Meeting Them (E.O)

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I have been dating an amazing woman these past few months she was amazing she was sweet and loving and was also cute. Whenever she laughs here nose scrunched and her smile was the most beautiful thing ever.

I was currently driving to my Ex-Wife house to pick up my twin daughters we had a shared custody arrangement.

"Hi Vanessa" I say to her as she opens the door. " Hi Y/N how are you" she asks hugging me. Yes we get along we ended our relationship on good terms because we decided we where better as friends and coparents.

" I'm good Lizzie is coming over tonight to met the girls" I say to her " oh tell her I said hi there going to go crazy your dating their favorite super hero, girls you dads here get you stuff" she yells the last part behind her into the house.

A few moments later the pater of foot steps presents as they run down the stairs. " Daddy" they yell in unison and run to grab onto me.

" Hey guys I have a surprise for you tonight" I say to them " yay" they cheered and ran straight to the car to get in.

I say good by to Vanessa and make my way to the car with my eager daughter in the car.

I drive to my house and the girls get out and run up to their rooms. A few minutes later I hear a knock at the door. When I open it I see Lizzie at the door.

" Hey beautiful" I tell her bringing her lips into my lips. " Hi handsome" she says smiling back at me.

"Hey why don't you wait in the living room I'll get the girls" I tell her helping her into to the house. Before I head upstairs I see her face drop. " hey what's wrong" I ask holding her face in my hands.

" what if they don't like me" she ask quietly. " hey they are going to love you darling because you the most amazing person I've ever met ok" I say kissing her head.

She nods lightly and I dry her tears. " Ok go sit I'll get the girls" she slowly walks over and sits down on the couch.

" Hey girls your surprise is here" i say  walking into their toy room. " yay" they scream. " ok come on" I say grabbing their hands and leading them down the steps.

" ok close your eyes" I say as we walk into the living room.
" Ok you can look" I say and they display a look of joy on there face.

" no way dad you friends with Elisabeth Olsen" they say and run up to her and Lizzie hugs them as they can't contain their excitement.

" Actually I'm dating her" I say as I sit next to her and kissing her lips. " really so she's like our second mom" Ally asks "no way" Zoe says jumping on her lap and hugging her tightly.

" daddy why didn't you tell us you knew her" ally asks with her pouty eyes. " well Lizzie and I will be filming a show together" I tell them as ally then climbs up on her as well.

" Can't breath" Lizzie mutters slightly they release her "Sorry" they say in unison. " It's fine girls" she says to them. " how about we play a game" i asks as they jump up and run to grab a game.

" See Liz I told you they'd love you" I say as we stand up. We walk to the kitchen table and see the girls setting up Monopoly.

" Lizzie sit next to me" Zoey says grabbing her hand and running to the seat " no I want to sit next to her" Ally wines trying to push Zoey out of her seat.

" girls Lizzie has to sides you can both sit next to her" i say sitting across from Lizzie at the table. " Yay" Ally cheers climbing up on her seat. 

A little into the game and I was now losing. " Really Lizzie how dare you steal the last rail road" i groan slumping back into my chair. " aw babe don't be sad I'm just better then you" she says smiling at me innocently.

" I hate you" I tell her as she fakes a hurt expression. " Daddy how dare you hurt her feeling your mean" Zoey says sticking her tongue out at me.

" Zoey now be nice just because you dad isn't doesn't mean you have to be mean" she says " Yah Daddy be nice" Ally backs up.

After an hour of playing Lizzie won. " Yay" the twins cheer and hug her. " Daddy didn't win" the cheer. " Hey" I whine

" Your mean daddy get over it" Zoey says. " ok it's bed time for you two" I tell them scoping Ally up in my arms. " Lizzie can you get Zoey" i ask as she picks her up.

" No daddy we want to stay up with you and Lizzie" Ally wines " No your mom would kill me if you guys don't go to bed on time" I say as we walk up the stairs.

" Fine" she huffs as I sit her on the bed. Lizzie lays Zoey down on her bed. " can we watch your movies tomorrow Lizzie" the ask her with their puppy dog eyes.

" As long as your dad is ok with it" she says looking at me. " can we daddy can we" they beg me
" ok ok now go to bed" I say

After they are both tucked in Lizzie and I kiss their heads and then walk out of their room and head down to the kitchen.

" Hear you go" I say handing her a wine glass. "Mh thank you" she says taking a sip then sitting it down.

" Hey" she says climbing on my lap. " hey gorgeous" I reply squeezing her ass and bring her into a kiss. " Mhm" she moans into my mouth.

I start to pull her shirt off but she stops me. " honey you know how much I love you but let's not have sex while your 7 year old daughters are upstairs sleeping" she says seriously.

" aw" i pout as she just kisses me again. After a few minutes I feel her grow sleepy as she falls limp into me.

" Do you want to stay the night" i asks quietly. " yes" she mumbles quietly. " ok" I say and pick her up in my arms and caring her to my bed.

I help her change into more comfortable cloths then climb into bed beside her. She quickly latches onto me and falls asleep.

I'm just glad that the girls like her and she like them because I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

Requested by Superflash2255

Hope you liked it. Have a good day and night.

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