No Strings Attached - 2 (E.O)

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Lizzie POV

It's been a little over a year since I've seen Y/N. We had wrap up our movie like 2 months after our fight which was completely awkward.

I was in the process of the arranged marriage they guy my dad chose and everything just got really messy, After I discovered I was pregnant.

I call and texted Y/N over 100 times to tell him. I tried going to his house and basically everything to get him to talk to me, but I never received a response. So I gave birth to my daughter alone no friends or family. I didn't tell anyone because he deserved to know first and my so called husband didn't come because she wasn't his kid. I couldn't really blame him though ether of them. It was my fault this happened to me.

I deserved it.

It was our first day for filming the new Avengers movie. I was bringing Kaylee with me to set mostly because Frank refused to do anything with her. Or me for that matter unless I was a maid and stress relief for him.

I was hoping Y/N would at least talk to me so I could tell him. He didn't have to want her or even see her after this but he needs to know.

I was now walking to my trailer when someone came up behind me. " Lizzie how are you" Robert asks but I hear him gasp. " Don't tell me you hid this little one from us" he asks with a fake hurt expression. " Yah .. sorry just wanted to keep her on the down low" I reply nervously.

" Aw she's so cute" he gushes " so where's you hubby shouldn't he be helping with her" he questions, it takes me aback I can't tell someone else before Y/N that he's the farther Frank only knew because he hadn't slept with me yet.

" He had work you know when you own a compony" I try and dodge more questions.
" Kaylee don't pull mommy's hair please" I tell her thou she can't really understand me.

" Do you want someone to watch her wile you get ready" he asks me but I decline " It's fine I can handle her thank you though" I say with a fake smile.

" Lizzie if you need help just ask" He says and walks.

A little wile later we are now walking onto set to start filming. I had Kaylee in my arms and she was peacefully sleeping.

" Lizzie" scar yells and runs over to me and hugs me tightly " Can't breathe" I stutter. " Sorry but I miss you we haven't hung out in a wile" she complained.

" I'm sorry I've just been busy" I tell her " That's fine but where going out on our next day off" she says sturdy. " Ok" i laugh.

" Oh my god who's this" she ask now noticing the baby. 
" This is Kaylee I had her a few months ago" I explain she softly slaps my head " Ow what was that for" i ask rubbing my head.

"For hiding you where pregnant" she scolds. " I'm sorry just life was busy and a lot of things happened I just need a break from everything and I'm sorry" I explain a little flustered " It's ok I understand but pull this again and I'm not going to be so nice" she explains.

At that moment that's when I see him the man that makes my heart flutter. " Hi Y/N" I say as we walk over to him. " Hi Elizabeth" he says lowly. " I'll leave you guys alone" scar says and leaves.

" Oh I see you and Frank didn't wast anytime" he say eyeing Kay. " Y/N there's something I need to tell you" I try but he stops me " Elizabeth we should just talk about work ok I'll see you in a few for the scene" he says walking away.

" Lizzie I'll watch her wile you film if you want" Robert says " Thank you" I say passing her to him.


Y/N holds his head as he looks out the window. " Trevor is it your headaches again" i asks getting out from under the cover. 

" It like their trying to tell me something" he responds. " Tell me what you feel" he asks me as he gazes into my eyes. I hold my had up to his head and move my fingers around slightly. " I just feel you" I reply smiling at him and leaning in to kiss him.

                   END SCENE

We break apart after cut is called. After that I hear a sharp cry and look over to see Kaylee upset. I run over to her quickly "He shush it ok I'm here baby it's ok" I try and comfort her but it doesn't work.

" I'm sorry I'll be back soon I say then rush to my trailer "please baby girl mommy needs you to be good ok" I say calmly bouncing her but she's still upset. She reaches for my shirt and tugs on it " you hungry I'm sorry baby I should have realized" I say positioning her so she can latch on.

A few minutes later someone enters but I don't really pay attention until they sit in front of me. " Lizzie" they say and I look up to see Y/N. " I'm sorry for what I said earlier about not talking to you I just... I still like you a lot and it hurts to see you happy with someone eles and have a kid with him" he explains.

" Y/N there's something you should know" I start " Kaylee isn't Franks ... she yours" I say looking down at her which she now finished.

" Really she ... she's mine" he asks for reassurance " Yes I'm sorry I tried to contact you but didn't answer so I gave up" I explain. I feel him wrap his arms around me lightly and bring us into his lap.

"I'm sorry" I start sobbing into him. " Please don't cry Liz everything will be ok" he says rubbing my back.

After a few minutes I finally calm down. " Do you want to hold her" i ask him to which he nods and I pass her to him. There interacting is so cute and when she falls asleep I finally talk again " I'm going to divorce Frank and when everything is finalized we can give us a try" " I'll wait as long as need" he replies to that I just lean back into him and watch my sleeping daughter.

Part two done and happy ending I realized I can't write sad things unless it's requested, but anyway hope you enjoyed.

Stay safe and have a good day and night.

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