Our Little Secret(E.O)

547 16 3

Brian - 38
Lizzie- 26
Y/N 22

Lizzie POV

I had just go home from work and I found my boyfriend sitting on the couch beer in hand and 3 empty cans on the table beside him.

I walk over and stratal his lap and try to kiss him. " Lizzie stop being a clingy bitch and go make me some food" Brian basically yells and shoves me off him. Causing me to slam into the ground.

" I'm sorry, I'll go start dinner" I stuttered and walk into the kitchen with a slight tear in my eye. After a few minutes Y/N comes home he is Brian's son so I basically his step mom but he treats me better the Brian has treated me in years, and he actually has good sex with me.

I have tried to leave but Brain wouldn't let me he also got really mad when I did and I ended up with a bruised rib. So I stopped trying. Y/N though has always been good to me never once laying a hand on me in a bad manner.

" Lizzie are you ok" Y/N ask wrapping his hands around my waist and peppering kisses along my neck. " I'm fine honey don't worry" I tell him sinking into his embrace.

He now starts leaving marks on my neck and he moved his hands to my shorts and unbuttons them. He pulls them down with my underwear just enough to push his fingers into me. "Y/N" I moan out to which he covers my mouth with his free hand.

" Shhh baby you don't want him to hear you" he whispers in my ear. I let out soft whimpers of pleasure. " more please I want to feel you" I requested to which he unzips his jeans and pulls down his boxers letting his not so little friend free.

We then heard a loud snoring come from the living room. " Now princess you don't need to be so quiet" he says swiftly sliding into me.

He makes quick work of my shirt and bra.

" ah" I call out still not used to his size even after all our times together. He immediately started pounding into me and grabbed my wrist pining them above my head.

He scoops up my body and lays me on the counter now facing him. " Harder please" I beg

" of course princess" he says as he pounds harder into me. About a minute later and I can feel myself growing close.
" Y/N I'm close" I mumbled barley able to make words.

After he trust a few more time I feel him pull out as I reach my high and end up squirting on the counter and the floor I lay my head on his chest and feel him slide back in and start trusting at a faster pase then before.

Before one of us can even react I feel his hot seed spill in me causing me to gasp. " Lizzie oh my good I'm so sorry" he says but my brain is spinning I'm not on birth control because I always make them wear condoms but I was just so stressed and upset I forgot to remind him.

" hey breathe Liz please" he says rubbing my back. " If you do end up pregnant dad will just think it's his since I look a lot like him." He reassured.

" I'm just scared he'll get mad" I say tears welling in my eyes. " I wouldn't let him hurt you I promise" he says sealing it with a kiss.

" And hey a baby wouldn't be so bad right" he says laying his hand on my stomach.

" No it wouldn't" I say looking into his eyes. " can I get dressed now" I question considering I'm completely naked on my kitchen counter.

"Yah of course" he say grabbing my discarded clothing and handing it to me.

" here" I say handing him my panties " for when I'm not there" I giggle running my hands down his chest.

" Ok I have to go finish a project for work you go rest because you work to hard and need breaks". He say massaging my arms.

He walks up the stairs and I grab the food I had previously plated and took it in the living room to my asshole of a boyfriend.

When I sat down on the sofa I looked down to my stomach. I was happy I knew I would mostly end up pregnant because if my doctor was right I'm currently ovulating making the chances higher.

The thought just brings a smile to my face.

Sorry for the raído silence I hope you enjoyed requested by Superflash2255

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