy test up a positive pregnancy test. " I um" she stutters un able to get any words out.

She instead starts crying and buried herself in to me. " hey sweet it's ok don't cry please" I plead with her rubbing her back.

" I'm sorry" she manages to whisper in her destrot state.
" Elisabeth no this is not ok how many times have we warned her about the dangers and outcomes of this and she didn't listen" he snaps at me

" Don't you dare scream at me or her ok and don't call me Elizabeth in arguments" I say angrily back.

" Eli go to your room ok" I say to the still sobbing teen. " you might as well pack your bags wile your up there because I want you out by tomorrow" he yells up after the fleeing teen.

I just smack the back of my hand against his head. " Really What the hell was that for" he groans annoyed. " You are not kicking our teenagers daughter out because of this" i spit at him.

" Lizzie she deliberately disobeyed me" he speaks trying to give his reasons.

" Y/N What is your problem" i scream at him " Lizzie she did exactly what I told her not to wich was get pregnant as a teenager" he responds as we walk into the bedroom " so she has to deal with the consequences" he continues.

" If you have forgotten I was 19 when you got me pregnant with her and you where 23" I respond angrily. " That was different" he replies quickly. "why is it different" I question
" were you trying to get me pregnant, did you purposely break the condom" I ask fuming at this point.

" why would you even ask that Elizabeth of course I didn't get you pregnant purposely" he responds pulling his hand down his face. "ok then why are you so mad" I demand
"because I don't want her to have to deal with what you did" he says turning around looking the other way.

" What do you mean what I had to deal with" i ask standing up from the couch. " Lizzie I ..." he starts but then stops " What
Y/N" I pester. " Lizzie I clearly took advantage of you, you where a barley 18 when we started sleeping together and I wasn't carful and then you spent your twenty's rasing a baby instead of living your life" he says placing his hands on the windowsill.

" Y/N you did not take advantaged me I knew what I was doing and the risk that came with it" I reassure him resting my hand on his shoulder. " And if our little mishap hadn't occurred we wouldn't have our little girl that's not so little anymore" I say and pause before continuing " and we probably wouldn't be together so because of that I wouldn't wish my life be any other way" I say sweetly.

" Now go apologize to her" I say seriously " I don't think she wants to see me right now" he say quietly.

" I'll go up first ok" I say and leave him to go speak to my daughter. " Sweetheart can I come in" I ask after I softly knock on the door.

When she didn't answer I open the door and walk in. " Go away" she crys she's wrapped up in here sheets. " Eliza I'm not here to yell at you" I say and sit next to her on the bed.

" Your not" she asks looking up at me. " Sweetheart your dad was only mad because he was afraid he didn't want you having to give up the same thing I did" I say brushing her hair out of her face.

" I'm scared" she say quickly as she snuggled into me. " I'm not mad at you El I'll help you I promise ok and we can help each other ok" I say kissing her head.

" Eli" I hear Y/N say from the doorway when she sees him she burrows further into me.
" ElI I'm sorry I yelled I'm not mad at you ok I'm sad that your going to be giving up your last teen years to take care of a baby" he

" There are outer options if you don't want to keep the baby or continue with the pregnancy we understand it's your choice pumpkin" he says siting on her other side.

" no I'm keeping it I can't kill them" she say quietly.

" I hope you forgive me baby and my other baby girl and her niece will be such good friends" he said kissing her head.

" Can I stay with you tonight" she asks me and I nod and bring her into a hug. A few minutes later she lets out soft snore so Y/N picks her up and carry's her to our room.

" I love you Lizzie good night" he says kissing my head lightly he also kisses Eliza head and pulls the covers over him and we fall into a uneasy sleep.

Requested by hotdinoooooo

I hope you liked it leave you opinions. I have a couple more requests to do then I have a few of my ideas to complete.

I hope you have a good day or night.

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