No Strings Attached (E.O)

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I woke up to the familiar wait on my chest of my Co-Worker Elizabeth. We have been sleeping together for a few years now on and off depending on weather we are in relationships.

Well when she's in one I haven't slept with someone else since we started to. Mostly because she is who I wanted. I've liked her since we met, but I'm to scared to ask her out because I'm afraid she'll not feel the same.

" What's your pretty little mind thing about" she ask me with a smile. " Nothing Just filming we still have a lot to finish and Im already tired" I lie sitting up in bed and grabbing a pair of boxers to put on.

" Well you tend to be needed more in movies that involve your characters name" she giggles grabbing her bra and underwear along with one of my shirts.

" Can I have a piggy back ride down" she questions innocently with her big eyes and I just can't refuse. " Come on" I tell her leaning down for her to climb onto me. " Yah" she cheers happily. Wrapping her arms and legs around me tightly.

I plop her down on the sofa and go to make breakfast. I return 20 minutes later with bacon and pancakes. " Thank you" she says taking the plate from me.

After about an hour she leaves to get ready for filming later today and it makes my Heart hurt seeing her leave again with out confessing my love for her.

I just slide down the inside of my front door and hold my head in my hands for a moment just wishing things would work out in the end.


Lizzie was talking to the director she was already dressed in her costume and  makeup. " Are you ok Y/N you look like your upset" Robert asks walking up behind me.

"Why can't she see me as more" I ask looking at her my eyes never leaving her body.
" Why don't you just ask her" he questions resting his hand on my shoulder. " Because we still have this and like 3 other movies to film together it will be weird if something bad happens" i explain my eyes still on her.

" Just take a chance buddy" he tells me patting my shoulder before walking away. " Y/N we need you now" someone calls me over and I run ti them.

We Just finished filming and Lizzie walks up to me she looked upset.!" I need you help with something can you come to my trailer" she ask me I nod and follow her.

When we enter she just pressed her lips onto mine. She leads me to the small mattresses and pushes me down. " Lizzie we really shouldn't" I say when we part. " please" she begs with a sad look in her eyes. I couldn't deny her what she wanted so we continued.

Which is what lead us to be layed on the bed and her sleeping on my chest. Her previously upset look finally gone as she let out a soft snore.

I however couldn't fall asleep so easily. However after an hour I finally managed to sleep.

The next morning I awoke and she was gone. I then heard her come out of the bathroom. So I got up and sat sofa next to her.

" Liz what bothered you so much last night and don't deny it I know something was" I ask grabbing her hand. " My dad he's pressuring me again" she says softly.

" What is it this time" I ask having a feeling I knew. " he wants me to marry some guy it's his friend son " she explains " I'm sick of him trying to control my life" she says leaning on me.

" Lizzie you don't need to listen to him he doesn't control your life" i tell her but she just pulls her head of my shoulder " You know it's not that easy I have to listen to him or else he gets mad" she explains

" Lizzie he can't force you to do anything" I plead but she just stands up.

" Why do you care so much anyway is it because you wouldn't be able to fuck me anymore" she snaps angry.

" I don't care about sleeping with you Liz I care about you because I love you" I blurted out. " What" she says her gazes meeting mine.

" You love me" her voice stutters " Yes ok i do and I can't help it" I say turning around. Why didn't you say anything" she ask resting her hand on my shoulder.

" Because I know you didn't feel the same way because you only came to me in between your little relationships I bet you never noticed I haven't dating anyone since before we started but you where so caught up in your problems you didn't notice anyone else's" I yell at her.

She backs up from me fear in her eyes. " I'm sorry but you know I can't" she whisper " I do like you but" she starts but I cut her off. " But once again you have to look after yourself and not care about anyone feelings" I tell her " That's not fair i can't just ignore my family" she says getting more agitated by the minute.

" Family wouldn't force you to marry some guy for their gain but your to wrapped up in being Daddy's little spoiled bratty princess to care" i scream at her. At my words tears fall from her eyes " Get out, now" she says barely above a whisper. " Liz I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I try but she talks again " I said get out and leave me alone don't talk to me unless it involves work" she screams tears falling from her eyes. She starts Crying historicity she falls to the ground and curls her legs to her chest.

I don't want to upset her more so I left her. I went to far I know and I know how much her family means to her. I know I can never be with her but I couldn't move on she was my soulmate even if I'm not hers we where just never meant to be I guess.

I'm thinking about doing a Part 2 so leave your ideas and suggestions about what you want to see. I might make 2 endings Happy and sad.

Hope you liked it have a good day and night.

Elizabeth Olsen / Wanda Maximoff one shots Where stories live. Discover now