Forbidden- 2 (E.O)

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" Scar im not going out on a blind date" i tell her sternly kinda irritated that she would even suggest this. "Lizzie it's been 3 months you need to move on" she pleads with me.

I haven't gotten over Y/N and even though I technically broke it off it still hurts and I can't move on because I feel to guilty but I still can't be with Y/N no matter how much I want because it breaches our contracts.

I just wanted her to stop talking about it so I finally agree. We then walked to the set and I couldn't wait to get this over with.


It been 3 painful months without her my only true reason for living. Nothing brings me real joy like she dose not even my job anymore not with out her with me it won't.

I saw Lizzie walk in the room with Scarlet she was as beautiful as ever but her eyes lot their sparkle. She had a blank expression and I haven't seen or heard her laugh since it happened.

" How are you doing since the break up" Robert ask me noticing my stare.  I was good friends with all the cast and most of them knew about what happened by now but Robert made the effort to always check on me.

" I'm fine just tired and want filming to be over already" I tell the older man. " I know how much she means to you I can see by the way you look at her plus it was obvious with how often you where with her". He comforts

" What should I do I will never get over her and I'm not exaggerating" I respond he just lets out a sigh and reply's " Well if the only thing keeping you guys apart why don't quit they can't keep you apart then" he questions. " because I have a contract for 2 more movies and I already tried to break it they wouldn't let me" I explain.

" I think I have a plan ok" he tells me and starts to whisper into my ear.

Later that night

Lizzie POV

I was currently on a date with the guy scar set me up with and he was the most arrogant person I've ever met he has been talking about how awesome he is for the last 20 minutes. He ordered really expensive wine that I drank one sip before spitting it back out because of the taste.

I look past him into the restaurant and that's when I see him the man I love more then anything in the world, but can't be with. In a second his gases Meets mine and we stare in a trance at each other.

A minute later my 'Date' stars snapping his fingers in my face. " sorry what did you say" I ask not actually caring just wanting to be polite. 

" oh well just that I hate it when women earn more then me so if you want this to work you'll just have to quit you job and satay at home, cock and clean and eventually take care of the kids" he says in a extremely rude and annoying tone.
" Would you excuse me I need to use the rest room I say getting up grabbing my purse and walking to the bathroom.

I throw water in my face not even caring about my makeup.
" You should really lock the door in a public bathroom a creepy man might walk in" I hear his familiar voice say behind me.

I jumped slightly and look at his reflection in the mirror. " why are you in here" I question softly. " I wanted to see my girlfriend after that terrible set up date" he says. "Y/N you know" but he cut be off with a kiss he deepens it a sat me on the counter as I wrap my legs around him. After a minute I pull away.

" We can't be doing this" i say catching my breath " Your right sex in a public bathroom is not sanitary" he agrees " Well yes but I meant this" I motion between us. " Lizzie nothing is keeping us apart but you" he tells me which confuse me "I quit my job Liz they can't stop us anymore" he tells me .

" You quit for me" I ask with a stutter " I would do anything to be with you and for you no matter what the task" he speaks again I just reattach my lips to his a moment later there's knocking on the door.

" Come on you horny teenagers " I hear scar say from the outher side. "We should probably go now" he says against my lips. "Yeah we should" I replied.


It's been a few weeks and Lizzie and I couldn't be happier. I came with her to work today to watch her in her element my favorite thing to do.

We walk on to the set and I saw my mom yelling at my brothers.

" What do you mean he quit he loves this job" she asks irritated
" He was dating an actress so we told them to break up or they'd both be fired and the chose to break up" Joe explains as we just stair at them. " He quit a few weeks ago so he could be with her because he was sad all the time"

"You seriously made him chose to break up with his girlfriend of have BOTH of them fired you two are unbelievable" she scoffed she turned around and saw us standing a few feet away.

" aw my baby" she tells me hugging me " I'm sorry you brothers are being butts but how are you" she questions.
"I'm good mom I want you to meet Elisabeth my girlfriend" I say motioning to her beside me. " Oh hello dear I'm Brenda but just call me mom" she says squeezing Liz tightly.

"It's nice to meet you to" she replies.

" now you two hears what's gonna happen your going to give him his job back and not bother your brother and his lovely lady" she tells the two

" where sorry about how we reacted to the two of you we wouldn't bother you any more and you can start working tomorrow bro" Anthony says in a forgiving tone.

" Good now you two are on time out go on" she says and shoes them away. "I guess everything worked out in the end" she tells me kissing me " yah it did" I say after we break apart.

Part 2 done thank you for all your suggestions for the chapter. Comment and request.

Side note Brenda gives granny swinging her purse to hit people vibes don't you think. A good morning/day/evening.

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