Miracle - 3 (E.O)

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A month after we told everyone about the baby we had a gender reveal party and found out that I was right where where having a girl. Lizzie was really happy about that because she always wanted a daughter.

We wrapped up filming shortly after that and did the press tour which kept us really busy until recently. So we are now get everything ready. Well I am I make Lizzie sit in a chair to rest wile I do the heavy work. Which she is currently complaining about.

" Y/N I can help im not made of glass" she whined " no your pregnant that makes you more valuable" i reassure her.
" siting on the ground and assembling something will not hurt the baby" she continues to pester. " No but it will make you back worse and you need to rest your due in like 3 weeks.

" fine" she mumbled sinking into her chair. About an hour later and I was finally finished with the nursery. " You and pumpkin hungry Liz" I question "Yes" she answers" ok let me help you" I say grabbing her hands to pull her off the rocking chair.

"You want ice cream agin" I ask her as I helped her sit down at the island. " Yes" was all she answered with. I swiftly grab some bowls and scoop some in and grab all the toppings sitting them on the table.

I watch as she adds the toppings to her ice cream wich just like a random assortment of  candy and sauces. " you want some ice cream with those toppings" I asked her laughing.

She just gives me the darkest death glare ever. " Well when you are 37 weeks pregnant then you can complain about my food habits, I just want her out of me so I can not be huge all the time" she complained laying her head on the tables.

" I'm not complaining and you only have 3 more weeks" I tell her resting my hand on her bump and kissing it. We finishes eating our snak and move to the sofa putting on a moive. About half way trough a heard a soft snoring realizing it was Lizzie.

I picked her up in my arms and carried her to our room. I changed her in more comfortable clothes. "I love you Lizzie" I say kissing her head.

Lizzie POV

I woke up to a sharp pain in my stomach and a gushing feeling. I was instantly freaking out I'm 3 weeks early there's something wrong. I I quickly shook my sleeping husband awake.

" wha- what's wrong" he asked he shot up. " my water broke you idiot" I scolded holding my stomach as I felt another contraction. " ok I'll get the bags I be right back ok" he said helping me sit up as he grabbed the bags to throw them in the car.

I tryed to stand up a few moments later but I felt another contraction. Y/N then came running into the room. " Do you need help Liz" he asked rushing to my side. I just nodded tears forming in my eyes. "Hey it ok everything's fine we just need to change you pant then we can go" he comforts.

" what if I'm losing the baby we can't lose her" I say historically crying at this point. " Hey breath Liz breath nothing is going to happen ok" he just kisses me deeply to stop my crying "so let get you to the hospital so you can push out that baby" he jokes.

He helped me down to the car and drove to the hospital. When he parked he picked me up and carried me inside. " my wife's in labor" he yelled as we entered. A nurse brought me a wheelchair and took me into a room.

After I was settled and comfy
Y/N called our family and a few friends.

" So our parents are coming now and the cast will come later after we have had a little bit to settle" he tells me sitting next to me. " uh Ahhhh" I groaned from the contraction. "hey give me your hand and squeeze it when it hurts" he tells me taking my hand. I instantly squeezed it tightly as the worst of the contraction passes.

" I love" I tell him as he just chuckles and says" you supposed to yell at me and threaten to cut off my dick" " well I did ask for this and I want more of your spawn for some reason so" i explain.

About an hour later it's now 5 am and Y/Ns parents walk in.

Y/Ns mom - Jenna
Y/Ns dad -  Jackson

"Honey how are you" Jenna asked me " I'm good I just want this one out of me" I say rubbing my bump.

" Y/N was a little pain in the ass his sister was easer" she explained " that's a relief" I joked. "Hey dad can you help me get the bags from the car I didn't want to leave her alone" Y/N asked Jackson.

" ok hey Jen we'll be right back" he tell his wife. " So Lizzie how is that big doofus doing he treating you right" she asked me " yes mom" I joked she has always been kind to me ever since we met our freshman year " he's actually being a little over baring" " that's because men are over baring and stupid" she explained.

Just then my parents came into the door. " Lizzie how are you doing where's Y/N" my mom asked. " I'm progressing fine and Y/N getting our bags from the car" I replied. Then Y/N came in with Jackson and our bags.

"Oh hay Jarnette and David" he tells the new people in the room. " Y/N has she broke your hand yet" my dad asked I just hit his arm. "Hey" he said " be nice please" I stated.

A doctor walked in the room ok Mrs.L/N let's see how far your dilated. She lifted up the sheet " ok your still only 3 centimeters looks like your in for a long one" she explained. As she left the room I throw my head back to hit the pillow. " Ugg I really hate you now" I say looking at my husband. The parents in the room just laughing at us.

A few hours later we opted to playing board games. " will you take 3 sheep for a wheat" Y/N asked Jenna. " No I'm not giving you a wheat child" she tells him wile he pouts. I role the dice " Hey Jen can I have a wheat for a sheep" I ask. " here you go sweetheart she says trading with me.

" Hey" y/n complains " Mom really" " I have to take care of her she my daughter" she tells me hugging me. "She's your daughter in law I'm your son" he argued " exactly you gave me 25 years worth of pain she never annoys me" she says.

" oh ow" I sharply inhaled at the contraction. " hey Liz it's ok give me your hand" he tells me. 
" Mom can you get a doctor" he asked her as the contraction got worse. After minute it stoped " ok ok I'm fine" I say panting.

Jenna then walked in with a doctor. " ok let's see how far along your are" she say " ok wow you ready to push can the grandparents leave the room" she asked them. " good luck Liz" Jen tells me. They all walk out into the hallway.

" ok Mrs. L/N when you feel your next contraction push" the doctor says.

I started to pushing and after a few minutes I heard a small cry. It was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. The doctors lays her on my chest and I hold her tiny hand in mine she just so small and precious.

" she has your eyes Lizzie" my husband tells from beside. I see him take my picture with her and then bring his head next to mine and stair at her and hold her other hand.

I then hear him say "She's our little miracle"

1 part left where everyone meets her and name reveal.
Hope you like it and please comment and request will try and get them done ASAP 😊

-  Not spell checked

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