Birthday Fun ( E.O)

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Y/N and Lizzie met in high school and instantly fell in love. Though sooner then expected they discovered Lizzie was pregnant. Luckily there parents where supportive of them and helped them trough high school and college. Y/N because a director and Lizzie an actress their daughter was very proud of their accomplishments despite being teen parents.

Saide there daughter was now 7 helping Lizzie with the planing of Y/N 25th Birthday Party.

Elisabeth POV

" Mom what kind of cake should we get" my daughter asked me. " well he likes chocolate so why not A chocolate cake with peanut butter icing" I asked. " Can we have it decorated with with directer things" she suggested. " That's a lovely idea sweet pea" I tell her kissing her head.

" I can't believe where getting a puppy for his birthday" she exclaimed, jumping up and down happily. " I know you're excited sweetheart, but keep it down. You don't want anyone to hear it. It's supposed to be a surprise" I explain. " oh yah right, we're not getting a dog for him as a birthday present" she say as she winked at me.

" ok how about balloons and decorating" I asked we could do red streamers and balloons since his first sole directed movie was Avengers age of Ultron" she suggests. " that's a good idea" I say.

" That's everything your ants and scarlet will help set up wile we distract him with a fun day" i say " yah then you and daddy go on your surprise vacation" she cheers. " Your really sure you don't want to come" I asked " Mommy you and daddy need some alone time you didn't even have a honeymoon" she say " we had a honeymoon" i replied confused" Having your 2 year old with you doesn't count and that was 5 years ago" she slightly scolds crossing her arms.

" I don't need you to reprimand me, but I guess a vacation without you sounds really pleasant" I joked " Hey" she pouts giving me a death glare. "I'm kidding Saide" I say and bring her into a hug.

Day of party


I woke up to a familiar weight on my chest opening my eyes to see Elisabeth with her hair sprawled out over my chest and one leg was laying over mine.

" Hi darling" i says kissing her head " morning" she answered groggily. I lean down capturing her lips in a kiss. "Happy Birthday" she tells me still sleepy. " Thank you baby" I say pulling her into me more.

There's a shuffle that comes from to hall way little foot steps are heard. The door flys open and she jumps on the bed kneeing Lizzie in the stomach in the process. "Ah" Lizzie mumbles in pain " Daddy happy birthday, sorry mommy" she say fast and existed.

"Thanks squirt" I say muffling her hair. " we need to get up Lizzie come back on" i speak helping her up. "Saide we'll be down in 15 minutes do you want to set the table and get ingredients ready no stove though"

" We need a shower" she tells me and with hearing that I just smirks at her. " no we are keeping it PG right now but if you behave I'll give you a present birthday boy" she smirked walking into the

After our shower we walk down stairs to make breakfast. After we finished eating Lizzie, Saide and I all drove to a small amusement park. " Daddy,daddy,daddy" Saide screams running up to me " can we ride the go carts pretty please" " yes pumpkin do you want to ride with me or mommy" I question " you mommy sucks at go carts" she says

" Ah I'm offended" Lizzie says crossing her arms " and I'm not that bad". " sweetheart the first time I took you go carting you gave your self a concussion and bloody nose when you stopped to fast" I explained " that was 8 years ago and someone rammed into my cart" she defended.

" ok whatever you say, but let's go" I say picking up Saide and grabbing Liz's hand and running.

We get to the go carts and get seated. Sade and I get in a double and Lizzie jumps into a single. The light turnd green and we where off.

" wheee daddy go faster" Saide giggled. " ok hold on pumpkin" I responded I hit the gas speeding after a few laps Liz caught up and right before we cross the finish line she passed us.

" take that lover boy" she cheered as we existed the cars and ride area. " fine I'll let you have your win just this once" I tell her. " keep telling yourself that" she teased.

After a fun afternoon we head home and parked, and though it was my birthday I won Lizzie and Saide matching Stuffed cats.

We walked to the door and when we walked in everyone jumped out any yelled suprise.

" thank you everyone" I say pulling Lizzie into me. " is this what you have been planning" I question her. " yes do you like it" she asked " I love it darling" he tells her. " let's party" he cheered.

Saide ran off with rose to go make trouble and Lizzie and I got in our swim suits and went down to the pool where the rest of the gust where. Liz sat down to put on sunscreen and lays on the chair to sunbath.

I quickly and quietly pick her up in my arms and throw her in the pool.

" Daddy she gone kill you you know that right" Saide says from the shallow end. " what the heck was that for" she asked pulling wet hair out of her face.

" I was funny" he says her face calmed down and she looked at me " can I at least have a kiss" she asked swimming to the pool edge.

I nodded leaning in to kiss her when she pulled me in with her. " hah" I hear RDJ laugh with Jeramy " dude you totally deserved that" Antony say laughing with the others.

A wile later we had cake wich was amazingly decorated and in taste. It was now time for present. Lizzie instructed me to sit down and close my eyes.

" Here's your present you can open your eyes now" she tells me placing it on my lap. I open my eyes to see a German Shepherd puppy.

" Lizzie really" I asked happily " you have always wanted one you told me about it on our first date" she tells me as she sat down petting the puppy. " wow thank you she's so cute" I tell her kissing her.

" well what should we name her" Lizzie ask as Saide climbed onto Lizzie lap to pet her. " Can we name her sky" Saide asked shyly asked. " That's a great name" i tells her.

After a wile everyone goes home and Saide leaving with Lizzie parents so we could have some alone time and the puppy was on her bed in the living room. Liz walked out of the bathroom in her night gown.

" Hey handsome I have 1 more gift for you" she says seductively. " hum I like that gift" I tell her running me hands up her body pulling her in to kiss me. " mhm I'm not your present weirdo" she says slightly laughing.

" This is" she handed me a small rectangular box. It had a silver raping paper with a blue bow tied around it securely

I untied the bow and tore of the paper slowly opening the box. There where two pieces of paper inside I looked close till I realized what they where.

There where two tickets to the Bahamas inside. " really babe" I asked in shock I was not expecting this. " Yah you like it" she question " yes best gift ever" I says " but I can think of a better one" I continue turning to face her more.

" and what would that be" she asked with a smirk. I reach my arms up to her shoulder pulling the straps off them allowing her nightgown to fall off reviling her cleavage. I slowly massage her breast as she softly moans.

I lay her down on bed and helped her get her underwear of then pulled down my boxers kicking them of. I slide into her slowly. Her moans get louder and quicker as I trusted.

" You good sweetheart" I asked he " her mouth already open she just nods and mumbled a yes. After a few minutes I feel her start to clench around me prompting me to spill me seeds into her as she cums as well.

I pull out and lay her down on top of my chest.

"You good Liz" I asked the panting woman beside me.
"Yah I'm better then good" she reassured. " so when do we leave" I question " tomorrow at 2" she says. " I'm not packed yet" I tell her. " I packed our bags don't worry let's just sleep in tried" she spoke groggily. " ok" I say turning off the light falling into a peaceful full slumber

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